The remaining two Holy Masters were frightened and terrified.

In the blink of an eye, everyone was shattered into pieces and turned into blood mist, their souls were scattered, and their bodies and souls disappeared. Such fighting power made their souls tremble.

How could this happen? He turned out to be the Great Demon Saint. How could he be the Great Demon Saint?

Ji Chen stood there alone, as if he could fight thousands of troops by himself. When he looked at the two remaining Holy Masters, their bodies trembled involuntarily.

Ji Chen reached out and flicked lightly in the void.


As the music played, one of the people's bodies exploded and turned into blood mist.

The other person's soul was gone, and he turned into a stream of light and was about to escape.

Ji Chen flicked his finger again.


The man's body exploded into the void and turned into a ball of blood mist.

The azure fairy lake is filled with spiritual energy, turning into wisps of white mist, just like a fairyland.

Ji Chen stood by the lake and put away the sacred weapon that suppressed the lake. Then he opened his eyes and looked at the situation inside the lake.

This lake is extremely deep and cannot be seen to the bottom. However, with Ji Chen's strong sense, he can sense that there is an extremely powerful presence in the lake. It must be a sacred object. It may be that he felt the battle just now and hid deep in the lake bottom. .

Ji Chen performed the Tai Chi diagram, sealed the lake, and then jumped into the lake with a plop. Powerful spiritual power enveloped the entire lake and began to search downwards.

Soon, Ji Chen discovered a problem. The bottom of the lake was very large, and there were more than one undercurrents.


Ji Chen frowned, it would be bad if the holy object escaped along the undercurrent.

He sensed carefully, and fortunately, he quickly sensed the breath of the holy object in one of the undercurrents.

So, Ji Chen put away the Tai Chi diagram on the forbidden lake and followed the undercurrent.

Soon, he discovered the final trace of the holy object, which was a kind of silver dragon, and there were not just one, but several.

This discovery surprised Ji Chen slightly.

Of course, this is not a real dragon, but a spiritual dragon that was born when spiritual energy was condensed to the extreme, and then slowly evolved into a holy object.

This kind of creature also has the possibility of enlightenment, but most of them will be captured before they can grow to that point and be used to refine medicine or be used for cultivation.

The holy object moved very fast in the water. Ji Chen chased it for thousands of miles before blocking it, and then quickly took action to capture them silently.

He sensed that there were many strong men on the lake, and a melee was breaking out. He now mistakenly entered their battlefield.

It is estimated that something good has been found in this place. Ji Chen sensed that there were strong men at the level of the Holy Lord fighting, and there was even the aura of the Son of God.

That kind of terrifying atmosphere makes people's hearts tremble.

Ji Chen didn't want to expose the existence of the silver dragon. Once these holy objects were exposed, more powerful people would fight for them.

He used magic to imprison all the silver dragons.

However, one of the silver dragons was very powerful and burst out with terrifying strength, trying to break free and escape. However, Ji Chen was more powerful and imprisoned him directly into the palm world.

At this moment, a shocking sword light cut through the water and struck directly towards Ji Chen. He stretched out his palm, grabbed the sword light and cut it off directly.

Immediately afterwards, another sword light cut through the water and came towards him.

This sword light was more terrifying than the previous one, directly cutting the entire lake in half.

This made Ji Chen furious. Ji Chen thought that the sword light before was an accidental injury. After all, a melee was breaking out above. At this moment, he was sure that someone was deliberately attacking him and sneaking up on him.

Ji Chen used his body skills to avoid the sword light. Murderous intent bloomed in his eyes. He looked up through the lake and saw two figures standing on the water.

The holy object exploded in an instant, and although the aura it exuded was weak, it still alerted others.

Killing intent bloomed in Ji Chen's eyes, and the terrible chill almost froze the entire lake. Damn you for daring to attack me.


The lake exploded, and all the water in the lake formed huge waves that swept into the sky.

Ji Chen's figure emerged from the bottom of the lake. He took one step forward and reached the high sky, riding on the huge waves.

The moment his toes touched the huge wave, the huge wave froze instantly and condensed into ice, forming an ice wave and solidifying in the void.

Without saying a word, Ji Chen punched forward.


The void exploded, and the terrifying fist light turned into a war spear, passing through the hole in front.

Ji Chen would not hold back at all against those who wanted to kill him.


The man opposite also took action, and countless sword lights turned into thousands of light threads, forming a sword field that enveloped Ji Chen.


The sword field formed by the war spear and the sword light collided, and the void was annihilated silently.

This strike was simply stunning, illuminating for eternity and shocking people in the distance.

A dragon spear evolved again in Ji Chen's hand. Holding the spear in one hand, it turned into a divine light and penetrated forward, pointing directly at the Holy Lord's forehead, intending to crucify him in the void.

A bright shot, the light shines in the sky, as if it can stab down the stars in the sky.

The bright spear light penetrated all obstacles and transcended the constraints of space. It seems that the shackles of time have been opened, the sky is broken, and nothing can stop it.

The saint opposite drew his sword, and each sword resounded in the sky and the earth, drawing out a series of astonishing sword lights, cutting out countless principles, crisscrossing in the void, turning into the light of the beginning, opening up one after another. The small world collapsed towards Ji Chen.

Ji Chen advanced with a gun, turning into a shocking celestial light that penetrated the heaven and earth, destroying small worlds one after another, and attacked the Holy Lord, directly piercing his head with a shot.


With reluctance and shock on his face, the Holy Lord slowly fell down and fell from the air.

The other remaining Holy Master was shocked. He did not expect that the other party was so powerful.

Looking at Ji Chen who came to kill him, he knew very well that this person was too powerful and extremely terrifying. It was impossible to defeat him by himself. He would probably die here like his companions.

"He has several sacred silver dragons on him, which he captured just now." He suddenly shouted loudly, and his voice resounded throughout the world.

He wants to involve everyone so that he has a chance to survive.

The silver dragon, a sacred object of heaven and earth, is of equal value to the golden silkworm that Ji Chen once obtained. They are both treasures for the Holy Lord and will help them break through. If other materials are added to refine the elixir, it can even allow them to break through their shackles.

A melee broke out between these Holy Lords and Sons of God, and they were robbing a silver dragon. Someone captured a silver dragon, and when they were trying to retract their abdomen, they fought with the silver dragon. The aura leaked attracted many strong men, triggering a melee. . (End of chapter)

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