Chapter 32

Chapter 32 The monster shop was smashed!

The A-level monster formula just obtained a few days ago is of great significance to Lin Shu.

After all, good-quality monsters are not Chinese cabbage on the street. They can be synthesized if they want to synthesize. So far, Lin Shu only has the only A-level monster, the Frost Giant.

So it can be seen that the rarity of Grade A monsters can be said to be unattainable. Even the most powerful gem shop in Rock Town, it is unlikely that one will be auctioned in a few years.

Moreover, the rarity of A-grade undead monsters like “Dead King” is even more shocking.

Lin Shu believes that as long as there is a drawing, this A-level monster will have a good time, and it will be synthesized sooner or later.

“In addition to this A-level formula, I have 3 random monster cards. I don’t know what monsters I can draw?”

Having been busy catching slimes before, Lin Shu still lay quietly in the warehouse without using three random monster cards.

Lin Shu didn’t open it directly. He wanted to wait for the long-term plan after returning home, which was a surprise for himself.

What made him happy was that this time, when he scraped the goblin cave, he was able to obtain the key material for synthesizing the bone lord, which surprised Lin Shu very much.

After finding the last material, he can synthesize this powerful monster of Grade B quality!

After going back this time, Lin Shu felt that he could synthesize the “skeleton swordsman” in the primary form and use it to sell to earn gold coins, and then consider the intermediate form of the B-level monster “Bone Lord”.

After all, the synthesis conditions of the Skeleton Swordsman are relatively low and can be synthesized in large quantities.

In this way, his monster shop will have a new type of monster, which will help the sales of the shop a little bit more!

Just when Lin Shu finished scraping, on the other side, the frost giant had re-pierced the exit cave and was standing by.

Five minutes have passed, the wild animal effect on the frost giant has long since disappeared, and it has turned into a normal form, looking honest and honest.

The sky outside the cave was already in the afternoon, and the heat in the afternoon had risen to its highest.

Lin Shu didn’t even think that time flies so fast, and in surprise, he also planned to go back as soon as possible.

Staying overnight in the sunset forest, Lin Shu has no such thoughts, who knows what monsters will appear here at night?

Even if they only stay on the periphery, there will be monsters of Tier 3 strength entrenched, and once the night comes, these terrifying predators living in the dark caves will come out for food.

With Lin Shu’s current advanced orc trainer’s strength, it corresponds to a Tier 3 monster. Even if the frost giant can reach the top Tier 4, he doesn’t want to take this risk.

From the outskirts of Sunset Forest to Rock Town, it takes about two or three hours to travel. It should be almost the same if the sky is completely dark.

Lin Shu felt that he had to leave sooner.

Otherwise, after dark, it will be really hard to move.



When I returned to Rock Town, the sun had completely set over the mountain, and flare stones and beast oil lamps were lit on Rock Town.

Lin Shu walked towards the center of the town, his monster shop, humming a little song as he walked, and was very satisfied with the harvest.

Not long after, he came to his monster shop, which was located in the center of the town, which was a perfect location. But now there is no one on the street.

“What…what’s the situation?”

Just when Lin Shu was about to take out the key, he found that the door of his shop had been split in half and broken into pieces.

As if smelling something bad, Lin Shu hurried into the shop.

It’s just that as soon as he walked in, he was stunned.

There was chaos everywhere in the shop, all kinds of monsters fell to the ground, and even the tables and chairs were smashed. It can be said that none of them were spared…

This is… the shop was smashed?

“Fuck you, uncle!!” Lin Shu only felt that an anger was stuck in his throat, and it might erupt at any time.

At this time, the sky was already dark, and although there were street lights made of flintstones, the mystery still could not be shrouded in it.

“Could it be Gunther and Pied?” Lin Shu narrowed his eyes, guessing in his heart.

Except for hitting those two eyesless guys by himself during the day, Lin Shu didn’t know who would be so cruel.

“Grandma’s, take care of him, first catch these two guys and beat them up, let them fix it then!”

Afterwards, Lin Shu did not light up the oil lamp, but took advantage of the darkness and walked out of the shop.

In order to keep his shop safe, he closed the door that had been in two halves.

After doing this, Lin Shu went to the tavern in the town alone, and disappeared into the night in a short while. *

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