I have a knife, I can kill monsters when I take it out of its sheath

Chapter 74 The night is dark and windy, the stars and the moon rise, and the scholar kills the demon

Under the leadership of Zhao Pan, Ji Chen met Xie Anbing.

This was the third time he had met Xie Anbing. Compared with the first time, Ji Chen felt that Xie Anbing was very easy-going this time.

At this moment, he is practicing calligraphy with his pen.

Zhao Pan knocked on the door and said, "Thank you, Mr. Qi, I have returned from the north."

"Come in!" Xie Anbing said.

When Ji Chen entered the house, Zhao Pan did not follow him. After Ji Chen entered, he took the initiative to close the door and left.

"Come here and see how my handwriting looks like?" Xie Anbing waved to Ji Chen.

Ji Chen walked to the desk and saw a calligraphy on the desk. It said, "I will smile to the sky with my knife across my body, leaving my liver and gallbladder intact."

Ji Chen was speechless, it turned out to be his own poem.

"Good calligraphy!" Ji Chen praised, "The strokes are vigorous and powerful, and the power of the writing goes straight through the back of the paper."

Wufu usually writes with great strength, and his pen power often passes through his back to print ink on the table. Not to mention how well he writes, his magnanimity is not comparable to that of ordinary people.

Xie An Bing was very pleased with it, with a smile on his face.

He was originally a vulgar martial artist, but he only started studying after joining the Demon Suppression Division. He has always regarded himself as a scholar and wanted to get rid of the title of vulgar martial artist.

Xie An Bing said: "Your poem is very good, I like it very much. You and I are both scholars, so we should be so heroic."

After that, Xie An Bing returned to the subject: "I came to see you today because I have a task for you."

Ji Chen quickly said: "Master General Banner, please give me your instructions!"

"It's like this. The prince submitted a case to the Patrol Division. The case involved demons, and then the Patrol Division handed it over to the Demon Suppression Division. It just so happened that several other general banners were on vacation today, and I was on duty. There were not enough manpower, and you happened to be promoted. Xiantian, so I can only trouble you once."

"A hundred miles away from the east city, there is a slope called Bailip Slope. A Black Wind Village appeared there. Many passing caravans and people were persecuted by demons. The prince sent people to investigate and found them there. After the case was handed over to the patrol department, The patrol department sent people to patrol and investigate, but they also stopped there. The patrol suspects that there is a demon king gathering, so I want you to go and investigate. If you can do it, destroy it. If you can't, find out the situation and come back and report to me."

"There are two ways to reward this mission. One is to find out the situation and report back, and you will be rewarded with 300 merit points. The other is to wipe out the Black Wind Stronghold, and you will be rewarded with 1,000 merit points, plus a piece of star steel."

"I called you here because I think this mission should be suitable for you. If you complete this mission, you will be promoted to Flag Officer. If it is inconvenient for you, I will put the mission out and let other demon suppressors come and take it."

Xie Anbing did not force Ji Chen to take over the task, and Black Flag still had a relatively high degree of freedom.

As soon as Xie An Bing finished speaking, Ji Chen said: "How can such evil spirits be allowed to remain in this world for a long time? I am willing to take a trip."

There are merit points to earn, star steel to get, and killing points to explode. There is no reason not to take this trip.

Xie Anbing reminded: "Be careful when you go here. Someone from the patrol department stopped at Heifeng Village to prove that the evil spirit is not weak."

"Thank you, sir. You should be careful when you are a subordinate."

After bidding farewell to Xie An Bing, Ji Chen went to the arsenal first.

He has two chances to enter the arsenal. There was one time when he first entered the Demon Suppression Division, and one time when he was promoted to Xiantian.

Ji Chen took advantage of an opportunity and entered the arsenal of the Demon Division of Liangzhou Prefecture.

An hour later, Ji Chen came out of the arsenal. He did not find out how to use magic or Confucianism, but he found a boxing technique.

This boxing technique is the Twelve Fists of Xingyi and Yi, which was obtained by the Demon Division of Liangzhou Prefecture after annihilating a major sect.

