I have a knife, I can kill monsters when I take it out of its sheath

Chapter 621 Shocking the Eight Wastelands and Liuhe

This blow, accompanied by the sound of the Dao, filled the air with terrifying divine power, the void burst into pieces, and the chaotic aura surged.

The terrifying power of the god was so shocking that many people took a breath of air. This Great Demon Saint was really violent. The temple was like a sacred mountain in his hands, crushing it directly.

Faced with such a terrifying attack, the old monster in the temple had to choose to defend and block it with a spear horizontal bar.


The terrifying collision caused everyone's eardrums in this world to buzz and almost burst. The void exploded, chaos surged, lightning fell from the sky, wild thunder shocked the world, the thunder in the void shook the ears, and the light of law disappeared.

It’s simply outrageous!

This is the voice of everyone, and they are all extremely shocked. The Great Demon Saint can actually fight against the old monster in the temple and take the initiative to attack.


Ji Chen swung the temple again and pounced on the old monster in the temple.

This scene looks very funny, like an ant fighting another ant while swinging an elephant.

But no one dared to laugh. Either of these two ants could crush them to death.

The void exploded, accompanied by thunder and lightning, and the temple was filled with divine light, with Taoist rhyme flowing and brilliance shining.

The temple itself is a powerful weapon with extremely terrifying power.

The two launched a peerless battle, the fairy light was brilliant, extremely powerful, and violent enough to shock the world.

This level of fighting shocked the hearts of countless people. Neither of them said a single unnecessary word. They started fighting directly after meeting. Any unnecessary words were powerless at this time.

"Boom boom boom!"

The violent collision was like thunder falling from the sky, and the divine sound was deafening. Some saints with poor cultivation couldn't even bear it, and their eardrums were about to burst.

In the battlefield, the divine light kept rising, accompanied by the terrifying haze of fairy light, mixed with the aura of chaos.

This was an extremely terrifying scene. There were hundreds of terrifying collisions in an instant, and the shattered void never healed, as if it was a punishment from God.

In fact, the more Ji Chen fought, the more frightened he became. The old monster in the temple was powerful beyond imagination. He met his opponent, an extremely terrifying opponent. The terrifying body is no worse than the sanctification of his body.

This was the strongest opponent he had ever encountered since he was born. Even if he fought with the opponent while carrying the temple, he still did not take advantage, and his arms were sore from the shock.

A half-step emperor is a half-step emperor. Even if he is suppressed by the great road on this island, he can still look down on everyone and look invincible.

Apart from the other old monsters and the ancestor-level monsters in the Supreme Religion, who else can compete with them.

Little did he know, the other party was even more shocked, and his mind was greatly shocked. A young man at the level of a son of God was so terrifying, especially in his physical body. He was even more tyrannical than him. He was like a real dragon in human form.

His body was tempered over tens of thousands of years after the Holy Lord reached his peak and found it impossible to break through.

How old is the other party? He is less than a hundred years old, but his physical body is so terrifying.

He got his battle spear from a ruins on the island. He thought he wouldn't be subject to the suppression of the island's main road, but who knew that the guy opposite actually built a temple.

In general, both of them are physically fit to the extreme, and their weapons are comparable.

Ji Chen's offensive was very fierce and domineering.

The old monster in the temple continued to withstand Ji Chen's attacks. Although he was surprised in his heart, he remained calm and collected on the surface, as if everything was under control.


There was another collision, the divine sound shook the heaven and the earth, and the arms of both sides were numb.

Ji Chen's tiger's mouth was slightly cracked, with blood splattering on it. The same was true for the old monster in the temple, with blood splattering on his hand.

Both of them were injured and both felt uncomfortable. This was the result of head-on confrontation.

Ji Chen didn't flinch, and neither did the old monster in the temple. The two were still engaged in hand-to-hand combat. This is a battle of strength and body, and no one is willing to admit defeat.

The power of the confrontation and contest between the two was absorbed by the two weapons, and the temple and the war spear erupted with bright and blazing divine light.

The void was constantly crushed and obliterated.

"As expected of the Great Demon Saint, he has fought hundreds of rounds with the old monsters in the temple, and he has not yet suffered a defeat."

People around him praised him, saying that among the young people, no one could surpass him.

Son of the Sun God, Son of Suan Ni, Son of Yaoguang, Taiyi, Messenger of Shura, Jin Chanzi, the supreme beings among the Sons of God, all watched silently, with great shock in their hearts.

As the Son of God, Ji Chen has already been able to compete with the older generation. Although he is suppressed by Dao Dao, this is enough to be proud of. If it were them, they probably wouldn't be able to last a hundred rounds.

The Son of the Sun God stood there, as bright as a big sun, and his whole body was shrouded in the brilliance of the sun, making it difficult for people to see his true appearance.

"I'm not as good as him!"

The Son of the Sun God spoke up and proactively admitted that he was not as good as Ji Chen, which shocked everyone around him.

You must know that these sons of gods are extremely proud and always look down on anyone. Even the Holy Lords and even the half-step emperors are not looked down upon by them.

In their opinion, as long as they are given time, they will surpass those people sooner or later. But at this moment, the Sun God Son took the initiative to admit that he was inferior to the Great Demon Saint Ji Chen, which surprised everyone.

"He's better than me!"

Suan Nizi then said, this is a fact. Judging from Ji Chen's current combat power, he is indeed much stronger than them.

They also went to see the place where the descendants of the temple were killed. Judging from the traces at the scene, the Great Demon Saint only used two moves. In just two moves, he killed the descendants of the temple and several holy masters of the temple, which was enough to infer that the Great Demon Saint How scary the Demon Saint is.

They were killed instantly without any resistance. Considering the situation at that time and the combat power Ji Chen had shown so far, it is estimated that none of them combined would be Ji Chen's opponent.

"I am no match for him either!"

"The Great Demon Saint is stronger than me."

"Amitabha, even a poor monk is no match."

Yaoguang, Taiyi, Shura, and Jinchanzi also admitted one after another that they were not Ji Chen's opponents.

At this moment, whether it was the human race, the demon race, or other races, they were all shocked and dumbfounded.

Several great sons of gods actually admitted that they were no match for the Great Demon Saint Ji Chen. This group of arrogant, extremely conceited and confident sons of gods actually admitted at the same time that they were inferior to young people of the same era as themselves.

Which one of these sons of gods is not the supreme one who is powerful in the region, with an indelible pride in his body, who does not respect heaven or earth, and will not think that he is inferior to his contemporaries.

In this world, except for those great emperors who have disappeared and gods who are said to have become gods, no one can make them bow their heads, let alone admit that they are worse than anyone else.

But at this moment, they admitted on such an occasion that they were inferior to the Great Demon Saint Ji Chen. (End of chapter)

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