
Ji Chen's figure turned into a ray of light, pulled up a bolt of lightning in the void, pierced the void with a knife, nailed a figure into the void, and then directly collapsed.

Even if it is just a divine fire clone, the strength displayed is shocking.


More and more people rushed towards Ji Chen. The more frightened the strength Ji Chen showed was, the more determined they became in their determination to kill Ji Chen.

In their opinion, these are the effects brought about by the ancient scriptures of the gods and the Shengxian Pond.

The Great Demon Saint must have understood part of the ancient scriptures of gods to show such terrifying strength, which made them even more eager for the ancient scriptures of gods.


Terrifying murderous intent surged crazily, and several powerful men of the Holy Lord level took action at the same time, attacking Ji Chen.

This is a violent wave, destroying everything, and the invisible killing thoughts shatter the void, destroying all obstacles, and there is nothing that can resist it.

The real life-and-death battle began. These holy masters used the ultimate killing technique and launched a desperate killing. They had a tacit understanding and cooperation with each other.

Although they are not familiar with each other or each other's moves, at the level of the Holy Master, they can often understand how to cooperate with just one look and movement.

The divine fire clone can only absorb power from Ji Chen's body to fight against everyone. Fortunately, the divine material in the Shengxian Pond is like a vast ocean, and the small amount of power needed for the battle will not affect Ji Chen at all.

Someone saw that the key point was that Ji Chen's body was immortal, and this divine fire spirit body was difficult to destroy.

A Holy Lord attacks Ji Chen's body. Now Ji Chen's body is at a critical moment and has no defense at all.


As soon as the holy master got close to Ji Chen's body, he was punched to pieces by Ji Chen's body. Bones and slag splattered, and blood sprayed out.

With a casual punch, a Holy Lord was blown away. This scene shocked everyone and made them extremely horrified.

How is this possible? I originally thought that the Great Demon Saint's body would have no fighting power at this moment. Who would have thought that he could actually defeat a Holy Lord with one punch.

The remaining people were all frightened by Ji Chen's terrifying fighting power.

Those who were originally planning to kill Ji Chen's body all changed their minds and started to kill the divine fire clone.

Extinguishing the divine fire clone can also have a very big impact on the Great Demon Saint who is making a breakthrough, causing him to fail to break through.


More than a dozen Holy Lords attacked at the same time towards the divine fire clone. This lineup was enough to defeat him directly.


Ji Ru was like a fairy light, leaving traces of light in the void, avoiding everyone's bombardment. He used eight steps to ascend into the air. Although he could not teleport, this speed was enough to surpass everyone and turned into a ray of light. Strike across the sky.


A figure shattered into pieces in the void, bone fragments shot out everywhere, and blood mist filled the air.

The remaining people were shocked and a little palpitating, but at this point, they couldn't do anything better.

Even if they stop now, it is too late. Once Ji Chen succeeds in breaking through, they will die, so their goal is very clear now, to kill Ji Chen and intercept the creation.

They are bound to get the ancient scriptures of gods and Shengxian Pond.


A dozen people joined forces, and the lineup was so powerful that they directly shattered the void and turned into a huge black hole, swallowing up Ji Chen.

Ji Chen used eight steps to ascend to the sky, and although he avoided being swallowed by the black hole, the appearance of the black hole still affected the structure of his world, and even affected the Shengxian Pond.

An ancestor-level expert took action and transformed the black hole into a great vase, which engulfed Shengxian Pond and Ji Chen's body, trying to swallow them together.

Ji Chen's divine fire clone was almost surrounded. More monks took action and surrounded the divine fire clone. The sword fields composed of sword rays trapped him.


The power of time spreads out, flowing past like a wave, affecting the operation of the Dao Aquarius and the trajectory of everyone.


Ji Chen swung the Tianxuan sword to cut off a holy sword, and at the same time killed the holy master in the void.

At this moment, a golden sword was thrust towards Ji Chen, and it collided with Ji Chen's Tianxuan sword, causing a large series of sparks.

The Golden Lion Goddess of War has taken action. This is a truly peerless powerhouse and an ancestor-level figure.

This is the most terrifying person, absolutely invincible.

As soon as he made a move, it was a decisive blow, as if a door to hell had been opened. The endless killing thoughts were like a mad wave, and the golden sword crossed the sky, drawing a ray of light like a comet, and slashed towards Ji Chen's head.


Ji Chen's body suddenly became disillusioned. Like a phantom, it disappeared on the spot and suddenly condensed in the distance.


A Holy Lord was killed by Ji Chen without any defense, and his body was broken into two pieces.


Immediately afterwards, he flashed and slashed out with the Tianxuan Sword, splitting the other Holy Master's head in half. Blood spurted out, white brains flowed, and the body fell down.

The Golden Lion Goddess of War came again, and the golden sword slashed down across the air, splitting the void. The golden sword energy and divine light crisscrossed the void, shattering the void. The golden sword was like a divine sword of heaven, slashing towards Ji Chen.

Ji Chen used eight steps to ascend into the air, and like a ray of divine light, he disappeared directly from the place and reappeared thousands of feet away.

At this moment, a bloody sword stabbed out of the void silently, stabbing Ji Chen's temple, sharp and cruel.

"Ding ding ding!"

Ji Chen quickly exchanged a few moves with the blood sword, and the owner of the blood sword disappeared. Just when Ji Chen was about to chase him, the Golden Lion Goddess of War came over to kill him.

"Seven Killings of the Divine Dynasty!"

This was the first time Ji Chen's divine fire clone spoke. He was extremely bored with this divine dynasty.


Ji Chen and the Golden Lion Goddess of War exchanged blows, releasing their violent divine power and causing the void to collapse.

At this moment, the bloody sword appeared again, stabbing the back of Ji Chen's head silently.

The blood sword appeared very suddenly, silently, without a trace of murderous intent or aura, but it was extremely dangerous.


While Ji Chen dodged, the Tianxuan Sword penetrated somewhere in the void, penetrated the opponent's head, penetrated from the left temple, and penetrated from the right temple, directly killing the killer of the Seven Kills Dynasty.

This result made many people's hearts sink. The strength Ji Chen showed made their hearts palpitate, and his methods were so terrifying.


The golden sword flew across the sky and stabbed towards Ji Chen, almost hitting Ji Chen's necessary movement path. The Golden Lion Goddess of War took advantage of the gap between Ji Chen's assassination of the Seven Killers to attack Ji Chen.

The sword glowed brightly, grazing Ji Chen's body and stabbing him, almost cutting him in half.

Ji Chen's heart was filled with fear. This woman was extremely powerful and almost killed him.

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