I have a knife, I can kill monsters when I take it out of its sheath

Chapter 598 The real dragon’s lair is about to open


Immortal light fills the air, and there are numerous traces of Dao.

The Holy Lord shouted, roared, his hair was dancing wildly, and his eyes were wide open, but he could not stop the suppression of Shanhe Cauldron.

The Immortal Cauldron fell and directly pressed him underneath.

"Ho! Get up!"

He roared angrily, his voice resounding through the sky, shaking the whole world and making the sky tremble.

His strength is extremely powerful, and his blood energy is as strong as a pillar, which can almost penetrate the heaven and earth, break through the space, and directly lift the mountain and river cauldron.

Ji Chen stepped on the Mountain and River Cauldron, like a god king coming to the world, stepping on the world, and his whole body was radiating brilliance.

This is an eternal picture, time seems to have frozen, and the invincible posture is undoubtedly revealed.


The Holy Lord finally couldn't bear it anymore, and his body exploded into the void, turning into blood mist, and his soul was destroyed.

The world was silent. At this moment, everyone was silent, and it was difficult to calm down.

Eight powerful beings, six Holy Lords, and two Sons of God, were all blasted into the void by Ji Chen.

What a powerful, invincible existence this is.

The people around him, whether they were humans or monsters, were all extremely shocked. What is the Supreme? This is the Supreme.

In this battle, Ji Chen is destined to make the entire world of Shenzang famous, alarm all the great religions outside the territory, and make countless people stand in awe.

There are many people in this place, but no one dares to take action again.

Ji Chen left straight away and no one dared to stop him. This was the reputation of killing.

In this battle, nine Holy Lords and three Sons of God died, and one of them was Yan Tiankong, who was famous throughout the world of Gods.

After Ji Chen left, the place was completely boiling and the news spread quickly.

After everyone heard the news, they were all shocked and couldn't believe it.

"The Great Demon Saint Ji Chen, it's him again. This time he killed several Holy Lords and three Sons of God?"

"What? Yan Tiantian is dead, killed by the Great Demon Saint."

"I can't believe that even Yan Tiankong died in the hands of the Great Demon Saint."

"How tyrannical is this Great Demon Saint? Several sons of gods have died in his hands."

"The Purple Lightning Palace has been destroyed, and the last two holy masters have also been destroyed by this great demon saint."

Countless people were shocked. Purple Lightning Palace was the first great religion outside the territory to be destroyed after the opening of this divine treasure. Not a single one was left, and they were all destroyed in the hands of one person.

"This time's Shen Zang was a bit tragic. Before the True Dragon's Lair was opened, so many Sons of God and Holy Lords had already died. Even one of the major foreign religions was wiped out."

The battle became more and more intense. Before the True Dragon's Lair was officially opened, the first supreme sect to be destroyed had already appeared. Countless people died. In the past, this would only happen when the True Dragon's Lair was opened. It will be so intense.

Everyone has a hunch that the next battle may be even more brutal.

"First it was Zidian Palace, and now it starts to kill the Son of God. This great sage is going to be invincible."

"It is said that this guy does not belong to any force. I am really looking forward to it. I am looking forward to what earth-shattering things he will do next. I really hope that he can kill a few more sons of gods and destroy a few more big forces from outside the territory."

The casual cultivators were very excited. Finally, among these rootless duckweeds, there was an existence that could compare to the Holy Lord and the Son of God.

They have been bullied so much these days, and now they can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

"I wonder if he will meet the Son of Sun God, Suan Nizi, Son of Yaoguang God, the descendants of the temple, etc. If they meet, there will probably be a fight between dragons and tigers."

"The Fire God Son is looking for him. He intercepted the Fire God Son's dojo and killed several of the strongest followers of the Fire God Son. If they meet, there will probably be a shocking battle."

On the island, everyone's emotions were aroused, a little excited, and they were eager for a big showdown between them.

Around the fairy lake, there are still some people who have not left. They want to go down to the lake to have a look. Maybe there are still silver dragons that have not been captured.


At this moment, a dazzling light burst out from the distant sky, and a war broke out.

There were figures fighting there, holding halberds and slashing through the sky, as if they were trying to open up the world.

Someone manifested a supreme vision that filled the sky. It was obviously two sons of gods dueling.

The area was hazy, shrouded in divine light, and the power of law permeated the entire sky. A palm-sized golden dragon rose into the sky, shining with golden light and exuding the power of Tao Yun. More than a dozen strong men took action at the same time, fighting for that A real dragon.

"Dragon Qi Dao Mark!"

Countless people were surprised and rushed over.

The palm-sized real dragon is not a real real dragon, but a trace of dragon energy, condensed from the broken laws of the real dragon.

The appearance of the dragon's air path mark means that the true dragon's lair is about to open. Only those who capture the dragon's air path mark are eligible to enter the real dragon's lair.

The appearance of dragon energy is very rare, and every appearance of dragon energy will trigger countless people and forces to compete, and a shocking war will break out.

Everyone rushed towards that area. Compared with the silver dragon, the dragon energy was of higher value and related to the inheritance of the true dragon.

No matter how high your cultivation level is and how powerful your talent is, you still can't enter the true dragon's lair without the dragon energy as a guide.

Ji Chen also approached that area. Not long after he left, a battle broke out here, so he came here, ready to wait for an opportunity to snatch the dragon energy.

The introduction to the true dragon's lair will not be compromised even if the King of Heaven comes.

A melee is breaking out in this area, and the fight is very fierce. The divine light is soaring into the sky, and the law fragments are filling the air. Several divine sons are participating, and some holy masters are also participating in the fight.

As soon as Ji Chen approached, someone took action against him. It was a man in a battle suit, surging with divine power and glowing with light.

As long as they enter this area, everyone will become opponents and competitors, and everyone who can sneak attack will be one.

This person obviously recognized Ji Chen and knew that he had obtained the silver dragon. If the sneak attack could succeed, it would be a blessing.

Ji Chen slashed out with a sword, the Dao map flew down, and the space split open. The person who sneaked up on Ji Chen was killed in the air, and the body that was split in half was showered with blood.

The sword energy was so bright that it directly destroyed his soul without giving him any chance.


With a roar, a god general wearing armor came towards Ji Chen, holding a trident.

This was a powerful man from the world sea who was five meters tall. The armor on his body exuded divine light, which was extremely bright. His trident pierced the void and headed towards Ji Chen Cave.

The divine power is so powerful that it gathers into runes one after another, and first it seems to be carrying a vast ocean, pouring down.

"Damn, you really think I'm a soft persimmon."

Ji Chen punched out and the void collapsed, blasting the Seagod General and the entire void together.

The sky was filled with blood mist, and a trident fell from the void and was caught in Ji Chen's hand. (End of chapter)

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