Chapter 11

Chapter 11 The First Contract Monster?

Lin Shu felt the significant enhancement in himself, not only secretly happy.

Speaking, he tried to squeeze his fist, only to feel an unprecedented power, as if he could grab a rock.

Feeling the change, Lin Shu calmed down his excitement, and couldn’t wait to open his own host message:

[Host Information]

Name: Howson·Lin Shu

Occupation: Orc Tamer

Level: Advanced (0/5000 copper coins)

Contract: None (Note: Only a basic orc trainer can contract the first monster)


1. Beast Taming

2. Monster Contract Technique (God Level)

3. Wild animality (God level)

4. The unity of man and beast (God level)

Wealth: 930 (pieces/copper coin)

Own monsters: 1 “Druid Mushroom (Level B)”

(The remaining functions are being locked, so stay tuned)


At this time, the attribute panel has undergone a lot of changes, not only the level has become advanced, but also a lot of skills have been added to the skill bar.

In addition to the familiar animal training technique and monster contract technique, Lin Shu curiously clicked on the other two newly acquired skills.

[Wild beastly (God level): By praying to the beast, the primitive beasts of the contract monsters are stimulated, and the three attributes of strength, agility, and physical strength are increased. Currently, you can get 3 times the beastly effect and last for 5 minutes (follow Level growth)][Unity of Human and Beast (God Level): Beast Tamer and monsters have a spiritual connection, and can temporarily gain the ability of any contract monster. Currently, they can control three skills at the same time (following the level increase)]

Lin Shu’s pupils shrank slightly and couldn’t help taking a breath.

Like the monster contract technique, the two new skills are the exclusive skills of the orc trainer.

It’s just that the simulator gives Lin Shu’s exclusive skills, the word “God level” is added, and the effect of the skills is also a huge distance from the ordinary.

“I’m a good boy… Am I already invincible?”

Lin Shu only felt that all this was a little unrealistic, and his excitement increased several times.

He had known before that ordinary wild beasts can only get double the increase in rage, and the duration is only a short 1 minute.

But even so, wild animality is also one of the most dependent killers of every orc trainer profession, and it is generally used as a hole card.

The original doubled increase is already a very abnormal effect, but the god-level wild animality that Lin Shu has obtained can directly increase the attribute by 3 times!

This is not the most terrifying thing, what is even more terrifying is that its duration has reached as much as 5 minutes!

This also means that Lin Shu can possess a terrifying monster that is raging for five minutes during the battle. During this period, the monster’s power, agility, and physical strength will soar three times!

Lin Shu firmly believes that with this skill, he is now estimated to be able to face up to the powerhouse of the Black Iron rank, and even become an invincible existence at the same rank!

What’s more perverted is the last skill “The Unity of Humans and Beasts”, which is also an exclusive skill that can be learned by advanced beast trainers. It is a skill that can be obtained by monsters and used for a short time.

The normal version of the outside world can only obtain one monster skill. If you want to exchange for a target, you must wait until you are done using it before you can obtain it next time.

The god-level version of Lin Shu is more perverted, can acquire three monster skills at the same time, and can flexibly control the ability of three monsters.

Imagine that when facing the enemy, Lin Shu first uses the earth wall skills to trap the enemy, then uses the ice seal to ruin all the enemy’s escape routes, and finally summons fireballs to bomb…

This is exactly the abnormality of this god-level version.

After all, even a magician can only practice one type of magic throughout his life, unless it is a genius with multiple elemental affinity, it is possible to practice multiple attribute spells.

It’s just that this kind of genius is too rare, and there will not be a few in a few hundred years.

Compared with the spells of the magician, the skills of the monsters are more brutal, and even more prone to produce deadly destructive power than the spells!

It is conceivable that an orc trainer who can control a variety of monster skills will have a terrifying combat power against the enemy in the battlefield.

“With these two combat skills, I now have a contracted monster!”

After reading these, Lin Shu’s confidence could not help but increase a lot.

Now he still needs to contract his first monster to be a real high-level orc trainer. This is also the most important thing right now!

Thinking of the duel with Marion three days later, Lin Shu couldn’t help but be full of expectations.


It was still early, and the sun had already climbed over the head, scorching the earth.

The whole Rock Town changed from the cold morning and became extremely hot.

“There are 930 copper coins left, which is 9 silver coins. The rent for a month of the shop is 5 silver coins, plus the 3 silver coins owed the previous month, the total is 8 silver coins…”

Lin Shu counted the only money he had left, and finally took out 8 silver coins from it, and put all the rest in his pocket.

“These two gold coins have not been warmed up yet, there are only 130 copper coins left.” Lin Shu sighed for a while, only felt that the money he made was not enough to spend, “It seems that I have to go to the forest in the afternoon. Click the wild monster to come back and save it for tomorrow, and look for my first contract monster by the way!”

After paying attention, Lin Shu smiled comfortably, and the hard days finally came alive.

He glanced at the old clock hung on the wall in the store. The time had come to 11 a.m., and he couldn’t help but wonder: Why hasn’t that guy Bruce come to collect the rent? ”

(PS: Let me tell you something. This afternoon, on a whim, I found that someone copied the book by the author of the dog in the new book store. The most shameless thing is: the opening plot, characters, settings, attribute panel, etc., all secretly In the past, it became his own. It seems that this person is very proud to delete my book review… The author still has codewords, so please help from the readers. You should spray and report the report. In addition, everyone hopes What is the protagonist’s first contract monster? You can tell it in the comment area, and the author can refer to it!)*

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