"What's this?"

Uncle Xia Xia and others were shocked and didn't know why.

This kind of breath was so terrifying that it almost made their souls leave their bodies.

"Heaven and earth are irreversible, and the great road cannot be violated!"

A majestic voice resounded throughout the secret world, and Uncle Xia Huang and others were immediately shocked and fainted.


After the diagram was suppressed, the clearly visible void was shaking, as if it was tearing Ji Chen's body apart, as if it was about to be torn apart.

Ji Chen couldn't move, and time around him seemed to have frozen.

When the Dao map fell, the void did not collapse as imagined. The invisible force fell like a river of stars, penetrating into everything and destroying everything, crushing all obstacles and obliterating any tangible matter.

Ji Chen was not only horrified in his heart, but his body, as powerful as his, was also rattling, with blood overflowing from his pores, and his body was stained red.

He roared angrily and sacrificed the divine golden cauldron. The simple cauldron turned into a height of dozens of feet, like a mountain, hitting the sky.

Above the sky, the Dao diagram intertwined between heaven and earth rotates slowly, as if it is shaking down with the entire sky, colliding with the divine golden cauldron, without being damaged at all, directly pressing down on the divine golden cauldron and continuing to suppress it.

This is an irresistible force. If the divine golden tripod itself was not made of several kinds of divine gold, I am afraid it would have become a powder.

"I come!"

A friendly voice sounded in Ji Chen's heart, and a familiar breath came to him. In an instant, all the discomfort was dispelled. Ji Chen's body regained freedom, and his injuries recovered instantly.

A crystal white palm came out of Ji Chen's body, as if it had penetrated into the long river of time and into the otherworldly world.

The palm of the hand is crystal clear, beautiful and slender, but its power is unpredictable. The charm of the Tao permeates the entire sky, completely covering the Tao map.


When the palm fell, it was like the various avenues of the ages resonated, and they all hit the Dao map, directly blowing up the Dao map, and no ashes were left.

The invisible force did not disperse, but rushed towards an unknown land.


In a distant place, an unpredictable power erupted, and a muffled sound came out, causing the entire avenue of heaven and earth to tremble violently.

Someone was hit. This person seemed to be out of reality, far away from the world. That place was imprisoned by the power of time, like the starting point of a certain avenue.

The man suffered a blow from Tantai Xuan and was revealed.

In an instant, time was in chaos, the entire sky was roaring, the heavens were shaking, and the world seemed to be collapsing.

This scene is really terrifying. At the end of a certain avenue, there is a terrifying creature, as if it is about to return to the real world after crossing several ancient histories.

"The people who have passed away should not appear in this world again, God is irreversible!" A ruthless voice echoed among the heavens. The voice was not high, but it had a supreme shocking power, making the entire heaven resonate with it.

In the haze, a figure gradually appeared, standing outside the heavens and worlds. Behind him was a vast and ancient underworld, exuding a desolate and immortal atmosphere.

As soon as he appeared, the heavens and all the worlds trembled, as if the heavens were resurrected, and the creatures in all the worlds were terrified.

Ji Chen was shocked. Is this the person behind the world of Shenzang?

He seemed to have guessed something in his mind.

"Who are you?"

Tantai Xuan spoke with a clear and crisp voice that made her take the initiative to ask, which shows how scary this person is.

"I am the Tao, the one who controls calamities!" The man stood in the distant world, his eyes shining coldly, looking down at the world.

He is like God walking beyond all the worlds, overlooking the past, present and future, transcendent and terrifying, his eyes piercing through all the worlds, penetrating time and space, like the creation of heaven and earth, splitting the barriers of the world, and the aura of chaos is surging.

This is a terrifying creature that seems to have reached its end. It actually controls calamities. It seems to have lived for countless epochs and controls everything behind the scenes. It is truly eternal and immortal.

"It's just you, a loser who has never succeeded in joining the Tao." Tantai Xuan's voice sounded again.

The being who claimed to be the controller said coldly: "It's interesting that someone has surpassed the calamity. The sky is irreversible and the calamity cannot be crossed. You should follow the calamity and return to nothingness. The person who measured the calamity last time should not survive in this calamity. In the midst of calamity.”

In the void, rain light suddenly bloomed, and an inexplicable Taoist rhyme emerged. As the white clothes fluttered, a hazy silhouette emerged. She raised her palm and hit the person behind the scenes who claimed to be the controller.

Any words are redundant. For Tantai Xuan, problems that can be solved with a slap are not problems.


All the heavens and worlds seemed to explode. Countless light rains appeared along with the palm prints. As time passed, the palm prints interpreted the supreme power, penetrating through time and space and hitting the controller.

The person in charge of the scene was angry. He found that he couldn't resist the slap at all. He was hit hard by the palm print, and his body flew out diagonally. He let out a muffled grunt and his figure was blurred by the slap.

This was beyond his expectation. As the controller of Calamity Calamity, it was unexpected that someone dared to attack him and slap him directly. It was quite surprising.

This slap hit his body directly, almost breaking his body.

If it had been anyone else, I'm afraid that his body would have exploded long ago, and even the world behind him would have been exploded.

However, he finally reached the end of the road. Although the Hedao-level existence failed, it was still a supreme existence. He dared to claim to be the master of calamity. His longevity spanned countless epochs and was still an eternal existence.

In the dazzling light, infinite fairy light filled the air, and the crystal palm exploded everything, hitting the person in charge.

The crystal palm possesses unparalleled power, and the harmony of all the ways turns into tangible light, which explodes all the heavens and all the worlds and erupts outside all the heavens and all the worlds.

The controller was coughing up blood and suffered unimaginable injuries.

He was angry. As the master of calamity, he was beaten so badly that he staggered and flew backwards, his hair disheveled, and blood splashed on the underworld.

Moreover, having lost the opportunity, he could only remain passive, missing every step and every step.

Tantai Xuan struck one palm after another, pressing down on the controller.


With another palm, the controller was knocked away, cracks appeared on his body, his hair was scattered, and he was covered in blood.


He roared, his whole body was glowing, and even the underworld behind him was glowing, and the entire underworld was coming towards here.

The vast aura is stirring, and the heavens and worlds are beginning to crack, as if the underworld world cannot bear it and is about to collapse.

This scene is really terrifying. The controller has arrived, and the aura of chaos is filling the air. Just a wisp of aura that overflows can collapse a world.

The avenue resonates, and even time and space are unstable. It's just that he is too far away from the world of Shenzang, and it is difficult to cross it in a short time. (End of chapter)

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