
The sea water rioted, and corpses rushed up from the sea. Some were riding war horses and holding war halberds. There were headless creatures holding war swords. The war halberds split the sky, and the killing atmosphere shook the entire sea area.

"What's going on? Why is there an army of death in this sea?"

Everyone changed their color, the army of death even had iron cavalry.

The corpses floating without light on the sea rioted, and countless knights rushed up from the sea one after another, riding horses, holding halberds, pointing to the sky, and killing everyone.

"It's so evil. How can there be a group of troops in the boundary sea?"

"According to legend, there was once a divine dynasty that fought with the whole country and returned to ruins. Finally, it took the entire divine dynasty to ascend. Could this army come from that divine dynasty?"

"Are you talking about the Huayu Divine Dynasty, the Divine Dynasty that disappeared thousands of years ago? They were all destroyed in the Boundary Sea?"

"If that's the case, it will be troublesome. I'm afraid there are unparalleled existences in this world sea."

"Escape separately!"

Streams of light shot out on the sea. At this time, everyone could only run for their lives.

However, there were more dead troops, surrounded from all sides, and the cavalry was in the air. Many people died in just one encounter.

The halberd flew across the sky and cut through the void. Some people's bodies exploded and blood mist filled the air.

These dead creatures are too powerful. Even if they did not reach the realm of saints during their lifetime, they died in this sea of ​​​​realm. After endless years, they have long become a taboo-like existence.

At this moment, everyone tried their best, took out their magical weapons, and broke out in all directions to kill.

At this time, they can only escape separately and face the encirclement and suppression of the army. If they still gather together, they will only die faster.


The sound of war horns sounded, shaking the entire sea area, ripples spread, and waves surged into the sky.

Everyone's face turned pale. This was the call of war, calling for more warriors.

Ji Chen Tianxuan swept across, making a clanging sound, and slashed out with one sword, like a million armies fighting, the sword energy was arrogant, the divine light shot into the sky, and the sky was cut open.

A dozen death knights who surrounded him were chopped into pieces by him.

He waved the sword as if he was wielding the Dao. Every time the sword fell, a Dao map fell down, making him invincible.

Faced with the endless encirclement and suppression of the army of death, Ji Chen did not choose to avoid or dodge like others, but went straight out and forcibly carved out a passage.

Behind him, there was a road of corpses littered with undead corpses, not a single complete corpse.

At this moment, Ji Chen seemed to have returned to the time a year ago, when one man and a knife defeated endless enemies and killed them through a city.

The death cavalry's body was cut open, and no one could challenge Ji Chen. This was an invincible force, invincible and unstoppable.

Everyone was shocked by this scene and felt cold. This was indeed a monster. Facing the endless army of death, he forcibly cut out a passage.

One sword and one map, what kind of sword path is this? The power of one sword can split the world. Every sword is like this. There is no sword light, only the Dao map flies down. The terrifying sword intention makes people's souls tremble.

The ultimate monster!

Everyone had the idea that those sons of gods were nothing more than that!

At this moment, a headless creature wearing armor appeared on the sea. He was holding a halberd and was killing Ji Chen.

The creature was extremely powerful. The halberd in its hand was pointed at the sky. The blade of the halberd cut everything. The horse's hooves stepped on the sea, making a sound that shook the world. It galloped towards this side. The sound of the hooves was like thunder, shocking the heart.

Many people are afraid that this dead creature was absolutely extremely powerful when it was alive.

The halberd swept across and beheaded towards Ji Chen.

In an instant, the sky burst, and the heavy halberd crushed the void, as if the world from all directions were suppressing it.

Ji Chen waved Tianxuan, his movements were not very fast, he slowly slid towards the sky, as if he was waving the avenue, his movements were very slow, but he cut through the sky directly.

The heaven and earth rioted, and the Tianxuan in Ji Chen's hand was so powerful that it destroyed all obstacles. Although it was moving slowly, it was devastating.

Infinite divine light blooms from his body, like a divine king, independent of heaven and earth, possessing incredible power, and can be indestructible if cut with a blade.


The sky exploded, the sea water exploded, the waves undulated, and the vast sea water swept up into the sky. Every drop of sea water carried the intention of a knife, and the water dripped through the sky.

This piece of sky was like a rag, beaten into tatters, and countless death knights and armies were turned into pieces under the blow.

The others who were fighting against the army of death were all shocked by this scene.


The horn sounded again, the horn of death, like the sound of urging death. Some of the death army even gave up on others, and all rushed towards Zhe Jichen.

"Run away!"

Seeing this, the others seized the opportunity and broke out crazily.

"These knights have no consciousness, only an undying fighting spirit. The more powerful the creatures are in this place, the more dangerous they will be." Zuo Hao discovered this.

The man named Chen Jiu was extremely powerful and was targeted by these headless horsemen. It was probably because of this that the Holy Lord-level corpse followed them all the way.

Then, Zuo Hao reacted quickly, controlled the holy soldiers, and broke out in one direction.

It's not that he doesn't want to help Chen Jiu, but that he is really powerless. This disaster can only rely on Chen Jiu himself.

The boundary sea is boundless and vast. Everyone disperses and flees. This is a desperate escape. But there are still many people who did not escape and fell into this sea area. The army of death's halberds cut the sky, and blood splashed, dyeing the sea area red.

The death knight who fought with Ji Chen was extremely powerful. His halberd swept across the sky. The wind between heaven and earth was like thunder, the sky burst, the sea of ​​clouds exploded, the sea of ​​​​boundaries roared angrily, and black waves hit the sky, shattering everything.

Ji Chen held Tianxuan and held the divine golden cauldron on his head. Wisps of divine light fell down and enveloped his whole body, invulnerable to all means.

The two of them fought so hard that the sun and the moon lost all light.

This death knight was absolutely terrifying when he was alive. He was a divine general. He was much higher and stronger than Ji Chen's current state. But after all, he died in battle endless years ago. Although he is awakened now, his state is very special and he is not a real one. No shortage of living things.

Ji Chen's physical body became holy, and the close combat was extremely terrifying. In terms of physical body, even the Holy Lord did not dare to say that he could defeat Ji Chen.

In the end, the death knight was killed by Ji Chen.


The sound of horse hooves shook the heaven and earth, and in the distance, more headless gods were charging towards them on war horses.

Ji Chen felt awe-inspiring in his heart. After killing one, more came, but it was so despairing. This was a battle with no hope.

Ji Chen also realized that it was the blood in his body that attracted these dead creatures.

His body became holy and he ignited the divine fire. In the eyes of these dead creatures, he was the peerless magical medicine, even more precious than the peerless magical medicine.

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