For practitioners, it is not difficult to stay young forever. It can be achieved after Nirvana. Especially women, there are no ugly women in the world of cultivation, let alone ugly and old women.

The reason why the old woman is like this is because she was cursed in a forbidden place and her blood continued to wither. The reason why she has been unable to improve her cultivation in recent years is because she is constantly fighting against the curse. Otherwise, he would have entered the realm of the Holy Emperor long ago.

That's why he hated it when others mentioned it, not to mention calling him an old bastard in public.

The scene was silent, and everyone was afraid and did not dare to step forward. They were all afraid of Uncle Xia's power.

In fact, everyone knows that if everyone goes up together, no matter how strong Uncle Xia is, he will not be able to hold on. But the problem is that the first batch of strong men who rush forward will definitely become cannon fodder.

No one wants to be the first to rush in and die, and no one wants to be the first even though they know they are going to die.


Suddenly, a corpse monster came across the sky, like a peerless demon god, took one step forward, the sky collapsed and the earth shattered, and headed towards Uncle Xia to kill him.

He has reached the top, only half a step away from the Holy Emperor. He is like a demon god, surrounded by demonic shadows, as if he is carrying gods and demons all over the sky, coming from across the sky to suppress him.

The sky shook, and a demon prison fell down directly, like a world falling from the sky. Not only did he want to kill Uncle Xia, but he also wanted to kill him together with the Holy Lord and other ancestors in this place.

The vast pressure shook down. This was a taboo pressure that surpassed the level of the ancestors and even surpassed the emperor.

Everyone was immediately frightened, and their hearts were horrified. This demon prison turned out to be a ruined picture. No wonder this corpse monster dared to be so strong. Not only did it want to kill Uncle Xia Huang, who was holding the Taihuang Sword, but it also wanted to kill the Saint of this place. The Lord suppressed and killed them together.

This picture actually contains a world. This was probably a powerful artifact. Although it was broken, it still made people feel frightened and even trembled from the heart.

Uncle Xia Huang also had a solemn expression. He sacrificed the Taihuang Sword and unlocked a seal on the Taihuang Sword. In an instant, the Taihuang Sword was filled with light, and the sword energy poured straight into the sky and penetrated the sky. Wisps of imperial power belonging to the Holy Emperor emanated.

"Imperial power!"

Everyone was shocked. Is Uncle Xia going to completely activate the Taihuang Sword?

Many people were frightened and kept retreating.

This kind of imperial pressure directly suppressed everyone.


Uncle Xia Huang activated the Taihuang Sword and started a life-and-death battle with the corpse monster.


The void shattered and the sky collapsed. This was not only a battle between Emperor Xia and the zombie monster, but also a battle between two weapons.

Seeing Uncle Xia being held back, the old woman spoke again, "Everyone, what are you waiting for now? Wushang Creation is right in front of you, rush over and intercept Creation."


A big melee broke out again, and it was a rare opportunity. Now the seven ancestors around Ji Chen were all held back. This was a good opportunity to snatch the ancient scriptures of the gods and intercept the creation.

The most brutal melee broke out, with blood splattering and many people covered in blood.

Everyone rushed forward crazily, attacking crazily, and the Holy Lord's body was constantly being blasted, turning into a rain of blood.

After all, Uncle Xia Huang and the others only have seven people. Although they are all the strongest at the ancestor level, they have to face too many enemies, and many of them are injured.


The heaven and earth changed suddenly, and streams of dragon energy rushed out from Ji Chen's body and penetrated into the seven ancestors.

This is the purest original essence, which instantly fills everyone's tired bodies and puts them in the most extreme state.

Although Ji Chen is undergoing his final nirvana, he is still very clear about what is happening in the outside world.

However, his move aroused everyone's murderous intention even more. The more stunning he performed, the less likely everyone was to let him succeed in nirvana.

They have become enemies and cannot be good anymore. Complete destruction is the best way to solve the problem.

The old woman bypassed several tragic battlefields and finally approached Ji Chen.

"Hey Hey!"

The old woman laughed sadly.

"You fell into my hands after all!"

Not only did she want to snatch the ancient scriptures of the gods, but she also personally killed Ji Chen, killed the genius, made Ji Chen hate this, and even used Ji Chen's body to refine medicine.

She has a twin sister who is the twin king of him. She was once captured alive by Ji Chen while collecting medicine and used to make medicine. Now she wants to use the same method to make Ji Chen make medicine.

"What a great demon saint, what kind of supreme genius? Only those who survive are the true supreme ones. Everything you have done is a wedding dress for me. In order to thank you, I will refine your magic medicine and make the most of it." use."

The old woman said coldly, showing a sinister smile. Her voice was full of resentment and hatred, which made people hairy.

At this time, many Holy Lords had already broken through the defenses and approached Ji Chen.

A huge crisis is approaching Ji Chen.

Uncle Xia was anxious, but there was nothing he could do. He was held back by the corpse monster and could not support Ji Chen. Several other ancestors were also locked in a fierce battle and could not escape.

The old woman stretched out her palm, and a pitch-black war spear appeared, flashing with cold light.


The war spear instantly penetrated the void and shot towards Ji Chen's eyebrows.

The old woman was very cautious. Even though she had the absolute upper hand, she still did not choose to approach Ji Chen and engage in close combat with him.

Ji Chen's performance was so amazing that she didn't want to take risks. It wouldn't be worth it if Ji Chen took the backseat at the last moment.

At this moment, a burst of golden blood suddenly rushed out of Ji Chen's body, turned into countless runes, and condensed into a person exactly like Ji Chen in the void.


A vast aura filled the air, the void shook, and the powerful aura shook those who were close to Ji Chen. Their blood surged, their bodies were shaky, and they staggered back.


Everyone looked at this scene in horror.

This is the pressure of a Half-Step Saint Emperor, which means that the Great Demon Saint Ji Chen's cultivation has reached its limit and is about to break through to the realm of the Saint Emperor.

Ji Chen separated himself and grabbed the war spear, crushing it and then punched it.


The sky collapsed, and the terrifying martial arts thoughts shook the world, turned into the way of heaven, looked down on all the worlds, and were suppressed by Ji Chen's boxing skills.

In an instant, golden light flashed, runes surged, and the entire sky collapsed. The old woman and her mount Qingluan exploded together, and her body exploded into the void.

Even the bodies of the dozen or so Holy Lords between the heaven and the earth collapsed, were directly shattered, turned into blood mist, and their souls were scattered.

Everyone was horrified and stayed on the spot.

What kind of boxing is this? How could it be so scary?

This shocking scene deeply shook everyone's mind. (End of chapter)

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