The Demon Suppression Division's arsenal does not contain Confucian and Taoist methods, as well as Taoist methods.

"It seems that the Confucian and Taoist methods can only be obtained by going to Liangzhou Academy, and the Taoist methods can only be obtained by going to Taoist temples."

Ji Chen returned to the yard and began to practice boxing.

There are twelve forms of Xingyiquan in total, including Dragon-shaped Fist, Tiger-shaped Fist, Leopard-shaped Fist, and Crane-shaped Fist...

This boxing technique does not require many killing points, one thousand killing points per style.

After spending 12,000 killing points, Ji Chen successfully practiced all twelve moves.

Twelve forms and meanings, extremely fierce, Ji Chen performed a series of punches in the yard, sometimes dragons roared and tigers roared, sometimes cranes croaked, apes croaked, and sometimes snakes hissed and leopards roared.

After a full session of boxing, Ji Chen fetched cold water from the well and rinsed it off, feeling steamy steam rising all over his body.

After changing my clothes, I brought some supplies and threw them into the ring. I went to Shifang Night Market to buy a bottle of good wine. I put the knife in my waist and got on my horse, preparing to leave the city at night.

Holding a long sword on your shoulder and marching forward in stride, this is the plot in many picture books, and it is also the plot in the novels of previous lives.

But who doesn’t yearn for this kind of life, a lonely lamp carrying a single sword, wandering with pride, wandering around in the world with a broken heart, and asking when the sky will end.

This line of work is not only what Ji Chen longs for, but also to verify what he has learned. Now he needs a battle to confirm what he has learned and test his cultivation.

"Brother Beigui, it's still dark and there are many problems with traveling at night. Why not take a rest first and leave the city after dawn."

Seeing that Ji Chen was about to leave the city at this moment, Zhao Pan opened his mouth to dissuade him. There were many strange monsters appearing at night, which was especially dangerous, so be careful outside the city.

Ji Chen said: "Since we have the intention, there is no need to calculate the length of a moment. People of our generation should know and act as one. The sword is in the hand, the courage is in the chest, and the righteousness is in the heart. At night, the wind is high, the stars and the moon are rising, and we ride the wind and wield the sword. When slaying demons.”

"The reason why too many people fail to accomplish anything is because they worry too much. I have a sword that can kill monsters as soon as I take it out of its sheath, so why be afraid of it."

After Ji Chen finished speaking, he rode away.

Zhao Pan stood outside the gate, looking at Ji Chen's retreating back and his heroic demeanor, and couldn't help but yearn for it, "Brother is so free and easy, when will I be able to be like my brother, with a sword in my hand, and I can do whatever I want in the world."

In the yard next to him, a scholar returned home from a lantern festival at night and was about to come in. He was surprised when he heard Ji Chen's words about the unity of knowledge and action. Such a free and heroic spirit made him feel something. Looking at the retreating figure, he said yearningly: "I envy you for living a free and easy life. I dare to ask Brother Zhao, who is this brother's family?"

Zhao Pan said: "Brother Beigui is my colleague, and he is here because of the mission."

"Bei Gui" The scholar tasted these two words, then his expression changed, and he said quickly: "But it's Ji Bei Gui who composed those two eternal quatrains."

Zhao Pan nodded, "Exactly!"

"Fuck! I finally found him!"

The scholar left a curse word, and after drinking most of his energy, he hurriedly ran towards the academy.

"Master, I have found Ji Bei and he is back. He lives next door to me."

The scholar was very excited. Ji Chen's two eternal quatrains caused a sensation in Liangzhou City, especially in Liangzhou Academy. The great masters ordered their students to search around for this person who returned from the north. Once found, they should inform themselves as soon as possible.

All the great masters will try their best to make Ji Bei their student.

Those who can write ancient quatrains will definitely become famous in the Confucian way in the future. Even if they cannot become Confucian saints, at least the great Confucians will not run away.

Once he composes eternal quatrains in the future, as his husband, he will also be honored. Whenever people mention returning to the north, they will definitely mention his husband by the way, saying that his quatrains were composed under the guidance of his husband. of.

Confucianism and Taoism, the most important thing is reputation.

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