I have a knife, I can kill monsters when I take it out of its sheath

Chapter 665: The vast world, the manifestation of gods

These curse runes are very terrifying. Once contaminated, they will be contaminated instantly, like tarsal maggots, which are difficult to eradicate, and eventually become a demon.

The golden dragon's soul was trembling, and he was so frightened that he even manifested his true form and turned into a golden laser, trying to escape.

Ji Chen moved his hands and performed the Six Paths of Reincarnation Technique. In an instant, heaven and earth forbid, and the golden dragon's body was fixed in the void. The next moment, his body retreated back the way it came, as if time was going back.

The golden dragon was frightened, roared, and tried to struggle, but it was useless. His body was sealed, and he could only watch himself flying towards Ji Chen in despair.

What made Jin Jiao even more desperate was that he found that his body was getting smaller, and a golden light fell and enveloped him.

The runes shone, the Tao sounds harmoniously, and the Tao patterns baptized the body and soul of the golden dragon. No matter how much he struggled and screamed, it was useless, and he could never break free.

After a while, the golden dragon turned into a foot-long golden dragon, flying around Ji Chen.

This scene directly shocked Taishang Laomo and others. This was a golden dragon, one of the most ferocious beasts with ancient bloodlines, and it was suppressed and recovered like this.

On the sacred mountain, wherever Ji Chen looked, there was no enemy left.

All sounds disappeared, and the world was silent. Only Ji Chen was left standing there alone in the golden divine light, with an indifferent expression and murderous intent reaching the ninth level.

The entire sacred mountain was silent. Except for the ancestors of Uncle Xia and their descendants, everyone else was dead.

"There can only be one Supreme!"

Ji Chen's voice resounded throughout the entire sacred mountain, and the most powerful Yaoguang ancestors were shocked. The gods' sons and the descendants of the ancestors were even more complicated.

The Great Demon Saint used to be their contemporaries, but now he has become an invincible existence that even their ancestors must look up to.

Especially for Sun God Son and others, the words Ji Chen once said to them seemed to still be ringing in their ears.

"I want to build a fairy kingdom and invite you to join."

Now it seems that Ji Chen was not talking big words at that time.

There can only be one Supreme. How domineering and confident you are to say such domineering words.

Then, Ji Chen sat cross-legged on the sacred mountain, and the soft divine light enveloped him as he consolidated his realm.

Uncle Xia and others also started to heal their injuries. At this time, no one dared to disturb Ji Chen.

Ji Chen checked his killing point, which was 780 billion.

At present, his cultivation level is stable at the first level of Holy Emperor.

Every time you break through the Holy Emperor realm, you need to consume 100 billion killing points.

Now that Ji Chen has enough killing points and enough divine power, he is ready to break through to the eighth realm of the Holy Emperor and then overcome the tribulation.

There is no one else here. Uncle Xia Huang and others are concentrating on healing without fear of being disturbed. Their spirits and spirits are unified and close to nature.

I don’t know how long it took, but there seemed to be the sound of chanting sutras, resounding throughout the sacred mountain.

Uncle Xia and others woke up one after another and stared in Ji Chen's direction in surprise. The sound of chanting came from Ji Chen's body.

Picture after picture appeared above Ji Chen's head, making people inexplicably surprised.

If you look carefully, you will find that there are many worlds, and in each world there are different figures with different temperaments.

"Is that the world that Ji Chen evolved into?" Ancestor Yaoguang said in surprise.

Every world seems to be accelerating, appearing quickly and being disillusioned quickly.

"That's reincarnation, one life after another. He is practicing a supreme art."

Ji Chen's aura is constantly getting stronger. Every once in a while, his aura will become stronger, which also means that he has made a breakthrough in his cultivation.

He has now completely abandoned all previous methods and only practices the Six Paths of Reincarnation.

This is Ji Chen's own method. Although it is only in its infancy, it is the most suitable method for him.

The vast world appears above Ji Chen's head, and every disillusionment represents a reincarnation.

This scene is also a rare opportunity for Uncle Xia and others to gain insights.

Several people observed Chen's breakthrough in enlightenment, and felt enlightened and suddenly enlightened.

Ji Chen once borrowed all the Dharma in the world, each Dharma represents a world, and now the truth is manifested in a special way.

There is no need to reject the manifestation of all things. You can watch and borrow them. You don’t have to follow the same path, but you can provide circumstantial evidence.

Everyone knew that this was manifested deliberately by Ji Chen as a reward for their protection of the Tao just now. As for how much they can understand, it depends on their respective opportunities.

Sun God Son and others also seriously comprehended it, which was a rare opportunity for them.

Suddenly, a new world appeared, and a vague Buddha image appeared in the world.

"God's ancient Buddha?"

The ancestor Buddha exclaimed that this was the first time he had lost his composure, just because the origin of this giant Buddha was so great that he recognized it.

"Your Majesty, do you know this Buddha?" Ancestor Suanni asked in surprise.

The Buddha nodded, "This is an ancient Buddha, which became a god in ancient times."

Everyone was shocked. The gods and Buddhas from ancient times appeared. Is this the imprint left by the gods and Buddhas in the past?

Uncle Xia Huang said in surprise: "It must be the ancient scriptures of gods. The gods and Buddhas left the ancient scriptures of gods. Ji Chen studied the ancient scriptures of gods and understood the imprints left by the gods and Buddhas in the past, and evolved the original truth of the ancient scriptures of gods. untie."

The divine light of the ancestor Buddha is blooming, and he is comprehending the original and true interpretation of the ancient scriptures of the gods. This is a supreme Dharma, and for Buddhists, it is undoubtedly a supreme blessing.

Apart from the ancestor Buddha, the only remaining Buddhist at the scene was Jin Chanzi, both of whom were seriously meditating.

The other ancestors did not let go of this rare opportunity and worked hard to understand the ancient scriptures of gods and Buddhas, hoping to understand something.

After a long time, the figures changed, and another vague figure appeared in the vast world. He seemed to have come from ancient times, and the years passed by. It seemed like a period of time, flowing in a hurry.

Instead, the third and fourth figures appeared one after another, each one an earth-shattering presence.

Several ancestors were all observing carefully, each of the nine ancient scriptures of gods was majestic.

The nine figures stand between heaven and earth, like nine supreme ways, running through the entire starry sky and universe, connecting the long river of time, and coming from extremely distant years.

While everyone silently comprehends, confirms and understands their own way, they are also choosing the ancient scriptures of gods that suit them.

They didn't have Ji Chen's aptitude for studying the world. They had comprehended nine ancient sutras at the same time and could only choose one.

One year has passed quickly, and Ji Chen is still continuing to pass the level. Every level of the Holy Emperor realm is very difficult. Even if Ji Chen has enough resources, he must reach the peak of each level before he can pass it. close. Otherwise, his killing points would simply not be enough. (End of chapter)

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