At this moment, without thinking, they turned into streaks of light and ran away.

As Ji Chen plays the harp and the heavenly path harmoniously sounds, the sky is filled with auspicious colors and endless traces of the path flicker.

The sound of the piano was clanging, and the light fell like raindrops, creating streaks of brilliant brilliance.


A high-pitched piano sound sounded, followed by a ripple flying out, blooming like fireworks, brilliant to the extreme.


The blood light collapsed, and a Holy Lord was hit by the sound of the piano. His body exploded in the void and turned into a ball of blood mist.

As the sound of the piano sounded one after another, the bodies of several Holy Lords turned into rain of light in the void, quickly annihilated, and finally disappeared completely.

At this moment, everyone was filled with chills, especially the fleeing Holy Lords. Chills were gushing down their backs. Even though they were used to seeing life and death, they had never been as scared as they were today.

But Ji Chen did not intend to let them go. He would not let go of anyone who had taken action against him, including those who had shown murderous intent.

The high-pitched piano sound is clanging, and the Guanghan Palace Breaking Formation Song has also reached its high-pitched moment. The piano is clanking, and falling flowers are flying. Every sound of the piano is a avenue, a sword energy, a divine sword, and a ripple, like a gorgeous Fireworks passed and bloomed in the void, reaching their peak in an instant.

A burst of bloody light appeared, sad and beautiful, adding a sad and beautiful color to the blazing fireworks.

One by one, the Holy Lords have fallen, and their bodies and souls have disappeared. They were once the supreme beings across the region, but now they are reduced to ashes and their souls are scattered.

The world suddenly fell silent, and the remaining people were trembling all over, and their souls were trembling. They had never been as scared as they were today.

The person opposite was not a person at all, but an endless killing god, a mass murderer, a madman, and a butcher. He faced all the saints alone and killed so many that his blood dyed the entire void and the earth red.

You must know that this is the blood of the Holy Lord. A drop of the Holy Lord's blood can kill a strong man at the level of a Venerable. Even for a Venerable, a drop of the Holy Lord's blood is a supreme blessing.

This place turned into a Shura field, and those killed were the Holy Lords that everyone needed to look up to. This scene was really shocking.

For everyone, they had never seen such a scene before, with so many Holy Lords killed.

The world was silent, no one spoke, only the breeze blew through the leaves in the distance, making a rustling sound.

This kind of scene is unforgettable forever. A man in a green shirt is sitting cross-legged in the void, playing the piano with both hands. In front of him, there seemed to be an invisible guqin. As the crystal fingers played in the void, the beautiful sound of the piano sounded, rippling in the void and spreading in all directions.

But no one dared to appreciate the beautiful sound of the piano, which made everyone break out in cold sweat and send chills down their spines.

This is the divine song of killing, the divine song that excites people's lives. Every sound kills, blood stains the void.

The hearts of the saints were trembling. One person suppressed a group of saints, and no one dared to act rashly. This result was something that no one expected.

After the song, Ji Chen stood up and walked away through the void. No one dared to say anything, and no one even dared to look directly at him. It was not until the cyan figure went away and disappeared into the sky that everyone dared to breathe loudly and gradually began to talk. Make a sound.

"What a truly outstanding figure. One person killed so many saints and saints!"

"He's almost invincible on this island!"

"Invincible is not enough, there are several more terrifying existences, Son of the Sun, Son of Suanyi, Son of Yaoguang, Taiyi, Successor of the Temple, Messenger of Shura, Son of Fire, and Golden Chanzi. These sons of God are also extremely terrifying beings. , it is said that they have received the inheritance of the gods and are destined to become gods. These people may be the biggest opponents of the Great Demon Saint."

"I heard that there are many Holy Lords who have reached the ultimate level of Holy Lords and reached the realm of half-step emperor. They come here just to find a way to break through. Those old guys are the most terrifying existences."

"This island is getting more and more dangerous, and the fight for the last true dragon's lair must be very fierce."

"The recording of the first Dragon Qi God has come to an end and was obtained by the Great Demon Saint."

The news of this battle spread quickly, causing a huge storm and shocking and shocking countless people.

The Great Demon Saint emerged from the sky, snatched the first ray of dragon spirit, and a divine song, killing dozens of saints and saints. Even the Red Star Holy Lord, the Qingyun Holy Lord, and the Heavenly Demon Supreme were all killed by him. into the void.

The news swept across the entire island like a hurricane, making countless people feel terrified and terrified.

For a time, all the forces and powerful men on the island re-evaluated the strength of the Great Demon Saint Ji Chen.

Someone is asking around about Ji Chen's whereabouts and trying to win over him.

There are also people who want to form an alliance with him. After all, only those who possess the true dragon's residual code are qualified to enter the true dragon's lair.

Even so, if there is a special space magic weapon, some people can be put into it and brought into the true dragon's lair.

This is a flaw discovered by those supreme inheritances, so every time the divine treasure is opened, those supreme inheritances will bring so many people in.

Opportunity and inheritance are sometimes not only based on strength, but sometimes luck is also very important. If there are more people, there will always be a lucky one who can encounter an opportunity.

Once someone comes across an opportunity, it is not only his personal honor, but also the honor of the entire force.

Therefore, some forces want to cooperate with Ji Chen. Once the true dragon's lair is opened, if they have not obtained the Dragon Qi Divine Code, they hope that Ji Chen can help them bring some people in.

In the world in the palm of your hand, next to a lake, the water mist is steaming, the beautiful mountain peaks are shining, and the haze is hazy, just like a fairyland.

After Ji Chen left, he found a deserted place and entered the palm world.

In this battle, he obtained a total of 1.68 billion killing points. Adding in the previous accumulation of 7.3 billion killing points, his total accumulated killing points reached 8.98 billion.

The dragon energy god did not need to be refined by Ji Chen at all. It was directly attached to Ji Chen's wrist. A golden dragon energy was wrapped around the wrist, like a golden dragon tattoo.

This is the entry qualification for the true dragon's lair. Now Ji Chen has obtained it. Once the true dragon's lair is opened, he will get this reminder of the dragon's energy.

In other words, he could completely relax now, stay in seclusion for a while, and use those few silver dragons to make his cultivation breakthrough again. After your strength increases, go out and open the semi-supreme treasure.

Ji Chen took out the futon, sat cross-legged on it, and began to refine the silver dragon to increase his strength.

As time went by, Ji Chen's whole body was exuding luster, like the bright sun, surrounded by the fragments of the avenue, looking extremely mysterious, and the aura coming from his body was very amazing.


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