
The sound was deafening, Ji Chen's whole body was glowing, and the divine golden cauldron seemed to be a fairyland. The fairy light was hazy, and Ji Chen's whole body seemed to be lifted up by the clouds.

At a certain moment, when Ji Chen leisurely opened his eyes, two divine lights shot out from his eyes and penetrated directly into the void.

The sixth realm of saints, a successful breakthrough.

The magic medicine in the cauldron has been sucked clean, and the cauldron is shining brightly, filled with laws and Taoist charms, turning into a terrifying fairyland.

"It's done!"

Ji Chen muttered to himself, came out of the cauldron, and stood in the world in the palm of his hand. His whole body was radiant, and his hair was stained with crystal colors.

There are still 6.2 billion left in the killing point. If the resources are sufficient, it will be enough for him to break through to the saint realm, so Ji Chen is bound to win the true dragon's lair.

Afterwards, Ji Chen left the palm world and headed towards the place where the Insect King was found. He felt that the Insect King was unusual and that there might be good things there.

After the battle that day, he put away the Insect King and left, hurriedly starting to break through. Later, the Insect King evolved, allowing him to break through four realms in succession and reach the sixth realm of a saint.

And Ji Chen also felt a hint of royal power from that insect emperor.

He had only experienced this kind of majesty from Mr. Fang.

An insect emperor is only in the realm of a saint, and is suppressed by the laws of the island. He has great strength but cannot transform. Where does the imperial power come from?

So Ji Chen suspected that the insect king's nest might be unusual.

When Ji Chen returned to that area, he found that the area had been reduced to ruins.

The earth cracked, the mountains collapsed, and it was obvious that it had experienced an extremely brutal battle.

The cultivators have long since left, but the bloodstains and weapons remaining on the ground tell the story of a tragic war that once broke out here.

Ji Chen stepped on the ruins and shuttled between them, opening his eyes to break the illusion, hoping to find something.

Hundreds of miles in radius were reduced to ruins. As Ji Chen walked along, he discovered that huge mine pits had appeared in some places. Apparently, very rare mineral veins appeared and were mined by strong men in extremely rough ways.

There was a small mineral crystal left on the ground. Ji Chen picked it up and took a look. The mineral crystal contained a divine substance, which was similar to the divine substance contained in the fire spirit stones that Ji Chen had dug up at the Fire God Son Dojo in the foggy area. Sexual substances are almost the same.

"There is that kind of mineral vein here too!" This surprised Ji Chen.

Soon, Ji Chen met other cultivators and looked for opportunities in this area.

These were all casual cultivators who were not very powerful. They waited until the Sons of God and the Holy Master had collected the wool cleanly and left before they dared to try their luck to see if there was any wool flowing out from between their fingers.

Ji Chen glanced at the cultivators, who were suddenly shocked. Even though they were far apart, they all felt an aura that made them hairy. That look made them tremble in their hearts.

They instantly understood that they had met a person of the Son of God level.

"I, we are just wandering around here, trying to take a chance."

Several people quickly explained, fearing that Ji Chen would misunderstand.

Although they were also saints, they were far behind those Sons of God and Holy Lords. When those Sons of God and Holy Lords fought, they could only hide and watch thousands of miles away. They did not dare to come over until those people had left for a long time.

"What happened here?" Ji Chen asked.

"A divine mine was discovered here!"

"I heard that a god's son killed several important people, snatched an insect king and left. Later, someone discovered a god mine here, which triggered a great war. It was a god's mine that contained divine substances. For the god's son, It helps a lot.”

"Where did they go?" Ji Chen asked.

"I heard that the true dragon's lair is about to be opened. Dao Yun has spread there, and many people have rushed there to wait for the true dragon's lair to open."

Several people answered truthfully.

This divine treasure is opened once every five thousand years, and every time it is opened, the True Dragon Secret Realm on this island is the primary target for competition between the great religions and holy places in all major regions.

Even if you only get a drop of True Dragon God's blood, it is a supreme treasure. It contains supreme inheritance. If it can be refined, it will be a supreme blessing.

After Ji Chen asked for some details, he left directly.

This place had been plowed by those forces and plowed countless times by casual cultivators. He didn't think there would be another chance.

The cultivators stared at Ji Chen's back and talked in low voices.

"Why do I feel that this person is so similar to the person who robbed the Insect King that day?"

"What does it look like? It's him, that mysterious strong man."


A chill went down the spines of several people.

"Fortunately, I didn't collide with him. This demon king defeated three saints and a demon saint that day. One of those three saints was a follower of the Vulcan Son and was his right-hand man. Now the Vulcan Son is hunting for this guy."

"The Fire God Son is also really unlucky. I heard that one of his followers was killed by a great demon saint named Ji Chen when he was in the foggy area, and his dojo was also robbed. Now another follower has been killed again. Since he An Insect King was snatched away from the territory of his power."

"The True Dragon Divine Hidden is about to be opened. This island is getting more and more dangerous. I think we should leave as soon as possible!"

The island is very big, as big as a big world. In addition to the true dragon's lair, there are many secret realms and dangerous places on it. Although it is not as good as the true dragon's lair, it is still a great creation.

Some secret realms contain extremely terrifying creatures and beasts. They live on this island all year round. Although they are suppressed by the island's avenue and cannot break through to the realm of the Holy Lord, the more they are suppressed, the more terrifying those creatures and ferocious beasts become.

The glow was rising and the mist was curling up. Ji Chen felt that he had inadvertently entered a secret realm.

This place is very mysterious. It actually has the effect of suppressing mental power and divine consciousness. It is suppressed by the laws of the great road. It is similar to the foggy area that I encountered when I first entered the Shenzang.

Ji Chen has been wandering around this area for two days and has encountered many attacks, including attacks by cultivators and attacks by monsters, but he has easily resolved them all.

His instinct told him that there might be something good here. There were many cultivators wandering around this area, including extremely powerful beings among casual cultivators, as well as geniuses from outside the great sects and those who were comparable to the Son of God, and even There are also figures at the level of leaders and holy lords of great religions, as well as various powerful creatures and ferocious beasts.

Suddenly, a huge lake appeared in front. The water was clear and white mist was rising, like a fairyland.

There are three strong men guarding the lake, each of them is extremely powerful. A powerful holy weapon shrouds the lake, as if to suppress and protect something.

As soon as Ji Chen approached, everyone's eyes turned over. Like a knife blade, the void was cut open, the temperature of the world suddenly dropped, and the space became distorted. (End of chapter)

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