Ji Chen raised his hand and pressed it down gently.


The void collapsed and the fairy light shattered, turning into countless light rains and dissipating between heaven and earth.


In an instant, the sword energy was like a rainbow, and the Aquarius Seal shone brightly, spurting out even more immortal light, turning into countless immortal-killing divine swords, densely packed and filled with immortal light.

Thousands of immortal-killing swords came towards Ji Chen to kill him.

Ji Chen stretched out his hand and grabbed it in the void. A magical sword condensed from the great road appeared in his hand. He raised his hand and slashed it out.


A destructive force appeared, the void was shattered, the heaven and earth were destroyed, the Immortal-Slaying Divine Sword exploded all over the sky, and the bright light was so bright that people could not open their eyes.

The glow is blazing and the mist is filled, like chaos surging.

The path of destruction, the destructive power, shattered the world, and was destroyed along with the Immortal-Slaying Divine Sword all over the sky.

Terrifying destructive power fills the world.


The old woman spat out a mouthful of blood and flew away. The vase seal on her head exploded and she was seriously injured.

She was extremely horrified and couldn't believe that there was such a terrifying power in the world. The destructive aura made her heart palpitate.

Ji Chen stretched out his palm and grabbed it towards her.

The old woman was frightened and wanted to escape, but found that the whole world was imprisoned and there was no way to escape.

Ji Chen stretched out two fingers, and directly picked up the old woman under her horrified gaze.

She revealed her real body and tried to break free, but was unable to do so. She could only watch helplessly as Ji Chen threw her into the divine golden cauldron.

"Yeah! Very good. We caught several holy-level poisonous creatures."

Ji Chen was very satisfied. The old woman gained a lot, which was an advantage for herself.

Someone in the distance saw this scene and was immediately horrified and quickly fled the area.

News of the birth of the Great Demon Saint also spread.

Ji Chen did not stop and continued to search. This was simply a treasure land with rich resources.

He searched frantically and dug deep into the ground. Soon all the poisons in this forbidden area were cleared away, and eight generations of his ancestors were captured by him and reunited in the divine golden cauldron.

The harvest this time was very rich. There were mountains of magical medicine, enough to refine a furnace of high-quality magic medicine.

Just when Ji Chen was hesitating whether to retreat into alchemy or not, shocking news came out that someone had discovered the Emperor's Blood Pool.

Once upon a time, a great emperor died in this divine treasure, leaving a pool of blood waiting for someone destined to come and open it.

As soon as this news came out, countless people were shocked.

Many people were skeptical when they first heard the news. The first thing they felt was that this was a killing tactic, a killing tactic arranged by the supreme forces to attract those who possessed the dragon spirit to die.

Now everyone is very vigilant. After all, someone has arranged a killing plan before and killed many powerful people.

It is said that for the sake of layout, the descendants of the temple even took out the Dragon Qi God they had obtained and pretended that the Dragon Qi God was born, attracting many powerful people.

That battle was extremely brutal. Countless people died. The holy soldiers were blown up. The fragments were scattered in the area. Mountains collapsed and lakes dried up.

Sun God Zhi had also planned to kill several strong men, but Jin Chanzi was fooled and stepped into the killing situation of Sun God Son. The two of them had an extremely brutal battle, and the fight was so violent that Jin Chanzi almost died. It is said that it took an Arhat clone to kill him with difficulty.

All the major forces are plotting against each other, trying to get rid of as many opponents as possible before entering the Divine Treasure.

The same goes for those sons of gods, scheming against each other, setting up killing arrays to assassinate their opponents, and trying to kill as many competitors as possible before entering.

"Insidious enough!"

Ji Chen muttered, but even so, he planned to go and have a look, what if it was true?

The Great Emperor's blood pool is too attractive, and this is what Ji Chen lacks now.

In fact, Ji Chen is not the only one who has this idea. Many people are like this. They know that more than 80% of them may be a trap, but they still have the attitude of giving it a try.

The allure of the Emperor's blood pool is too great. If it is true, it will be a supreme creation, and its appeal to everyone will be unparalleled.

One day later, Ji Chen appeared in that area. It was an ancient altar, surrounded by ancient ruins and signs of temple collapse.

This scene seemed familiar. Ji Chen could tell at a glance that the ancient ruins were similar to the ancient ruins he had used to trick the Zidian Palace into death.

The altar was stained red with blood, which was holy blood. It was shining with rays of light, filled with the power of the saint, and there were fragments of holy soldiers around it.

Several wars have apparently broken out here.

On the altar, the light flashed away, and a man covered in blood appeared on the altar.

"Emperor's Blood, Emperor's Blood is born!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a sword energy slashed out from the altar and killed him.

The entire altar was gleaming with divine light, and a light gate appeared above it. Immortal mist filled the air, and the divine light emitted by blood essence was filled with terrifying pressure.

What happened at this moment alarmed everyone nearby and caused a sensation. Those who were still hesitant rushed directly towards the altar and disappeared into the light door.

The divine light soared into the sky, and the auspicious colors surged. Someone took action directly and slashed towards the altar with a knife, hoping to directly enter the light gate.

More people came after hearing the news.

"Is there really a heritage?"

Even Ji Chen couldn't help but have some doubts.

But he didn't go in. His intuition told him that there were many dangers there and it might be a trap.

He would rather believe that there are more traps. This kind of ancient ruined formation is the best place to set traps. Ji Chen once used this kind of ruined ancient formation to trick him into the Zidian Palace.

He can use this method to trick people, and so can everyone else.

There were also people who chose to watch like Ji Chen, but they were all people who were not strong or confident and planned to watch the excitement first.


On the altar, there was a bright light, and someone was killed from it covered in blood, holding a drop of sealed blood in his hand, the light was bright, and it was blooming with divine brilliance.

"It's blood essence!"

Someone got red-eyed on the spot and killed him directly, preparing to snatch it.

The person holding the essence and blood in his hand was also a powerful Holy Lord. His strength was extremely terrifying. He broke out of the siege and turned into a ray of divine light.

Everyone went crazy, unable to stand any longer, and rushed towards the light door. Among them, the two sons of gods were the fastest and rushed in directly.

"Stop them!" someone roared.

These sons of gods are unpredictable and have unparalleled qualifications. Once they enter, it is very likely that they will be the first to be blessed and inherited.

More people swarmed towards the light gate, not wanting to be caught first by those sons of gods.

Ji Chen felt a little unconfident in such a scene.

At this moment, the entire altar suddenly glowed, and a terrifying murderous aura bloomed from inside, pouring out along the light door, like a fairy light spreading outward. (End of chapter)

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