
The aura of destruction filled the air, the void collapsed, and the killing light bloomed.

The killer had no time to react before he was blasted and turned into blood mist.

Several holy masters next to him were startled. Ji Chen struck out quickly and suddenly. Originally, he was still confronting the peak successor of the temple, but in the end, he struck out at the people next to him without any warning.


Two divine lights pierced the void and appeared in front of Ji Chen without any warning. The shocking murderous intent made everyone nearby feel numb.

This murderous intent was so strong that even those who were used to seeing life and death and wading through mountains of corpses and seas of blood were still frightened by it.

The red killing light was like a flying fairy from the sky, stabbing towards Ji Chen's eyebrows.

This is the killer's sword, one strike will kill.

The other two killers knew they had been exposed the moment Ji Chen took action and took action without any hesitation.

Both of them were very experienced. They did not choose to rescue the first killer, but seized this momentary opportunity to assassinate Ji Chen.

However, at this moment, Ji Chen disappeared out of thin air. His movements were extremely strange and there were no traces.

The two killers felt nervous and retreated immediately.

The first rule of a killer is to retreat immediately if you miss a hit, and then prepare for a second opportunity to attack.

But it's too late.

"Reincarnation of time!"

Ji Chen's cold voice sounded from above, and a terrifying force filled the air. The whole world was imprisoned, and the two killers clearly felt that the divine power on their bodies was passing away.

"How is that possible?" The two of them were horrified.


The unparalleled fist light came down from the void, like stars falling and the sun sinking.

The void cracked open on the spot, and one of the killers was directly blasted into the void, while the other was seriously injured. The destructive force destroyed his lungs, causing him to cough up blood.


The killer looked at Ji Chen in horror and shock. He couldn't understand how the other party could see through them.

"Seven Killers of the Gods!" Ji Chen sneered, "Those who are capable of showing off their skills even though they can only hide and make sneak attacks, I will let you taste the feeling of being attacked by surprise today."

Ji Chen punched again, his fist glowed even brighter, and the void exploded.


The last killer's body also exploded into the void, turning into a blood mist.


Ji Chen's body disappeared out of thin air and he went to kill the descendants of the temple.

However, the descendant of the temple was well prepared and had carved a teleportation array in advance. When Ji Chen killed the first killer, he knew something was wrong and activated the teleportation array directly.

The light flickered, and the body of the temple heir disappeared directly.

At this time, Ji Chen happened to attack and missed.


Ji Chen directly exploded the void and followed the induction and rushed into the void.

Ji Chen was more proficient in crossing the teleportation formation than the descendants of the temple. The island was so big, Ji Chen easily caught the teleportation trajectory, and followed the void to kill it.

Everyone was stunned and in disbelief.

The Great Demon Saint actually followed the teleportation and killed him. This is too terrifying!

Everyone around the valley was shocked. The terrifying power Ji Chen showed shocked them.

"Oh my god, he actually followed the teleportation array into the void and killed him directly!" someone exclaimed.

In an instant, the valley boiled, causing an uproar and some people even screamed.

"But why didn't he kill the heir of the temple first? In this case, the heir of the temple would have no chance to escape."

At this time, someone discovered the blood sword on the ground, and three blood-dropping long swords fell to the ground.

The blood sword was slender, with a strange shape, and exuded an astonishing killing intent.


Everyone's expressions changed as they recognized this kind of long sword. Only killers would use this kind of sword. Killers pursue killing with one strike. This shape of sword is very suitable for assassination.

These three people turned out to be killers. The descendants of the temple cooperated with the killers to set up this killing plan. Unfortunately, the Great Demon Saint discovered it in advance.

The place became more lively and noisy all of a sudden. The killer who specialized in hunting people was actually being hunted as prey.

"No wonder the Great Demon Saint wants to kill these three people first. It turns out that these three are killers."

Some people were shocked when they thought about the details. If it were anyone else in this situation, they would probably be dead. This was a dead end situation. The heirs of the temple used everyone who could be used, even Those of them who were watching the fun unknowingly became the accomplices of the heirs of the temple.

This man took advantage of details and people's hearts to the fullest.

What's even more terrifying is Demon King Ji. He actually saw through this killing formation and took the lead in killing the three killers, directly breaking the situation.

Judging from the aura, the Great Demon Saint Ji Chen is very young, no more than a hundred years old. He is younger than all the sons of gods in this world of gods, but his cultivation surpasses all the sons of gods. If this person does not die young, he will definitely become a god in the future.

"He is truly invincible. On this island, no one can suppress him except those old monsters."

Deep in the secret realm, there is a teleportation array, and several holy masters are guarding it. Suddenly the teleportation array lights up, and the several holy masters look solemn.

The successor of the temple once explained that once the teleportation array lights up, it means that he is in danger.


The teleportation array suddenly erupted with immeasurable light, extremely bright, the void collapsed, and the bright divine light cut through the void and burst out from the teleportation array.

A Holy Lord was unaware and was instantly split in half by the destructive divine light.

The next moment, the void opened, and a man covered in blood fell out of the void.

"Son of God!"

Several Holy Lords were shocked, this turned out to be their Son of God.

"Let's go, let's go quickly!" the temple's heir said, with blood constantly flowing out of his mouth.


The void collapsed again, and a destructive fist shot out from inside.

This destructive aura frightened everyone.

The world exploded, and was directly annihilated in front of this destructive force.

"If I die, you won't live long!" The heir of the temple roared unwillingly, and then he was directly exploded by this force, and his body turned into a rain of blood.

The void opened, and a young man wearing a blue battle suit walked out, his eyes stern and invincible.

He raised his hand and punched, and the unparalleled divine light shook the surroundings. The world trembled. Under the destructive power, it was directly annihilated, and those holy masters were also annihilated.

Then, Ji Chen took a step forward and disappeared.

The sky and the earth were silent, leaving only the blood mist filling the sky and the earth.

Not long after, someone appeared here, found the weapon of the successor of the temple, and determined that the successor of the temple died here.

When the news leaked out, the entire island was in uproar. The heir of the temple was beaten to death by the Great Demon Saint, and no bones were left. Along with the other people in the temple, they were also blasted into the void and wiped out.

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