
The sky collapsed and the earth collapsed, and everyone took action together. That scene was enough to make anyone's heart palpitate. The void was annihilated, electricity, water, wind and fire were spinning, and the aura of chaos was surging.

Ji Chen took a step forward, disappeared out of thin air, and reappeared thousands of miles away. He escaped this terrifying blow.

But the distance of a thousand miles is only a moment to these people. At their level, there is no difference between a thousand miles and one mile.

"Wherever you go, stay with me!"

A young Holy Lord came from the sky, with long hair shawl, and a body as straight as a real dragon. Every inch of his skin was shining with lightning, extremely blazing, and he came from the sky.

Just now, he deliberately shot the dragon energy in Ji Chen's direction.

He was the Holy Lord of Thunder and Lightning from the Thunder God Palace, and he had long recognized Ji Chen. Ji Chen had also noticed the other Holy Lord who killed the Thunder God just now. It's just that he is participating in the fight for dragon energy and has no time to care.

Seeing that the Dragon Qi had been obtained by Ji Chen, he could finally put his old and new grudges to rest.

The extremely blazing fist light illuminated the sky, the lightning was like a waterfall, and the blazing thunder and lightning fell from the sky like a catastrophe, and struck Ji Chen.

Ji Chen did not run away, but stood in the void. He just didn't want to be surrounded.

He raised his hand and created an even more terrifying thunder tribulation, evolving into a real thunder tribulation dragon and striking towards the sky.


Crazy thunder shocked the world, the whole sky exploded directly, and the sky was filled with lightning, just like the thunder and disaster of heaven's punishment destroying the world,

The next moment, an even more terrifying battle broke out, and thunder exploded between the sky and the earth, as if someone was overcoming a tribulation, as if heaven's punishment was coming.

The two of them were fighting in the wild thunder, like two gods, engaging in a shocking showdown. Thousands of feet of wild thunder exploded in the sky, and endless lightning engulfed the two of them.

The sky and the earth were blazing white, and there were terrifying thunders everywhere.

Everyone around him was moved.

Seeing the two people engaged in a life-and-death battle, the others did not intervene, but chose to watch the battle. After all, both of them were extremely powerful beings. It would be best for both sides to lose in a fight. No matter who wins or loses, it will be beneficial to them. .

"How dare you use the power of thunder and lightning in front of me!"

The Holy Master of the Thunder God Palace had a cold voice. When his eyes opened and closed, lightning struck through the sky, and the void collapsed. Just one look contained the laws of thunder and lightning and the charm of the Tao.

The Thunder and Lightning Palace specializes in thunder techniques. The people in the sect have thunder attributes and are naturally close to the power of thunder and lightning. It is said that the holy land of the Thunder Palace is built in a minefield, and the people in the sect have begun to use the power of thunder and lightning to temper their bodies since they were born.

The Holy Lord of the Thunder Palace was unparalleled in strength. He struck down with one punch, as if a law of thunder had been condensed into his hand, and he smashed it towards Ji Chen, destroying everything, like a vast ocean hitting the sky, with an astonishing momentum.

Ji Chen's eyes were astonishing. Thunder and lightning were blooming all over his body, and lightning was erupting from every inch of his skin. He was like the reincarnation of Thunder Emperor Tianzun. He had opened up a world of thunder and calamity. Standing in the world of thunder and calamity, it was as if he was going through a calamity.


The fist light condensed by the Thunder and Lightning Law from the Holy Lord of the Thunder and Lightning Palace directly blasted into Ji Chen's thunder and lightning world.

Ji Chen evolved his own method of transformation and instantly refined the law of thunder and lightning. In his world, he is invincible and invincible.

Such an astonishing scene shocked everyone. Two people who controlled the power of the thunder and lightning law launched a shocking duel. The thunder power of the Lord of Thunder and Lightning was actually refined by the Great Demon Saint.

The Thunder Palace is a feared existence in all major regions. They control the power of thunder and calamity, which is extremely terrifying. At this moment, he met someone who also controlled the power of thunder and calamity, and seemed to be even more terrifying than the people in the Thunder Palace.

Ji Chen did not immediately destroy the Holy Lord of the Thunder God Palace. He confirmed his Thunder Tribulation Law in the battle with the Holy Lord of the Thunder God Palace, proving the two laws.

In the sky, two figures kept intersecting and fighting, and hundreds of moves passed in the blink of an eye.

"You are powerful!"

The Holy Master of the Thunder God Palace was pale and his expression was extremely solemn.

"It's time to end. No one can compete with my Thunder God Palace in thunder skills. Someone in my Thunder God Palace once proved the truth with thunder skills and became the Thunder Emperor."

He took a step forward, looking down from a high position. In his hands, the lightning surged, and the thunder and lightning avenue condensed, turning into a thunder hammer, which crashed down.

In an instant, lightning flashed across the sky, and the sky and the earth were filled with endless thunder and lightning. Within the field of vision, there was a vast expanse of white, as if heaven's punishment had come to suppress all the enemies in the world.

At this moment, he was like the Thunder Emperor resurrected, trying to suppress a peerless evildoer. He had the aura of swallowing up mountains and rivers with his every move, and possessing the aura of domination.

"It's time to end!"

Ji Chen also moved his hands and used his Transformation Method to construct terrifying runes in the void, condensing the power of the Thunder Tribulation Law. The power of the sun in his left hand flickered, and the power of the lunar yin in his right hand filled the air.

The lunar sun surged and evolved into two more terrifying artifacts, Thor's Hammer and Thor's Spear.

This is Ji Chen's impression that the divine weapon of the Thunder God and the Lightning Mother is now being interpreted by Ji Chen.

He holds Mjolnir in his left hand and Mjolnir in his right hand. Then he struck the Holy Lord of the Thunder God Palace with a hammer.


A bolt of wild thunder directly penetrated the void, forming a void passage. The wild thunder, like a divine punishment, instantly exploded the thunder and lightning transformed by the Holy Master of the Thunder God Palace, and directly bombarded the Holy Lord of the Thunder God Palace.

The body of the Holy Lord of the Thunder God Palace instantly exploded into the void, and even the blood mist and pieces of flesh were blown into ashes by lightning.

At this moment, everyone was horrified, and their hearts were extremely shocked.

What kind of weapon is this, Mjolnir? Why is it different from the Mjolnir in the Thunder Palace?

"How could he be more terrifying in thunder skills than the people from the Thunder God Palace?"

"What a powerful person. His talent is simply terrifying. He has actually mastered a completely different way of thunder."

"This is the power of thunder tribulation. He actually understood the power of thunder tribulation law in thunder tribulation."

The next moment, Ji Chen took the initiative and struck the crowd in the distance.


A bolt of five-colored thunder and lightning exploded, shattering the void and heading towards the group.


Someone spoke and shouted.

In an instant, the group of people dispersed, but it was still a little late. Some people were unable to escape and were struck by lightning. Their bodies exploded and turned into large pieces of blood mist, which was then evaporated into ashes by the power of lightning.

Ji Chen's speed and movements were so fast that they had no time to react.


There was another huge thunder and lightning across the sky, the sky was filled with thunder light, and the law runes shone, and a thunder calamity divine sword was formed, which was so sharp that it seemed to be able to cut through the eternal heavens.


The Thunder Tribulation Divine Sword slashed down, directly splitting a Holy Lord into two halves. The lightning flashed, shattering his soul, and he was instantly shaken to pieces. (End of chapter)

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