I Have a Store In the World of American Comics

Vol 6 Chapter 138: Zhou Wenwen's real purpose

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"At the same time as the first phase of the mission, we first need to build an army to resist the enemy, and this army must have legal power, so the generals in command must not have anything to do with politics."


Speaking of this, Zhou Wenwen completely shut his mouth and went to the toilet in a hurry, but because of Zhou Wenwen's words, people fell into a heated discussion again.

After wiping off the oil on his face with clean water, Zhou Wenwen, who was in a relaxed mood, turned on the screen while no one was around, and watched the popularity of the madness rising to 20,000, the smile on Zhou Wenwen's face became more and more The more proud.


Inventory: 18810 Legend.

1 S-level quest line, 2 A-level quest lines, 2 B-level quest lines, and 1 C-level quest line.

2 A-level quest branches, 2 C-level quest branches, 2 D-level quest branches, and 2 E-level quest branches.

It turned out that everything Zhou Wenwen did was for the sake of fame, and he did not intend to implement what he said. After all, it was much easier to talk big words than to do things down-to-earth.

Besides, he is not a politician in the West of this world. He cares so much, just for the sake of fame.

The leisurely Zhou Wenwen opened the mission again, but this time the two new missions to complete the mission and the new upgrade mission surprised Zhou Wenwen.

Serial quest: "Everyone Knows 3" (Completed) Quest Rating: A.

1 A-level mission mainline.

2 B-level mission mainlines.

Description: You have let the world know your name, but it's not enough.

Quest requirements: Get 10,000 fame. (18810/10000 legend)

Participated in two known wars. (2/2)

Hint: New York is a great place.


Serial quest: "Everyone Knows 4" (unfinished) Quest Rating: S.

1 S-rank mission mainline.

Description: Although the world knows your name, it's far from enough, let's take part in a big event! .

Quest requirements: Get 60,000 Fame. (18810/60000 legend)

Participate in a major event. (0/1)

Tip: Manhattan, New York, you deserve it.


"Complete" mission evaluation: C.

Quest reward: 1 C-level quest mainline.

1 D-level mission branch.

Description: Complete the task easily and you will get random rewards.

Mission requirements: Kill and capture 1 Drive Scout. (1/1)

Tip: Be careful with the light that drives the scout for stealth.


"Due to the Strong Enemy 3" "Unfinished" mission evaluation: B.

Quest reward: 1 B-level quest mainline.

1 C-level mission branch.

Description: A small group of orc soldiers and a mid-level orc warlock from the world of Draenor will descend on Manhattan, New York, ready for battle!

Mission requirements: Kill and capture 1 intermediate orc warlock. (1/1)

Kill and capture 5 or more orc soldiers who drank the blood of demons. (0/5)

Hint: Be careful with the demonic summons of the Orc Warlock.


Upgrade the chain quest "Challenge Yourself 1" and "Unfinished" quest evaluation: X.

Quest reward: 1 X-level quest mainline.


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