Chapter 0120 Lost Artifact - Tinder Source

With the sound of Starscream's voice, dozens of Transformers with Decepticon patterns on their bodies appeared behind Starscream. The giant ferocious troops and shock waves that appeared among them made Drift's face even more ugly, although the Transformers face Can't see the expression above.

The giant ferocious army is composed of Decepticon primitive warriors who have disappeared for millions of years. They are older than Megatron. They left Cybertron shortly after the outbreak of the civil war, and later wandered around the earth to take the form of earth beasts. The form is a deformed form, and it has been free for millions of years in the jungle of the Cenozoic.

When Starscream landed on the earth, it immediately found a powerful giant ferocious army. After it risked his life to conquer these rebellious beasts, Starscream immediately transformed them into powerful warriors, and could be combined into The Climbing Sky of the Western Dragon.

The shock wave that appeared beside the giant ferocious troops was Megatron's adjutant. In a sense, the appearance of the shock wave meant that Megatron would also appear.

Because as early as the outbreak of the ancient Cybertron war, Shockwave was already Megatron's adjutant, and his loyalty and ability were affirmed by Megatron.

Before Megatron led his troops to pursue the Autobots, Shockwave was entrusted with the task of staying behind on Cybertron.

In the long years that followed, although Megatron disappeared, Shockwave still dutifully took his place and maintained the Decepticon's rule over the planet, so in the Autobots, sometimes Shockwave was more than Megatron. Even more terrifying.

Recognizing the drift of the identities of these Decepticons Transformers, he couldn't help shouting, "Why did you all leave Cybertron and come to Earth, Starscream!"

"Could it be that---!"

As Drift spoke, he remembered something that made his face look ugly, and his body suddenly turned into a vehicle shape and wanted to run.

But he didn't notice that Starscream had appeared behind him, grabbed the light wave hot sword and stabbed Drift's body behind him, forcibly interrupting Drift's movements.

At the same time, Starscream followed Drift's words, remembering the past, and said with a grin:

"You mean to say... Could it be that the reason why you Decepticons left Cybertron and came to Earth is because—the head of the Decepticons who has been missing for many years, Megatron is here?"

"Or perhaps the artifact we lost, the source of fire, is here!"

Starscream's words suddenly made Drift's heart sink to the bottom.

And after Starscream said this sentence, and used the light wave heat sword to poke a big hole in the drifting wing so that it couldn't take off, he felt the painful drift caused by the light wave heat sword and completely lost hope.

"Hahaha, your imagination is so rich, it's a pity that the source of fire and Lord Megatron are not on this planet at all, and they have long since left the galaxy!"

But when Desperate Drift heard Starscream say these words, Drift's heart immediately became excited, and hope was also ignited, as hot as the sun.

"Because this planet belongs to the Decepticons, it belongs to me, it belongs to Starscream!"

As if seeing the fiery hope in Drift's heart, Starscream said with a grim smile, and the Autobot Drift, who heard Starscream's words, suddenly became hot, and said without thinking.

"Impossible, we Autobots will stop you Decepticons, Optimus Prime and Bumblebee, they will come to the galaxy to defeat you!"

After Watt improved the steam engine, it was widely used in industry.


Hearing Drift's words, Starscream couldn't help laughing again:

"Hahaha, hahaha, Super Eagle, did you hear that? Did I hear that right, Autobots? Optimus Prime? Bumblebee? Milky Way?"

Gu Qian

"That's really ridiculous! Your Excellency Drift!"

Speaking of the last sentence, Starscream suddenly said in a long and eloquent manner, and Super Eagle, who didn't know anything about it, had to play stupid.

Hearing the drift of the last sentence, when I remembered what Starscream had just said, I immediately reacted and said in disbelief.

"How... can! You cheated them out?! Starscream, what the **** did you do?!"

"It's very simple, it's just a little trick, you should know about holographic projection, right?"

"This technology, in the past, was the pride of your Autobots, but now, this technology is your Autobots' nightmare!"

Starscream said with great confidence, and only then did Super Eagle and Drift understand what Starscream meant.

It turned out that when Starscream sent a message to Cybertron, in order to deepen the purpose of confounding the enemy, Starscream not only sent a message, but also sent an edited video.

Although Super Eagle and Drift don't know the content of the video, according to Starscream's character, the content of the video can be imagined, but Drift doesn't understand a bit. Don't those Autobots see the purpose of the video?

After some careful thinking, Super Eagle recalled the way the owner was shooting the video, and immediately understood what Starscream was doing, broke free and got up and sneered:

"I thought you made a big move, Starscream, but now that I think about it, all your actions, Starscream, are like a clown, you can't stand on the stage and can't make big things."

"Moreover, whoever said that the earth is yours, it's obviously the owner's!" Super Eagle took out his weapon and said decisively.

"Oh, the master is not here, but the soldiers under him have the courage. I will teach you a lesson today."

Hearing what Super Eagle said, Starscream neither expressed denial nor approval, but sneered strangely, picked up the giant sword deformed from the pylon under the wing, and slashed at Super Eagle.

In the face of the giant attack of Starscream, Super Eagle didn't dare to underestimate it, and quickly transformed the upper wings on both sides into a cross sword, and blocked Starscream's upswing and two consecutive strikes, and the crisp metal slammed into it. The sound sounded immediately.



Starscream, who was blocked from attacking, had to take a few steps back to reduce the shock wave because of the shock wave generated by the rebound.

However, after the Super Eagle, which was also affected by the shock wave, was introduced to the ground through the weapon and posture, Jixiu jumped up quickly, and once again picked up the cross sword and slashed at Starscream.

But the problem is that the melee attack of Super Eagle is too clumsy. As Starscream who has fought for many years, he can see the weakness of Super Eagle at a glance. Starscream said with a sneer, while grabbing the giant sword and slashing at Super Eagle.

"That's it, little guy!"

"It's the moment when Drift does it!"

Just as Starscream's great sword was about to fall, Super Eagle suddenly shouted, and when he heard Drift, Starscream panicked, grabbed the giant sword, stopped, and turned to look at Drift. .


To be continued, here I ask for recommended tickets and monthly tickets.

Chapter 0121 Announcement of Airframe Exchange Technology

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