Those holy masters also noticed it and didn't care. Giving him time to understand the formation is to give them a glimmer of hope, so that they can work hard to break the formation and open a way for them.

The only holy master in Zidian Palace who knew the formation had just died in the ancient formation, strangled by the ripples of red light and turned into blood mist.

Now there is only a half-hearted saint left who knows some ways of formation.

This is also the method proposed by the only saint who knows the formation, let these people come to the formation and directly use their blood to make a way.

It would be best if there were people in this group who were proficient in formations, as they could help them crack the formations.

After all, practicing formations requires a lot of energy and time. Most people don't have the time and energy to understand the formations. If they have this energy, they might as well use it in practice.

Only those who are really bored, or have no hope of making a breakthrough in the long term, will choose to understand the formation to use it to prove their heresy or to enrich themselves.

Therefore, most of them know a little bit about formations, but are not proficient in them. When encountering this ancient formation, there is no solution.

Ji Chen used Eyes of Deception, and his eyes turned silver. At this moment, the whole world changed in his eyes, turning into black and white.

Huge mental power was running in Ji Chen's mind, recreating this ancient formation. Soon, he had the entire formation reenacted in his mind, and then began to analyze and decipher it.

Time passed very quickly, and before Ji Chen could complete his analysis, several ancestors from the Holy Lord realm came over, looking cold and exuding coercion.

"Okay, time waits for no one. Now let's explore this ancient formation together and get the good fortune inside."

Everyone cursed in their hearts, but there was nothing they could do.

"That person is you. Enter from this position and take five steps forward!"

The only half-baked saint in Zidian Palace who was proficient in formations pointed at a casual cultivator and said.

The casual cultivator's expression changed greatly, and he was very reluctant. The other party wanted to use him to explore the way and confirm the suspicion in his heart to break the formation.

This method was not cruel. Not only did the monk change his face, but so did everyone else.

The monk was very reluctant, but there were three Holy Lords standing next to him, a Holy Lord from Zidian Palace, a Silver Dragon Holy Lord, and a Blue Lion Holy Lord.

The three Holy Lords guard this place, not afraid of anyone causing trouble.

In desperation, the casual cultivator could only walk towards the formation. After taking a step, he stopped again, turned around and said, "I have other methods!"

"Oh!" The Zidian Palace Saint who was proficient in formations became interested, "Then follow your method first!"

The casual cultivator walked for several steps according to his own method without any injuries. However, at the sixth step, he stopped and did not dare to go any further.

"Keep going!" the Purple Lightning Palace Saint urged.

"Senior, please spare me! I can only go so far." The casual cultivator begged, his face pale and frightened without a trace of blood.

He knew very well that if he took another step forward, he would most likely trigger a murderous formation.

"Don't waste time, move forward quickly, there is a great fortune waiting for you to endure."

The saint from Zidian Palace scolded him, his cold eyes filled with murderous intent.

"I, I will fight with you!"

The casual cultivator turned into a stream of light and shot over, tearing the void with a divine sword and directly killing the saint who was proficient in formations from the Purple Lightning Palace.

A sneer and disdain appeared on the corner of the Purple Lightning Palace Saint's mouth, and purple lightning flashed on his palms.

At this moment, the casual cultivator suddenly dodged and turned into a stream of light and escaped.

Killing the saint is fake, but taking the opportunity to divert attention and escape is real.

This sudden change surprised everyone. Just when everyone thought he was going to fight for his life, he chose to escape.

Only Ji Chen sighed, he couldn't escape at all.

Sure enough, a golden light shot up into the sky, penetrated the void, and hit the casual cultivator in an instant.


The body of the casual cultivator exploded in the void and turned into endless blood mist.

It was Jin Luan's hand, a feather turned into a divine sword, and killed the casual cultivator.

At this moment, everyone took a breath of cold air and felt cold from head to toe.

Killing chickens to scare monkeys is a show to them. These three holy masters did not take action and left it to Jin Luan to kill them. This was to scare them all not to think about escaping. Anyone who dared to escape would be the fate.

Everyone was trembling in their hearts, and those who had originally planned to fight also gave up their thoughts.

Ji Chen knew very well that there was a huge gap between the Saint and the Holy Lord. Even if their cultivation was suppressed, it would still be terrifying.

After all, it is only the cultivation level that is being suppressed. Realm, methods, magical skills, speed, and physical strength, none of these can form effective suppression.

On this island, they are still the group with the highest level of combat power.

"If you don't dare to fight for it in the face of fate, such people will have no future. Instead of living in vain, it is better to get rid of it as soon as possible."

Jin Luan's cold voice sounded.

Everyone has scolded their ancestors eighteen times in their hearts. Damn it, these people's faces are really hateful. Why don't you explore such a great creation for yourselves and let us people take the risk?

"Come on! I hope you will seize the opportunity and don't be like him. You don't even know how to fight for the good fortune in front of you, and you even think about running away."

The saint who was proficient in formations from Zidian Palace said, and then he pointed at another person, "Is it your turn? Go and find your destiny. I hope you will seize the opportunity and don't be ignorant of praise."

The man's face was pale. He wanted to resist but didn't dare, so he could only move forward slowly.

Like the other man, he took four steps in his own way, and then began to decipher the fifth step.

However, he failed to crack it for a long time. The saint from the Purple Lightning Palace became impatient and began to give orders.

"Take a step to the left!"

The man was a little hesitant and didn't dare to go. After all, he didn't know whether this step would lead to life or death.

"Leave quickly. If you don't leave, I will kill you now."

The casual cultivator could only grit his teeth and take a step to the left. Fortunately, he was fine.

As soon as he breathed a sigh of relief, the voice of the saint from Zidian Palace sounded again.

"Take a step forward!"

Hearing the words, the casual cultivator took a step forward. However, just as he landed, the glow flashed, and the casual cultivator's body was silently broken into several pieces. Then he fell on the formation and was directly destroyed by the diffuse glow. Broken into pieces, even the flesh and blood were evaporated, and the body and soul were destroyed.

At this moment, all the monks were terrified.

A powerful saint died like this without even a chance to respond.

"Next, you, get up!"

The saint from Zidian Palace pointed at another person and asked him to come forward.

The man's face was pale and despairing. He really didn't want to die like this.

But after seeing the looks in the eyes of the three powerful Holy Lords, they could only walk forward tremblingly.

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