I have a knife, I can kill monsters when I take it out of its sheath

Chapter 612: Defeat the holy soldiers with bare hands

That kind of destructive power made their hearts palpitate, the void burst, and they were directly annihilated. Chaos aura surged out, and the whole world trembled, as if it was about to explode.

It has to be said that the Fire God Son is indeed powerful. The power of one kick can shatter the sky and split the earth. Countless flame runes shine, forming a map of the galaxy, seeming to bring the entire sky to suppress it.

Ji Chen evolved the Great Sun Divine Fist, with unparalleled fist seals, and with the power to destroy the world, he attacked the starry sky.


With a loud noise, the starry sky was torn apart like a picture scroll, penetrated by Ji Chen's fist light, and endless divine light bloomed in it, dazzling and gorgeous.


Blood spattered and Vulcan's entire leg exploded.

He quickly retreated, his body burning with endless divine fire. The exploded leg grew at a speed visible to the naked eye, and quickly recovered.

Rebirth from the ashes, the supreme secret technique of the Son of Fire.

But it was not without cost. His face was slightly pale, and it was obvious that rebirth took a lot of effort.

Everyone was shocked. The battle had just begun when the Fire God Son had one of his legs blown off. The Great Demon Saint responded calmly and seemed to have not used all his strength.

But I have to say that this Son of Fire God is absolutely terrifying. He can be reborn from the fire and is an extremely powerful existence among all the Sons of God.

The face of the God of Fire was ugly, and the murderous intent was even stronger in his eyes.

"I, Jin Liehuo, have never been defeated since I was born. You can make me suffer today, which is enough for me to be proud of myself."

His eyes became more brilliant, flames spurted out, the halberd in his hand burned with blazing flames, the void was distorted by burning, and each rune shone in the flames.

He occupied the high altitude and slashed down with his halberd.


The great halberd streaked through the void, bringing with it a terrifying divine light, and slashed in the direction of Ji Chen, reaching above Ji Chen in an instant.

The bright halberd was burning with blazing flames, the void was shattered, and it was split open directly.

Ji Chen raised his fist and attacked directly.


The God of Fire scolded him coldly.

When he saw Ji Chen using his bare hands to shake his holy soldiers, his eyes were cold, which was a naked contempt for him.

The halberd was shining brightly and became even more brilliant. In the blink of an eye, it struck before his eyes. He wanted to kill Ji Chen with one blow. Since the other party dared to challenge his holy soldiers with bare hands and openly despised him, he wanted to give the other party a deep and painful blow. lesson.

Even the people around him thought Ji Chen was crazy. He was crazy for shaking the holy soldiers with his bare hands. This was purely an act of seeking death.


The heaven and earth trembled, like two stars colliding, the divine voice shook the universe, the void was shattered inch by inch, the terrifying rainbow bloomed, and the flames exploded, as if blood was splattered.

This collision shocked and terrified everyone.

The Great Demon Saint actually managed to shake the holy soldiers with his bare hands without being injured. This crazy feat shocked everyone.

This blow caused the entire void to collapse, like a sun exploding, and one flame rune after another exploded in the void.

The arm of Vulcan Son was shaking, a little sore and numb, and his bones ached, which frightened him for a while. He couldn't imagine how terrifying that guy's body was. It was like a real dragon in human form, and his body was immortal.

This halberd is a holy weapon that he has practiced for many years. It is his magic weapon. If it were not for this divine treasure, he would have had the opportunity to train the halberd into a holy weapon.

In his opinion, the opponent should be killed by him with a halberd.


After a brief collision, without any pause, the halberd fell down again, and the golden brilliance illuminated the entire sky.

The God of Fire danced his halberd as if dancing the sun, and when the halberd passed by, it was like stars falling and the void exploding.

Ji Chen took a step forward, punched the void with his fist, and hit him hard again.

"Boom boom boom!"

The sky exploded, and two rays of light and shadow kept colliding in the broken void. The speed was so fast that no one could see clearly.

The divine voice shook heaven and earth.

This kind of battle scene is shocking, shaking the holy soldiers with bare hands is thrilling.


Blood splattered, a figure flew out, and blood spilled into the sky.

Everyone was stunned to see that the man who flew out turned out to be the Son of God of Fire. He was covered in blood, and the hand holding the halberd was dripping with blood. He was severely injured by the shock.

It was unimaginable how terrifying Ji Chen's body was.

"I'll take your life!"

Ji Chen took a step forward and punched down, causing the void to explode. The Fire God Son could only wave his halberd and continue to fight.

There was no suspense in this battle. The Son of Fire was powerful, but it was a pity that he met his opponent. Ji Chen was even more powerful, and his body was extremely terrifying. He shook the holy soldiers and made Son of Fire's injuries continue to worsen.

The Fire God Son had nothing to rely on, and Ji Chen was so fast that he couldn't get away at all.


After a series of battles, Vulcan Son continued to bleed, and his body continued to break. The halberd in his hand was deformed, the tiger's mouth exploded, and dense cracks appeared in the finger bones and arm bones.

His whole body was burning with raging flames, and he was constantly reborn from the ashes, but he couldn't keep up with the speed of his injuries, and the cost of using rebirth from the ashes to repair his injuries was very high. His face was very pale, and his injuries were getting more and more serious.

Ji Chen used extreme speed, punch after punch. Resurrection from the ashes had no effect on Ji Chen. He believed that as long as he was fast enough, the opponent's repair speed would not be able to keep up with the speed of the injury.

Direct stacking of injuries can also kill the opponent.


With another punch, the halberd in Fire God Son's hand exploded, turning into countless fragments that shot out and penetrated the void.


There was an uproar around them. It was unimaginable that the Great Demon Saint had defeated the holy soldiers with his bare hands. This body was so terrifying that they were terrified.

The arm of the God of Fire holding the halberd exploded. Before he could repair it, Ji Chen took a step forward, came to his side, and punched him.


The body of the God of Fire was exploded in the void, like a sun exploding. The fire was blazing into the sky, and the shattered bones and blood were scattered everywhere, burning with blazing flames. Every drop of blood and minced meat turned into flame runes and burned.

The Son of Fire God was beheaded and blasted into the void. He was shocked on the spot.

Fire runes dripped onto the ground, and the ground melted.

Everyone was shocked. Some people who were allied with the Son of Fire looked ugly, but they did not dare to say anything.

Instead of losing both sides as imagined, the Great Demon Saint directly defeated the Fire God Son in a devastating way.

The atmosphere at the scene was very silent. Everyone looked at Ji Chen in fear. They could feel how powerful this man was. He was probably unbeatable among the Sons of God.

The Son of Fire is very powerful. You can tell how terrifying he is from the fact that he killed more than a dozen Holy Lords in one battle. He has also fought against several other Sons of God. Although the outcome was not decided, he was able to leave calmly.

And Ji Chen's ability to easily kill the Son of Fire God means that he can easily kill other Sons of God. (End of chapter)

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