"Killing array, catch them all in one fell swoop!" Kaiyang Holy Son's heart suddenly trembled, "Isn't this too cruel!"

To kill them all in one fell swoop would probably cause a huge uproar!

Ji Chen said coldly: "If you don't be cruel, they will stick to me like bullshit plaster. They are already murderous towards me. How can I still be polite to them?"

"Yes, that's how it should be. Kill them all. Let's see if they dare to kill Brother Ji in the future." Holy Son Tianji nodded in agreement.

"I also want to see how many people are plotting against me and can't wait to kill me. As long as they don't follow, their lives will not be in danger."

Ji Chen left the city directly. In the eyes of those people, this was a sign of escape.

Those in the dark no longer cover up, and their murderous intentions are revealed directly.

Ji Chen took one step forward and turned into a stream of light, spanning thousands of miles. After a few dozen steps, he was tens of thousands of miles away.

This is a natural place where Ji Chen set up a peerless killing array a few days ago and buried seven holy master-level artifacts. Even if a saint steps here, he will only perish. If the Holy Master steps in, he will be killed, and even if he does not die, he will still have to cut off a layer of skin.

The night is like water and starry. This place is very quiet. There are dense formation runes on the ground, but they have been covered up by Ji Chen's use of cross-domain teleportation formations. Anyone who catches up here will immediately think that he is going to cross-domain. Teleport.

Ji Chen stood on top of the cross-domain teleportation array, looking up at the stars, wondering who would be the first to catch up.

He guessed that the killers from the Seven Killings Dynasty might have been the first to catch up. They were good at catching up, but he didn't deliberately conceal his aura.

Soon, Ji Chen felt murderous intent. Sure enough, the killers from the Seven Killers Dynasty arrived first.

Ji Chen pretended to be illustrating the cross-domain teleportation formation. He wanted to wait for more people to arrive.

The killers of the Seven Killing Dynasty would not know that they had been discovered. After all, they did not know that Ji Chen had the Eyes of Deception, nor did they know that Ji Chen had actually forgotten to cross the void and saw them.

Moreover, Ji Chen's perception is extremely powerful and has surpassed this realm, and he can clearly feel their existence with his perception.

The killers of the Seven Killers Dynasty were not in a hurry to take action, but were observing secretly, fearing there might be some ambush.

Ji Chen pretended to draw the teleportation array while observing secretly.

"I didn't expect the Golden Lion Lord to be here too!" The appearance of the Golden Lion Lord was beyond Ji Chen's expectation.

He didn't even enter the Shenzang. Did he want to kill himself before going in?

Or go in after seeing yourself dead.

"Those half-step saints must be from Tianshu Holy Land!"

Ji Chen sensed that the auras of those people were somewhat similar to Ye Wanru's, and they had obviously practiced the same technique.

Holy Son Tianshu didn't come, but he sent a half-step saint. This is really an old coin.

These people were very secretive, hiding in the void and observing from a distance. In their opinion, Ji Chen was already dead, so they planned to fish in troubled waters.

Ji Chen has many secrets. Whether it is his inheritance or the divine golden tripod, they are both peerless treasures. This is also the purpose of their coming.

"Ye Wanru is here too!" Ji Chen noticed her and hid in the void further away. She did not enter the divine treasure.

"Are you waiting for a result? Or are you not going in for some other reason?"

"The prince of the Moon Worshiping Kingdom!" Ji Chen's eyes flashed and he noticed his presence. Unexpectedly, he also followed.

Now that he is here, then...

Sure enough, Ji Chen found the Saint of the Refining Sect and the Golden Crow Master not far away. They had met at the birthday banquet of the Great Sage Huntian in the past, and they all came with them today.

None of them chose to enter the Divine Cang in advance. It seemed that killing themselves was more important than entering the Divine Cang.

"The half-step saints of the Green Wolf clan and those few geniuses are very good. They are all served in one pot."

"A half-step saint of the Snow Wolf Clan."

"The genius of the Jinpeng tribe!"

"They are all here. Whether you have a grudge against me or want to fish in troubled waters, as long as you step into the killing array, you will catch them all in one fell swoop."

Holy Son Tianji and Holy Son Kaiyang also came. They were very cautious. They knew that there was a killing array here and were afraid of affecting Ji Chen's plan, so they changed their faces and stood far away.

After all, they didn't know how wide the killing array was, so they could only stand farther away for fear of being accidentally killed.

There are also those who are just like them, just coming to watch the fun. They all have one characteristic, standing far away.

There were so many people coming that Ji Chen couldn't even count them. Ji Chen even didn't know many of them. They were all here to fish in troubled waters.

The lineup was extremely strong. If Ji Chen had not prepared in advance, this would have been a dead end.

In this case, let's make a bright future today.

This place is silent, not even the chirping of insects or birds can be heard. The sky and the earth are dead silent, dark clouds are overwhelming, the dull atmosphere is extremely oppressive, and a storm will come at any time.

Ji Chen's formation is extremely vast. Most people have already stepped into the formation and are enveloped by it, but a small number of people have not yet stepped into it.

Ji Chen is waiting. He wants everyone to step into it and kill them all at once.

However, some people are always vigilant, hiding far away, waiting cautiously.

Ji Chen stood up, ready to stimulate them.

Those who will step into the range of the formation are those who really have murderous intentions towards them. Those who will not step in may really just want to watch the fun.

"Phew! It's finally done!"

Ji Chen clapped his hands and directly activated the cross-domain teleportation array. Of course, even if the cross-domain teleportation array was really activated, teleportation would not be possible. He just wanted to stimulate the nerves of these people so that they would think that he was leaving across domains. Then step into the killing array and kill them all.


The cross-domain teleportation array was activated, and all the runes on the array platform lit up.

Those hiding in the void gradually couldn't bear it anymore and began to approach slowly.

The killers of the Seven Killing Dynasty were the first to lose their patience, and their murderous intent burst out. They no longer covered up and took action directly.


The sound of the sword vibrated, and the Seven Killing Gods took the lead to take action. The sword energy and murderous intent spurted out, sweeping across one side. The void split open, the terrifying invisible sword intent shrouded it, and everything in the void turned into powder.

The sword energy soared into the sky, and the blazing sword light illuminated the entire night sky, even those who were hidden in the void were illuminated.

Ji Chen's figure flashed and disappeared on the spot.


There was blood and light, and the Tianxuan Sword appeared in Ji Chen's hand. As he slashed out, he cut a killer in half.

Blood spilled and poured onto the formation under his feet.


He punched the void with his backhand, blasting a killer who was hiding in the void and approaching him like a ghost, and exploded the void together, turning into a ball of blood mist, dyeing the void red.

The supreme divine body is close to reaching perfection, and Ji Chen can blast the void with just his fists. (End of chapter)

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