Ji Chen used the dragon and tiger double forms and punched out. He could clearly see a dragon-shaped fist seal and a tiger-walking fist seal on his left arm being activated, fused together, and turned into a dragon-tiger double seal, moving towards the Red Dragon Fist. Wang bombarded the past.

This is Ji Chen's boxing technique after he releases his physical power. The power of subduing the dragon contained in his body takes shape. The two fist seals are merged. The dragon roars and the tiger roars, lifelike, with the aura of the most powerful, heading towards the Red Dragon Boxing King to suppress it. .

The Red Dragon Boxing King broke out, and combined with the body refining breathing method and the boxing technique, the whole person was blazing to the extreme. The fist was covered by the holy light and faced Ji Chen's punch.


The two fought again, like the collision of ancient mountains, the air exploded, and the terrifying explosion sound formed a sound wave visible to the naked eye, spreading out, shaking the hearts of those watching the battle in the distance.


Blood spattered, and in the dazzling light, a figure flew out and landed more than ten meters away, barely holding on to his body.

The Red Dragon Boxing Champion's fist exploded, his hair was messy, his steps were shaky, and his body was almost crumbling.

Before he could react, Ji Chen punched him to kill him again.

Since you are the boxing champion, I will use my fists to blow you up. I will blow you up at your most shining point.

Still in the form of a dragon and a tiger, the two fist seals merged, the dragon and the tiger competed, and with a tyrannical aura, they flew across the sky to kill him.


The Red Dragon Boxing Champion flew away again, blood spilled everywhere.


The sound of swords sounded, and Liuye Sword King crossed dozens of battles with his sword, and came across the sky to kill.

The cold sword light surged, and with the sword intent permeating the air, it slashed towards Ji Chen, slicing through Ji Chen's body in an instant.

Zhao Shanhe's iron spear flew across the sky, penetrating the void like a divine rainbow, piercing the distance between Ji Chen and him. In an instant, it penetrated Ji Chen, the light of the spear vibrated, and Ji Chen's body collapsed.


Both of them were frightened at the same time. Ji Chen's speed made them tremble.

Even those watching the battle from a distance were shocked.

"What a weird pace, he comes and goes without a trace."

Ji Chen's figure appeared in the distance, standing in the void.

Liuye Sword King and Iron Spear King Zhao Shanhe reacted quickly.

The moment Ji Chen appeared, Zhao Shanhe shot him with one shot. The light of his spear penetrated the void, like chasing stars or chasing the moon. He pulled up a divine rainbow in the sky and shot it to the sky above Ji Chen. The divine rainbow was turned upside down and the spear pointed downwards. Optimus Prime, shot through.

His shot was in conjunction with the Willow Leaf Sword King.

At the same time, a ray of sword light struck across the air, like a huge crescent moon, cutting the air into two layers: upper and lower.

But Ji Chen had already taken the first step with his sword. This sword had no defense and did not hit Liuye Sword King and Iron Spear King Zhao Shanhe.

He struck the Red Dragon Boxing King through the air, and a wisp of knife wire shot out from the tip of the knife. Before the Red Dragon Boxing King's body had even hit the ground, it penetrated directly through his body and wrapped around him for ten seconds. A few laps.

With Ji Chen's tug, the Red Dragon Boxing King's body flew into the air uncontrollably and appeared where Ji Chen was.

But Ji Chen took one step forward and the person appeared dozens of feet away.

Everything was planned by Ji Chen. He wanted to use the death of the Red Dragon Boxing Champion to break through the two people's psychological defenses.

The spear light penetrated the Red Dragon Boxing King's body and blasted a huge hole in the ground.

The next moment, a ray of sword light passed across, and the Red Dragon Boxing King's body was cut in half.

The sudden change shocked both Liuye Sword King and Iron Spear King Zhao Shanhe.

The people watching from a distance were even more shocked. The majestic Red Dragon Boxing Champion died in the hands of his own people.

Especially Xing Gaoxi, his eyes widened in disbelief.

He had already determined that Ji Chen would die, but now he was killed by Ji Chen, and the one he killed was the Red Dragon Boxing Champion, who was the most powerful among the three.

Body refiners follow the extreme path, are invincible in close combat, and have unparalleled physical bodies. They can almost push the same level. The Red Dragon Boxing Champion takes the name Red Dragon and boasts that his body is as good as that of a real dragon. This shows how powerful and conceited he is.

After all, dragons are recognized as the strongest race among many races. Those who dare to challenge the ancient gods and immortals represent absolute power.

In fact, the Red Dragon King has almost never been defeated since his debut. This time the three kings surrounded a young man, and he was the one who was killed first. Moreover, the one who made the loudest noise before did not take Ji Chen seriously. It's him too.

At this moment, the entire county was silent.

The battle continued. The Red Dragon Boxing King's body was broken into two sections, but he did not die. He was still bound by Ji Chen's sword wire. As Ji Chen tightened the knife wire. The body of the Red Dragon Boxing Champion was instantly cut into more than a dozen pieces and fell to the ground.

[Killing points +3000]

Ji Chen was slightly surprised by the reminder flashing in his eyes.

The Red Dragon King turned out to be a master of the third heaven, which gave Ji Chen a new understanding of his own strength.

His method shocked everyone again. After dozens of battles, he could cut a person into more than a dozen pieces with a wave of his hand.

What kind of spell is this?

On the battlefield, Ji Chen stood there, with a slender body and bright eyes. He held a knife in one hand and his long hair was flying. His blue brocade gown moved with the wind. Occasionally, if he lifted the hem, he could see the black official clothes inside.

Who would have thought that this body that looked like a frail scholar contained the power of a dragon.

The Red Dragon Boxing King was killed, and the most angry person was the Willow Leaf Sword King. His eyes were terrifying, filled with rage and boundless murderous intent.

Three people surrounded and killed Ji Chen, but one of them was killed. He couldn't accept this result.

"The so-called Red Dragon Boxing Champion is nothing more than that!"

Ji Chen said something indifferently, which made King Liuye Sword even more furious.

However, Ji Chen took one step forward and was already above the Willow Leaf Sword King. At the same time, he visualized the sun shining down on him.

The sun shines down on Ji Chen, and the sun inside his body also shines, echoing the distant sun in the sky.

At this moment, Ji Chen was like a bright sun, its folds shining brightly.

He raised his hand and brought down the knife.

This sword is the second style of the Yanyang sword technique. The scorching sun burns the heart.

The sword light suddenly lit up, like a big sunset, erupting in a bright and dazzling light, illuminating the entire Demon Suppression Department.

The terrifying sword energy was like burning in an oven, and the air was burning.

The roar of the knife was like a dragon's roar, shaking all directions.

There was a gun light in the distance, the air exploded, and a divine rainbow penetrated the sun. That was Zhao Shanhe taking action, wanting to cooperate with Liuye Sword King and help him.

How could Ji Chen get his wish with one move?

When a master fights, he raises his hand to tell the difference between high and low, and lowers his hand to tell the difference between life and death.

Ji Chen seized on the death of the Red Dragon Boxing King and broke the Willow Leaf Sword King's psychological defense.

The light of the sword was like a sun sinking, and it cut downwards.


The sword clangs!

A ray of sword light cut from the bottom up. The sword light was like a cold moon, sharp, cold, domineering, and cold. It seems to be able to cut through everything and be invincible.


The collision between the sword light and the sword energy erupted into a brilliant light, which was so intense that it seemed to be burning. The blazing light engulfed the two of them. It was the blooming of terrifying sword light and sword energy, sent out in bunches at the same time.

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