Ji Chen's body disappeared again, and the next moment, the place was flooded by the terrifying divine light. Ji Chen almost escaped with the divine light on the edge.


The Tianxuan knife stabbed out silently, stabbing the head of a half-step saint. It penetrated from one temple of his temple and came out from the other temple, stabbing the head through the other side. With the blade, half a piece was cut. The head was chopped off.

This result shocked many people and made them feel heavy. The combat power Ji Chen showed was really terrifying. Faced with such a situation, he was able to handle it with ease and even fight back.


A spear passed through the hole silently, and it accurately determined where Ji Chen would land after teleporting. The spear stabbed his head accurately.

Ji Chen's perception reached its extreme and he narrowly avoided the shot.

His eyes were cold. It was the Golden Lion Venerable who took action, silently forcing him to come forward. He calculated all his escape routes and killed him with one strike. This shot almost succeeded in killing him.

If Ji Chen hadn't had a strong perception and sensed the danger in advance, he would have successfully attacked and killed him.

Ji Chen slashed at him with a knife, and the light of the knife tore through the sky and the earth. A Tao map fell down and the sky split open.

Regret flashed in Venerable Golden Lion's eyes, his golden battle clothes shone with light, and he quickly retreated.

It was a Saint Lord-level battle suit that protected his whole body, and he retreated behind a half-step Saint.


Suddenly, a terrifying sword light struck, almost hitting Ji Chen. The sword light flashed with peerless sharpness, splitting the entire night sky in half, causing the void to be directly annihilated. Some people who could not avoid it were swallowed up by the sword light and torn apart directly.

The saint of the Refining God Sect!

She took action and almost killed Ji Chen with one sword.

Suddenly, a beam of light fell from the sky, and the void was burned into nothingness, and a black hole appeared.

An afterimage of Ji Chen was directly destroyed, and the two great sages of the demon clan were illuminated by the beam and instantly turned into nothingness, leaving not even ashes behind.

Ji Chen was surprised. If he hadn't sensed the danger in advance because of his strong perception, he would have been hit by this beam of light.

The prince of the Moon Worshiping Kingdom appeared high in the sky, holding a mirror in his hand.


The Tianxuan Sword suddenly appeared out of thin air and pierced into Prince Baiyue's Tianling Cap, and the entire blade sank directly into it.


The terrifying sword energy directly exploded Prince Baiyue's body.

Everyone was shocked, and countless people felt their scalps numb. Ji Chen's movements were very strange, and his intuition and perception of danger were ridiculously strong. He was like a loach, always able to evade attacks.

Even in such a desperate situation, he can still fight back.

"His pace is similar to that of Qin Shuai of Daxia. He should have inherited Qin Shuai's inheritance." Someone finally recognized Ji Chen's pace.

"It's Commander Qin's Heavenly Step, no wonder it's so fast!"


Suddenly, a terrifying coercion covered the sky, causing the void to collapse. Cracks in the void filled the sky and spread continuously.

The half-step saint took action, shattering the sky with one palm and enveloping Ji Chen.

Ji Chen used eight steps to ascend into the air, teleported, and escaped.

He felt tremendous pressure, and there were terrifying murderous intentions spying on him secretly, which made Ji Chen feel awe-inspiring.

He is the killer of the Seven Kills God Dynasty, a more powerful killer, snooping in the dark, and will launch a critical attack at any time.

The threat of this killer was too great. Ji Chen felt it from the beginning, and he has endured it until now without taking action.

This killer is more terrifying than any previous killer. He is waiting for an opportunity to kill.

Ji Chen had a feeling that once he took action, it would be devastating and devastating.

He can't wait any longer. If he waits any longer, he will be in real danger. There are too many people surrounding him. He has no ability to fight back now and can only passively avoid them.

Although there are still some cautious people who have not yet stepped into the formation, these people are not very strong. Ji Chen has remembered them and will slowly sort them out later. The person who appeared here today is a Can't let it go.

Ji Chen activated the divine golden cauldron buried underground. The divine golden cauldron was the centerpiece of the entire peerless killing array.


The killing array was activated, and in an instant, the sky and the earth lost color, and the wind and clouds changed. Endless lines appeared in the sky and the ground in this void, covering everyone in it.

The invisible killing thoughts made the whole world shake, the peerless killing formation emerged, and the entire sky and the ground were glowing.

Ji Chen consumed a total of 800,000 kilograms of spiritual stones, and with the help of the natural Jedi in the mountains and rivers, he buried a total of seven Holy Lord-level holy weapons, and arranged a Yin-Yang Seven-Kill peerless formation according to the seven-kill directions. It can kill all living things in the world.

Even if the true Holy Master steps into it, he will be killed.

Ji Chen didn't know how many geniuses and saints, how many young sages and half-step saints came. He only knew that after this killing, a huge earthquake might occur.

"I know you want to kill me, and I want to kill you too." Ji Chen looked indifferently at the people who were obviously in panic, and said coldly: "So I have prepared a huge peerless killing array for you. Welcome on the road, see you in the next life! "


The night is like an abyss, and the peerless killing array revives, like an ancient beast awakening from the abyss, coming across time and space from the battlefield of gods and demons.

The terrifying thoughts of killing are surging, the whole world is disintegrating, the void is collapsing, and the terrifying light of killing is filling the air, as if it wants to kill all living beings in the world.

At this moment, everyone was frightened. They felt like they were in an endless hell. The invisible thoughts of killing were like blades, ignoring any defense and invading the body. The blood all over his body was uncontrollable, overflowing from his pores, and his bones were cracking and cracking, being chopped open by invisible killing thoughts.

"what happened?"

"what happened?"

Everyone was horrified. At this moment, whether they were half-step saints, young geniuses, or killers from the Seven Kills Dynasty, they all felt that the end was coming and the whole world was collapsing.

They wanted to escape, but found that this space and world seemed to be stripped away, forming a separate world. The whole world is collapsing, and the invisible murderous thoughts and light of killing permeate the entire world.

The peerless killing array is activated, and no one who steps into it can escape.

"It's a joke. You think a killing formation can trap me. Let's see how I break the killing formation."

A young prodigy roared angrily and slashed out with his sword, trying to break through the killing formation with brute force.


A killing light emerged, directly destroying him and turning him into ashes without even a drop of blood being shed.

Ji Chen spent 800,000 kilograms of spirit stones and seven Holy Lord-level holy weapons to set up the killing array. How could it be so easy to break? The more powerful the resistance, the more murderous intent would be triggered.

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