I have a knife, I can kill monsters when I take it out of its sheath

Chapter 585 The ancient bronze lamp that burned for eternity

"What did you hear just now?" A casual cultivator asked the person next to him.

"I can't explain it clearly. It seems to be a supreme inheritance."

"No, it should be a magical technique." Someone else said next to him.

After hearing this, the group of casual cultivators couldn't wait any longer and swarmed towards the ancient formation, wanting to follow behind.


The two holy masters of Zidian Palace took action, and a divine light fell from the sky, drowning the group of casual cultivators.

In an instant, purple lightning flashed across the sky, blood mist filled the air, and countless people died in this divine light.

"Whoever dares to enter will be killed without mercy." The cold voice of the Purple Lightning Holy Master sounded.

The remaining casual cultivators were all angry and furious, but they had no choice but to suppress their anger.

Some people simply chose to leave directly, while others chose to stay here, waiting for opportunities and not giving up yet.

In the ancient formation, the Holy Lord who was the first to rush out was about to rush out of the ancient formation. At this moment, Ji Chen, who had already rushed into the main hall, suddenly came out and stood in front of the ancient formation, his eyes wide. It's full of indifference.

"What are you going to do?"

The face of the Holy Master of Zidian Palace changed, and he felt something was wrong.

A ray of thunder appeared in Ji's hand and hit the ancient formation directly.

"Stand straight, you dare!"

The Holy Master of Zidian Palace was furious, frightened and extremely anxious.

He unleashed all his strength and wanted to rush out, but it was still a step too late.

The lightning struck the ancient formation, erupting into a terrifying light.


The entire ancient formation trembled, the aura of chaos filled the air, and a red light spread out.

In an instant, blood mist filled the air, and all the people in the ancient formation burst into blood mist, and the entire ancient formation was dyed red.

Everyone outside the ancient formation was shocked and dumbfounded.

More than a dozen holy masters, dozens of venerables, and all the disciples of Zidian Palace were all shattered into pieces and buried in the ancient formation. Their bodies died and their souls disappeared.

"Ji Chen, you are looking for death!"

Outside the ancient formation, the two holy masters of the Purple Lightning Palace were filled with anger and anger, and then gave birth to deep despair.

The Purple Lightning Palace is finished.

The faces of the two Holy Masters were pale, and the world was spinning. Those who were the top combat power and the backbone of the sect were all destroyed at once, which was equivalent to directly ruining the future of the entire Zidian Palace.

The other casual cultivators all gasped, feeling cold from head to toe, and even their spines. This person named Ji Chen was so ruthless that he directly killed everyone in the Zidian Palace.

The casual cultivators looked at each other and secretly rejoiced in their hearts. Fortunately, they were blocked by the two holy masters and did not let them in. Otherwise, they would have become blood mist like the people in the Purple Lightning Palace.

Just before this, they were still dissatisfied and angry at the tyranny and cruelty of the Zidian Palace. However, just a moment later, such a catastrophe happened, which was shocking.

"Demon Saint, this saint named Ji Chen is simply a Demon Saint!"

These casual cultivators and small forces secretly conveyed messages and even congratulated them.

"It's so cool, I really want to laugh three times."

"Then just laugh, I want to laugh too, hahahaha!"

The two holy masters of Zidian Palace were furious, but there was nothing they could do.

They wanted to rush in desperately and blow the guy up, but they knew very well that the ancient formation had changed, and they were not proficient in the formation, so they couldn't get in at all.

They faced Ji Chen across the ancient formation.

"You are dead!"

The two of them stared at Ji Chen, their eyes cold and murderous. The temperature suddenly dropped for dozens of miles around, and the casual cultivators shuddered.

"You are not the first to tell me this. They are all dead. Don't you really like to control other people's life and death? You are so high up. Now it's your turn. How do you feel?" Ji Chen's voice was cold and he stared at the two of them calmly. .

"Even if the emperor comes, I can't save you, that's what I said." The Holy Lord of the Purple Lightning Palace exuded an astonishing evil energy, which affected the surrounding heaven and earth, and the void became distorted.

"Then you just wait patiently for the Emperor, I will go in to obtain the supreme inheritance."

Ji Chen raised his middle finger, then turned around and walked into the hall again.

This is an ancient palace, very grand, like the dojo of some ancient god. No one has come in for who knows how many years.

Ji Chen stood inside, as if he were standing in a deserted world.

He moved forward and explored this ancient temple.

The entire ancient palace is filled with the breath of time. A green lamp is burning, and the flame like a pea is swaying in front.

"Is this some kind of magic lamp?"

Ji Chen was surprised. It had been burning since ancient times and was definitely not an ordinary item.

Ji Chen walked closer. It was a stone platform. The statue on it had disappeared. Only the bronze lamp was still burning.

Ji Chen reached out and touched the green lantern, trying to pick it up. Unexpectedly, he picked it up easily.

He picked up the green lantern, approached the stone platform, looked carefully, and found a few small blurred characters.

"All living things will be destroyed!"

Ji Chen touched a few handwritings and felt horrified in his heart. These handwritings seemed to have a kind of sadness, with endless panic and sadness.

Ji Chen seemed to see a scene, a scarred God of War, holding a green lantern, walking into the temple weeping blood step by step.

The world was in a state of chaos, the universe was dry and silent, and he was the only one left in the entire universe.

In the end, he also dissipated, his body became feathers, and disappeared into ashes, leaving only this green lamp burning for eternity.

Ji Chen watched carefully and copied the handwriting of these words with his hand.

At this moment, he only felt the hair on his hair standing on end, his whole body was cold, and he shivered violently.

All living beings are destroyed. Is this a warning to future generations?

What happened all those endless years ago? What did the person who left this sentence want to express? Was it a warning to future generations, a request for help, or just a lament before it completely dissipated.

The more Ji Chen thought about it, the harder it became to calm down. There was a great horror before the endless years!

He took the green lantern and continued to look carefully, hoping to find something else, such as an inheritance or a treasure.

Although Ji Chen has no shortage of inheritance now, who would think that inheritance is too little? Even if he doesn't practice, he can at least testify to heresy.

The main hall was very empty. Apart from this lamp, there was only a futon and no other items.

The sound of footsteps echoed in the hall. Ji Chen searched the entire hall and found nothing else.

"Is there really nothing left?"

Ji Chen was very unwilling. After spending a long time and tricking so many people, he got nothing. He also provoked two Holy Masters to block him outside. It would still be troublesome to get out later.

When Ji Chen opened the temple before, he clearly felt a grand Taoist rhyme and fairy sound, but it was a pity that it was interrupted at that time.


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