I Have a Store In the World of American Comics

Vol 9 Chapter 218: human and human

In the face of the aggressive 3 palm thunder, Chogar, although he had never seen the spell model of this type of spell, he still summoned fel energy to block it.

But just when Chogall summoned the fel energy and successfully blocked the three palm mines, a loud noise suddenly came from his ear, and the next second, a huge pain came from Chogall's back, and Chogall, who could not bear the pain, couldn't help but see Shut down to the ground, 3 palm thunders took the opportunity to pounce on him and stunned Chogal.

After Zhou Wenwen confirmed that Gugal had passed out, he looked in the direction of the loud noise and saw Lothar and the knight behind him. He wanted to say something, but he closed his mouth because of the language barrier.

At this time, Lothar naturally didn't notice Zhou Wenwen's small movements, glanced at Zhou Wenwen, and saw that this strangely dressed mage had nothing to do, so he mounted the horse and was about to lead the knights to continue the battle, when a group of evil fire came from a few hundred meters away The woods sprang up, driving them back, and when the evil fire dissipated, Cho'gall disappeared.

Zhou Wenwen, who turned his head and saw this scene, was furious. After sneering, he immediately took out the Star Hunting Bow, filled the bow with the power of the stars and did not pull the bowstring, but took the arrow and used mental power to trigger the trigger.

In the next second, the iron arrow carried an adult-sized light cannon, and shot it from the bow of the Xinghun God Bow, hitting the direction where the evil fire emerged and piercing the stars!

The earth-shattering explosion sounded immediately, and he controlled the drone to look forward. Zhou Wenwen was very sorry that the drone was only in the center of the explosion, and found three orc mummified corpses that had used up their mana because of the protective cover, and two corpses. An ogre thigh.

It was obvious that Chogall had escaped, so Zhou Wenwen had to turn around and looked directly at the man called "Azeroth Lion" who had not aged, Anduin Lothar, thinking about what to do with him .

In his honor, King Varian Wrynn named his son, the future Crown Prince of Stormwind, "Anduin" in honor of Lothar.

Although the little prince "Anduin" was possessed by Arthas in the Warcraft 9.1 plot, it turned black.

Lothar was born in Azeroth 51 years before the First War.

The last of the Arathi bloodline, Ser Lothar was of noble birth, raised in the royal family, and grew up in the royal court of Stormwind with princes Ryan Wrynn and Medivh as childhood friends.

Many childhood friends, but only two best friends: Medivh Ellan, Prince Ryan Wrynn.

When they were young, they were carefree and had a happy childhood. Maybe it was a good childhood that gave him the idea of ​​dedicating his life to this country.

They have a common enlightenment teacher, the court clerk Nilas Elan, who is Medivh's father, and perhaps most of the stories in his childhood memories came from him.

The most outstanding of the three is Medivh, inheriting the genius and elemental control of his father, plus the unparalleled power of his mysterious mother, Aegwynn.

Relatively speaking, Lothar and Ryan have no talent in that respect. Lothar prefers physical skills while learning magic, while Ryan has no choice to learn the politics that he will use in the future.

At the age of 14, Lothar gave up the study of magic, because his friend Medivh fell into sleep for unknown reasons and did not wake up, that is, a vegetative state.

Lothar thought it was due to the elements, and gave up magic. So he spends more time studying politics, which is also his destiny.

As an adult, Lothar first joined Stormwind's army and quickly became a member of the "King's Guard of Honor", before being knighted and joining the Brotherhood of the Iron Horse.

The orcs invaded Azeroth for the first time, taking Stormwind Fortress as their primary target, and Lothar actively led the army to resist.

King Ryan took Lothar as his arm, and with him he led the forces of Stormwind against the Orc Horde. After this period, the orc invaders were finally driven back to the Swamp of Sorrows.

During the First World War, a tome of great significance to Northshire Abbey, the "Holy Book", was stolen by a gang of thieves under the ogre Lord Turok.

Lothar led an expedition to the hideout of the ogres in order to retrieve the Holy Book.

However, this expedition resulted in Lothar being nearly trapped in the Deadmines of Westfall. Twenty months after Lothar was in captivity, he and a small group of survivors were found by rescue teams and eventually rescued.

After retrieving the Holy Book and escorting the Codex back to Northshire Abbey, he returned to the battlefield and continued to lead Stormwind's army against the orcs.

Medivh's apprentice Khadgar shocked Lothar with bad news: it was his old friend Medivh who betrayed the humans and summoned the orcs to Azeroth.

Despite this news, Ryan still couldn't believe that the ** division had deliberately betrayed Azeroth. He thought that Medivh's behavior had always been for a greater plan.

Ryan was confident in Medivh's loyalty that his army and Medivh's combined efforts would surely be able to repel the Horde.

Caught between his beliefs and his loyalty to the king, Lothar decides to follow his instincts. He led a squad to raid Karazhan in an attempt to kill Medivh.

Lothar, Khadgar and Garona the Orc infiltrate the Low Tower of Karazhan~www.wuxiamtl.com~ and meet the Guardian who has gone mad.

During the battle, Khadgar struck Medivh in the heart, and Lothar decapitated Medivh with his greatsword.

Although Zhou Wenwen was a little depressed about Lothar's move, he knew that this pot was written by the screenwriter back then.

Unfortunately, Medivh's death did not stop the rampage of the orc horde.

Lothar and the warriors returned from Karazhan, hoping to minimize the casualties of the war and save their once glorious homeland. However, they still came back too late, and the beloved capital had become a scorched earth.

The orc tribes then trampled the surrounding fields and took over the nearby lands. After the valiant king was assassinated, the subjects of Stormwind were forced to go into hiding.

Since then, Lothar and his warriors have made a solemn oath: they will do anything to regain their homeland.

Knowing that the Kingdom of Stormwind was irretrievably destroyed, Lothar declared the war lost and decided to try to save his once glorious people.

After the fall of Stormwind Keep, Ser Lothar regrouped the remnants of Stormwind City, and led the refugees across the ocean to migrate to Lordaeron in the north.

With the help of King Terenas of Lordaeron, Lothar led his troops to settle in the coastal area (Southsea) in the southern part of the continent.

Prince Varian was still a young boy when King Ryan was killed, and Lothar, the knight-general, temporarily served as regent until Stormwind was restored.

Lothar and Varian came to the court of Lord Terenas Menethil II, king of Lordaeron, with Khadgar, the magistrate, and shared their horrific experiences to those who would listen.

Lothar's eloquence brought together the emergency councils of the human kingdoms, and the Alliance of Lordaeron was formed under the ingenious political mediation of King Menethil.

Chapter 0219 Preview of the Alliance of Lordaeron

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