The Holy Master of the Fire God Palace wanted everyone to unite and attack Ji Chen together, completely killing him here so that he could not stand up.

However, others refused and did not want to get involved.

They knew the terror of the Great Demon Saint. He was besieged and killed by four ancestors and others at the foot of the sacred mountain. This kind of fighting power made them palpitate.

Looking at how many times the Great Demon Saint came to the island, he was surrounded and killed, and every time he was not completely victorious, he seemed to be in a desperate situation, but he was the one who survived in the end.

This man is too scary. If you can avoid going against him, it's best not to go against him.

Besides, even if they can successfully encircle and kill them, they still have to sacrifice a lot of lives in exchange for lives. They have finally reached this point and are about to obtain the final inheritance. It is really not cost-effective to die here.

Everyone clearly refused. If you want to destroy him, you can just do it yourself. There is no need to hold us back.

Ji Chen smiled and said, "You have made the most correct choice."

Then, he shouted, "Kill!"

In an instant, Ji Chen exploded and slashed out with the Tianxuan sword. The destructive sword light cut through the space and slashed towards the door.

The two holy masters of the Scarlet Flame Temple and the two holy masters of the Xuanyin Sword Sect changed their colors instantly. Even they were a little afraid of this terrifying destructive sword energy and had to avoid its sharp edge.

Ji Chen forced the door open with a knife and killed him out.

"You know what you're looking for!"

Holy Lord Xuanyin sneered with contempt.

If Ji Chen hides in the temple and cannot come out, they really have some tricks up their sleeves. After all, there are many other people in the temple. Although they are not afraid, if they really offend those people to death, it may affect the fight for the final inheritance later. Being tripped up by them.

Ji Chen came out just as they wanted.

Outside the temple, the two sides stood facing each other.

There were seven Saint Lord-level experts on the other side. Even the people in the temple were moved by such a powerful lineup.

Not to mention them in this lineup, even the Taoist Priest of Immortality would be hated when he came. At this place, everyone's strength was further suppressed by the law of balance, reaching an almost fair state.

In this state, the advantage of having more people is highlighted.

There is a Holy Lord from the Scarlet Flame Temple, two Holy Lords from the Xuanyin Sect, the only two Holy Lords from the Thunder God Palace, and the only Holy Lord from the Fire God Palace.

The lineup was extremely strong, and seven people were dispatched at the same time, directly surrounding Ji Chen.

Ji Chen's clothes were floating, shining with colorful divine light, shining brightly, like a divine king, transcending the world of mortals.

"This is!"

Several holy masters instantly became wary and stared at the battle clothes on Ji Chen's body.

"Colorful divine golden battle clothes!"

Holy Lord Chiyan spoke. There was a pair of wings burning with flames behind him. The flames were soaring into the sky. His figure was also tall and majestic, like a sun god.

Each color of the seven-color divine gold battle suit represents a kind of divine gold. In other words, Ji Chen's battle suit is made of at least seven kinds of divine gold.

Everyone was also extremely shocked. The battle suit made of seven kinds of divine gold was more powerful than the light of the avenue in the temple.

At this moment, all of them were envious and extremely jealous. Their ancestors traveled all over the world and searched for countless years but could not find a piece of divine gold, but this guy used it to refine the battle suit. , even the combat boots are made of divine gold.

Even the people in the temple were in a daze. At this moment, Ji Chen's trump card was revealed, which shocked them.

At this moment, Ji Chen took the initiative to launch an attack. He turned into a ray of light and struck vertically and horizontally, directly breaking through the siege of seven people.

The seven people joined forces and sacrificed to kill Wuliang Shenpeng. They turned into rays of immortal light and formed a world. They wanted to besiege Ji Chen, but Ji Chen still broke through.

The terrifying sword energy slashed down, the immortal light was split, and the god was destroyed.

Ji Chen evolved the Immortal Killing Sword again. Once the Immortal Sword comes out, it is invincible and no one can stop it.


The bloody light burst out, and the first unlucky person was the only Holy Master of the Fire God Palace. The sword light passed over his head, and a head rose into the sky, and the holy blood sprayed out like spring water.

A frightened soul rushed out and tried to escape, but was directly burned to ashes by the divine light radiating from Ji Chen's eyes.

Zhu Xian’s first kill!

The remaining six people were all frightened by the strength of Ji Chen's terror brigade.

In the same suppressed state, the Great Demon Saint was so fierce, and his strength seemed to be a bit higher than them. This was wrong.

Even the people in the temple were subdued by Ji Chen's display of strength, and they were secretly glad that they had not agreed to their request just now.

All of this happened in a flash, and even if the people from the Red Flame Temple wanted to stop it, it was too late.

The remaining six people roared, evolved various avenues, and headed towards Ji Chenzhen.

In an instant, the sky overturned, and the immeasurable immortal light directly submerged the place.

Immediately afterwards, Ji Chen roared and used eight steps to ascend into the sky.

Although his eight steps into the air were suppressed by the light of the avenue in this place, his speed was still terrifying.

He stared at one of the Holy Lords of the Scarlet Flame Temple, his astonishing gaze piercing the void like two divine swords.

The Holy Lord was shocked. He didn't expect that Ji Chen's target this time would be him.

The sword that Ji Chen used to kill the Holy Lord of the Fire God Palace left a deep impression on him and made him feel a little frightened. Now that he was being targeted, he was inevitably a little afraid.


The sword light radiated vertically and horizontally, like a light of law slashing from the sky.

The Holy Lord of the Scarlet Flame Temple roared angrily and used his holy weapon to block it.

The other Holy Lords also took action with all their strength to help resist, and at the same time they attacked and killed Ji Chen, and all kinds of divine light of laws shot toward Ji Chen.


The bell suddenly rang, and in an instant, the heavens chimed in harmony, the world turned upside down, and the divine sound spread throughout the nine sacred mountains.

Ji Chen unexpectedly evolved the Donghuang Bell at this time, the divine bell of the ancient god Donghuang Taiyi in his previous life.

The target of this divine bell turned out to be the two holy masters of the Xuanyin Sword Sect.

The sound of the divine bell fell down, and along with the aura of chaos, it suppressed all obstacles.

The two holy masters were extremely frightened, and the aura emanating from the divine bell filled their hearts with fear.

Unexpectedly, Ji Chen's real target when he attacked east and west was actually them.


The two roared and tried their best to resist, but it was useless. This divine bell was too terrifying. As the divine bell fell, their bodies instantly became fragments, turning into blood mist in the invisible fluctuations, and their bodies and spirits were destroyed. .

At this moment, Ji Chen showed his supreme power, killing all directions and being invincible. Everyone was frightened and trembling, even the people in the temple were terrified.

This gesture of nothingness shocked everyone.

In just a moment, three of the seven Holy Lords died.

The remaining four were immediately confused and a little confused. How could this Great Demon Saint be so powerful?

This is not right!

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