I have a knife, I can kill monsters when I take it out of its sheath

Chapter 602 Chapter 603 The most brilliant battle

Holy Lord Qingyun fell, and the entire scene fell silent. Everyone was frightened. He was killed by a divine sword turned into the sound of a piano.

Such a powerful Holy Lord, who was unrivaled in the whole territory, was killed in the void with a sound of music. This was undoubtedly shocking to everyone, and they could not accept it.

That sword cut through the large sacrificial training formation, directly splitting Holy Lord Qingyun in half, and killed him without any suspense. So much so that both the Red Star Holy Lord and the Heavenly Demon Supreme took two steps back slightly, their expressions somewhat frozen.

Supreme Qingyun, who was on an equal footing with them on this island, was killed like this, which made their whole bodies feel cold.

Such fighting power is so terrifying. Is it true that as he said, if you want to kill him, you have to sacrifice your life?

Things have come to this, and nothing can be done for good. They must get the dragon's energy, which is the key to entering the true dragon's lair.

"Let's all come together and refine him. He won't be able to last long with such an intensity of attack."

Following the words of Holy Lord Red Star, a dozen Holy Lords moved forward to attack, but each one was very cautious, fearing that Ji Chen would use the method just now to kill them with one blow.

One of the Holy Lords waved his hand and pulled it, as if tearing off a piece of the sky, integrating it into the Holy Lord's laws and evolving into a small world, trying to suppress Ji Chen into the small world.


The two notes beat, and the murderous intention turned into two Wushang Heavenly Swords, slashing towards the small world.

One of the divine swords directly cut open the small world, and the other divine sword struck at the holy master, easily splitting his body, splitting him in half, and his soul was scattered on the spot.


The other holy masters took action together and approached Ji Chen. One after another, the divine laws and dao rhymes were intertwined to form a powerful law skynet.

"The law of heaven and earth, the millstone of reincarnation, crushes his body and obliterates his soul!"

The Holy Lord roared, sacrificing the Holy Lord's original essence and integrating it into the Law Skynet.

When other Holy Lords saw this, the same thing happened. The law sky net that was integrated into the Holy Lord's original essence became even more terrifying. A stream of divine flowers rose into the sky, turning into calamity fire and refining the heaven and earth.


The sky and the earth shattered, and a huge millstone fell from the sky, crushing it down like a roulette wheel of heaven. A millstone also rose from the ground, grinding upwards and rotating.

The two-sided millstone rotates forward and backward, just like the reincarnation of heaven, destroying everything in the world.

This kind of scene is extremely shocking. This is the horror of being besieged. Once you are under siege, the opponent will not fight you with strength, but can destroy you with just the formation. This is the safest and most reliable way.

Ji Chen's expression remained calm, and the Guanghan Palace Breaking Formation song flowed out, gradually becoming louder and clanking, cutting through the sky.


A ray of divine energy shot out of the sky and turned into a supreme sword light, slashing out directly and piercing the heavenly millstone.

This astonishing change and scene made everyone change their minds. After all, the scene where Holy Lord Qingyun was beheaded just now was still vivid in their minds, leaving an indelible impression on them.

"Don't worry, this kind of terrifying attack also comes with a price. I don't believe he can keep launching such terrifying attacks. We can all kill him to death."

A Holy Lord spoke with a fierce expression and a pale heart.


More than a dozen powerful men roared, and a Taoist god was beaten out, integrated into the void formation, made up for the millstone of heaven, and continued to crush Ji Jichen.

Ji Chen plucked the strings, and slashed through the void with a divine sword, like thousands of gods and demons charging into battle, making a clanging sound, and the sound of killing was deafening.

A Heavenly Sword slashed out, and cracks finally appeared on the Heavenly Dao Millstone, and then turned into a loud noise, and collapsed directly. The sound of the sword seemed to have cut into everyone's heart, and the cold metal trembling sounds made them My mind trembled.

"Ding dong!"

The sound of the piano rang, and a Holy Lord screamed in agony. He was killed by the heavenly sword transformed from the terrible piano sound. His body was broken, his soul collapsed, and he died on the spot.

Everyone was horrified for a moment, it was already like this, he could break the formation and kill people, this is too terrifying!

"Dong dong dong!"

The sound of the piano sounded one after another.

"Puff puff puff puff!"

Several Holy Lords were beheaded one after another, their blood spilled into the void, and their souls were destroyed.

The divine sword turned into the sound of the piano penetrated the world and cut through the millstone of heaven.


Another Holy Lord was beheaded, with a scream and blood splattering.

The remaining people were all frightened by Ji Chen's amazing fighting power. They were a little scared and wanted to retreat.

Noticing this scene, Holy Lord Red Star's eyes turned cold, he seized an opportunity and took action boldly.

A ray of divine light from the red sky soared into the sky, and the dazzling god turned into a burning fire dragon and rushed forward.

The fire dragon burned blazingly in the void, burning up the sky, burning down the void, and flowing out endless patterns.

The Red Star Holy Lord has been looking for an opportunity, an opportunity to kill with one strike. It was just an excuse for him to besiege Ji Chen together. Everyone was fighting in a melee. The more these holy masters died, the better it would be for him.

At this moment, he found this opportunity. Just when the fire dragon was about to approach Ji Chen, it suddenly turned into a divine sword.

This is the sacred weapon of the Red Star Holy Lord, the God-killing Sword, which can kill immortals and gods. It instantly shatters the void and reaches Ji Chen's forehead.

This sword was so fast, like a red light, it cut through the void and illuminated the world, reaching the ultimate speed.

The vast sword intent filled the air, forming a world of swords in an instant, trapping Ji Chenfeng in it.

The Holy Lord of Scarlet Star was originally a sword cultivator and had been hiding until this moment, just for this blow.


Ji Chen raised his fingertips in the void, as if opening a great avenue. As the sound of the piano sounded, a real dragon emerged in the void, making bursts of dragon roars, harmonizing with the way of heaven.

The moment the real dragon came into contact with the God-Killing Sword, it wrapped around it. Then the divine light shone brightly and brilliantly, and the God-Killing Sword actually broke into several pieces in the endless divine light.

The real dragon also turned into a real dragon sword at this moment, and slashed towards the Red Star Holy Lord. In an instant, it cut through the body of the Red Star Holy Lord, like cutting tofu, even the battle clothes on his body were He couldn't protect himself from the killing blow of this sword.


The body of the Red Star Holy Lord was cut in half, and he fell from the void. His soul was instantly scattered, and his body died.

There was silence all around. At this moment, all the Holy Lords were a little frightened. Even a powerful being like the Red Star Holy Lord was dead. How could this battle be fought?


The sound of the piano did not stop, and the light of the sword split the heaven and earth, turning into a great avenue of heaven and earth.


Another Holy Lord was killed, and his body and soul disappeared.

Everyone's face turned pale for a while, and they couldn't help but feel terrified in their hearts.


I was delayed by something yesterday and today. I forgot to ask for leave. I'm really sorry. I'm working on the manuscript now. I'll update one chapter first, and there will be another chapter later. (End of chapter)

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