However, the next second, his eyes widened, and the arrow was directly swallowed by Ji Chen's palm.

Soon, another arrow was swallowed by Ji Chen's palm.

"How can it be?"

Taoist Changsheng could not accept this result.

"Nothing is impossible!"

Ji Chen said coldly, he opened the palm world, swallowed the two arrows in, and then directly closed it in the palm world. Without the target, the golden arrow naturally lost its power.


The vast killing aura was heading towards Taoist Changsheng to kill him.

"Great Demon Saint, kill me, and there will be no place for you in all the worlds."

Taoist Changsheng roared and tried his best to resist the killing light, but it was of no use. The killing light turned into countless divine swords and slashed down, instantly cutting Taoist Changsheng into pieces.

Then, Ji Chen began to control the killing array to kill one by one. The Tianxuan Sword also flew out, turned into a flying sword, and shot a Holy Lord into the void.


The sword light turned into a ray of light and quickly penetrated the second man's head. The head exploded, and the broken bones and scum were filled with blood mist.

Ji Chen began to count them out one by one, and the sword light turned into fairy light, killing a dying holy master.

A Holy Lord next to him was frightened and soared into the sky, trying to escape. A divine sword transformed from the light of destruction struck down from the sky, splitting his body in half.

At this moment, everyone was extremely frightened, and some even started shouting.

"To fight out, you must fight out. If you rush in one direction, you can always rush out."

Everyone went crazy and wanted to pile up corpses to make a way out and force their way out.

"Damn it, when I get out, I will cut him into pieces."

"I will not let him die easily. I will let him live well and torture him slowly."


The formation was in motion, the endless light of destruction and the light of killing merged. Tens of thousands of divine swords of destruction fell from the sky. There was nowhere to escape. One after another, the Holy Lords were killed by the divine swords. The body was in pieces.

This place turned into a Shura field, and everyone was mercilessly crushed. Bloody light kept rising, and some people even turned into meat paste.

This is the array that Ji Chen condensed. It combines several killing arrays and merges with the world he just comprehended. It has the power to kill all living things in the world. As long as it is trapped in the killing array, it is impossible to escape.

This void has turned into a killing ground, with all kinds of destructive light and killing light flashing, even filled with thunder, and the sound of screams can be heard endlessly. As long as the killing light and destruction light are swept away, It will turn into ashes in an instant.

In a Shura-like scene, the bodies of the Holy Lords were chopped into pieces one after another, and blood flowed into rivers. The pungent smell of blood filled the air, and the blood mist filled the air, dyeing the entire sacred mountain red.

Ji Chen has his eyes on the Golden Lion Goddess of War. This powerful ancestor relied on the Emperor's dirty blood to hold on until now. Not to mention, she has even broken through to the edge of the killing array and is about to escape.

Ji Chen's eyes flashed with amusement. In this killing array, how could any action be hidden from his perception.

He launched a killing array, and countless divine swords killed him.

The Golden Lion Goddess of War burst out with endless fighting spirit, the golden battle clothes on her body shone brightly, and the vast divine power fluctuated, but she could not stop the killing sword of the killing array, and her body was instantly torn apart.

The Tianxuan Sword turned into a beam of destructive light and shot out, killing the ancestor who was using the Great Aquarius Mark in the void.

Ji Chen went on a killing spree, the Tianxuan Sword pierced through the killing array, turned into a minced meat divine light, and strangled another ancestor.

"Brother Ji Chen, there is a misunderstanding. I think there may be some misunderstanding between us. I stepped into this sacred mountain accidentally."

The ancestor opened his mouth and tried his best to explain.

"Go down and explain to the King of Hell!" The destructive sword light instantly penetrated the ancestor's body and crushed him to pieces.

The ancestors who have been able to sustain until now, in addition to their own powerful strength, each of them has some extraordinary means and taboo techniques.

Under the full force of the killing array, coupled with Ji Chen's active strangulation, even these ancestors could not hold on, and were killed one by one, with their souls and souls destroyed.

Taoist Changsheng is dead, the Golden Lion Goddess of War is dead, and all the ancestors are dead. Those sons of gods who did not participate in the battle feel that things are serious. If what happened here is spread, it will shake the world outside the territory.

The world was silent. Except for Ji Chen, there was no one alive in the killing array, not even a complete corpse.

Blood mist filled the air, and the blood dyed the entire sacred mountain red. The originally peaceful sacred mountain turned into a Shura field at this moment.

The killing array is slowly disappearing, and the golden divine light is slowly covering the entire sacred mountain, dispersing the blood mist.

Ji Chen also reached a critical moment. In the fairy pool, all the divine light and runes were rushing towards his body and were absorbed by Ji Chen's body.

The Divine Fire clone sat on top of Ji Chen's body, and the Tianxuan Sword and the Divine Golden Cauldron also flew out, suspended next to them, and evolved together with Ji Chen.

All around Ji Chen, it was as if the universe was evolving, with all kinds of strange phenomena emerging. Stars shone in the sky, the sun and the moon rotated, and one world after another was destroyed and then reborn.

"What kind of technique did he practice, and why did he have such a terrifying vision?"

Several Sons of God were surprised, now they were the only ones left in the entire secret realm.

"Is it possible that it's because of the ancient scriptures of the gods?" Yaoguang Godzi said.

Suddenly, the void around Ji Chen collapsed, stars were destroyed one after another, and the universe around him also collapsed and was heading for destruction.

"What happened? Did he fail to pass the test?"

The Son of the Sun God spoke, his eyes like two suns.

"He is reborn, destroyed and reborn, this is his way!" Yaoguang God Son looked solemn.

"Destruction and rebirth, could it be reincarnation? What he practices is the Tao of Reincarnation!"

Several of the Sons of God instantly took a breath of cold air and said, "If this is true, then this Great Demon Saint would be quite terrifying. Legend has it that no one can understand the Tao of Reincarnation. This is the mystery of time."

At this time, new changes occurred in Ji Chen. After the destruction of the universe, a new world was born. It was a pure land. Ji Chen was like a god who created the world, sitting in the only pure land. The vast divine power filled the air and spread throughout the secret realm.


The hearts of several Sons of God were shocked. The Great Demon Saint successfully advanced to the realm of the Holy Lord, breaking the suppression of the rules of the great road in this secret realm, and successfully broke through under the suppression.

"This is really amazing."

"He actually broke the rules. The Great Demon Saint may be the first person to break the rules in many thousands of years."

"In this case, if he succeeds in breaking through and breaking the rules of the secret realm, I don't know how terrifying his combat power will be." (End of Chapter)

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