The whole square was in chaos, and countless people were furious. This was too arrogant. He openly challenged a demon saint. This was completely seeking death. Didn't he know how powerful the saint was?

At this moment, everyone was silent, not even daring to comment for fear of causing trouble. Everyone was muttering in their hearts that this was a rhythm that was going against the heavens, and the hatred was simply too great.


A huge wolf claw poked out from the void and suppressed Ji Chen below.

Wisps of light fell down, and a side of the sky was imprisoned to prevent Ji Chen from escaping.

The demon saint finally couldn't help but take action, and wanted to hit Ji Chen with one palm.

The majesty of a saint cannot be desecrated. The little Taoist priest's repeated provocations have pushed his patience to the limit, so he did not consider capturing Ji Chen alive, but wanted to kill him directly.

At this moment, a bright light emitted from the sky above the square, so majestic that it formed a curtain of light, covering the sky and the sun, blocking the fall of the wolf's claws.

"Oh my god, what is this?" Countless people looked at this scene in shock, their souls trembling.

"This is the Great Formation of the Divine City. Private fighting is strictly prohibited in the inner city, let alone a demon saint attacking a junior."

Wolf Claw tried hard to strike, but failed to fall down in the end.

Ji Chen also breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that the Great Sage Huntian still cared about the rules of Black Dragon City. The strong will not be allowed to be unscrupulous here.

"Great Sage, what does this mean?" The demon sage's voice sounded, questioning.

At this time, the huge demon monkey appeared in the square, looked at the sky, and said in a cold voice: "Wolf Saint, this is the Divine City Formation. Fighting is strictly prohibited in the inner city. Your power is too powerful, which inspired the revival of the Divine City Formation. , automatically protecting the inner city."

The Demon Monkey is neither humble nor arrogant, and is afraid of the opponent. He is already a half-step Demon Saint. In addition, this is Black Dragon City, the territory of the Great Sage Huntian. Even if the opponent is the Holy Lord, he is not afraid.

"Great Sage, I want an explanation. This brat humiliates me so much, despises the power of the saint, and disrespects the saint. Do I not even have the right to kill him?"

The Wolf Saint was angry and questioning, but did not answer the Demon Monkey at all. In his opinion, the Demon Monkey was not qualified to talk to him at all.

"Are you questioning me, or are you trying to break my rules in Black Dragon City?"

A majestic voice sounded, shaking the entire inner city like thunder. The Great Sage Huntian finally spoke, and his majestic voice made everyone's hearts tremble.

"I don't dare to break the rules of Black Dragon City, but this kid humiliates me and disrespects the saints. Can't I even give him a small punishment?"

"The rules in Black Dragon City strictly prohibit the use of force. Anyone who dares to break the rules will be shot without mercy."

The voice of Great Sage Huntian sounded, extremely majestic and unquestionable.

At this moment, another voice sounded, and its majesty was not weaker than that of the Great Sage Huntian.

"Great Sage Huntian! We are both from the demon clan, but now we, the wolf clan, have been humiliated by a little human lord. He has repeatedly challenged our dignity and taken away the sacred artifact passed down by the Wolf Emperor. Yet you are so partial to a human clan. This is what for?"

At this moment, everyone in the square took a breath of cold air. Another holy master came, and he was the holy master of the wolf tribe. He didn't give the Great Sage Huntian any face and directly questioned him.

At this time, the demon monkey on the square spoke, his voice cold and majestic, "Black Dragon City's rules, whoever dares to break them will be killed directly by the Divine City Formation."

At this moment, everyone was frightened. The monkey dared to say this, and it must have been with the tacit approval of the Great Sage Huntian. If a war really wanted to start, the Great Sage Huntian might not need to take action. This monkey can control the formation of the divine city. confrontation.

"In that case, let's fight. I will kill this human venerable. No one can protect him. The demon clan's most precious treasure, the moon wheel, must not be leaked out, and the majesty of the demon saint must not be desecrated."

As the Holy Lord of the Wolf Clan finished speaking, he took action.


The huge wolf claws poked out and fell from the sky, bursting out with majestic power and divine light.

However, the Divine City Formation was even more terrifying. It erupted in an instant, with runes shining one after another, bursting out with immeasurable divine power, blocking the huge wolf claws.

The terrifying light gathered, like a golden flame being ignited, sweeping across the sky, trying to refine the wolf claw.

"Wolf Saint!" The demon monkey looked up at the sky and said with great majesty: "If you have violated the rules of my Black Dragon City, then don't blame me for activating the God Refining Formation to refine you."

At this moment, everyone in the square was silent. The Holy Lord of the Wolf Clan took action, and the divine city formation revived. A war was about to break out. If they were not careful, everyone here would become ashes.

Even if a ray of breath escapes from the Holy Lord-level battle, they can all be killed.

The Great Sage Huntian did not make a sound. Just the Demon Monkey Lord in front of him could use the Divine City Formation to withstand the attack of the Wolf Holy Land and even refine him. This is the terror of the Divine City Formation.

"Wolf Saint! Forget it, today is the birthday of the Great Saint Huntian, so let's give him some face. Why have a falling out with Black Dragon City because of a junior? That junior can't stay in the inner city forever and wait until he comes out to manipulate him. !”

Another Holy Master spoke up and found a step for Wolf Saint to go down.

"Okay, today is the birthday of the Great Sage Huntian. For the sake of the Great Sage Huntian, I won't argue with you for the time being. We will talk about it after the birthday of the Great Sage Huntian is over."

The Holy Lord of the Wolf Clan also came down the stairs.

The jihad that was about to break out was over, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief. It would be best if it didn't start.

Ji Chen seemed to have expected that this battle would not be fought. He knew from the moment the Divine City Formation revived that this battle would not be fought.

No normal person would start a war on someone else's territory. There would be no advantage. Before the war started, the formation alone would kill you. If you were unlucky, you would even be wiped out by the formation.

This is a thankless job.

In the square, Ji Chen looked relaxed, not at all worried about being intercepted when he went out later.

"You guy, you are not worried at all. If you go out in a while, they will definitely keep an eye on you. Once you step out of the inner city, they will kill you."

Hu Ling'er walked over, with a slim figure, a small waist, a tall figure, a graceful figure, and a white and beautiful face, which together made her look extremely moving. Shui Lingling's eyes stared at Ji Chen with a cunning light.

Ji Chen knew from the look in her eyes that this guy wasn't really worried about him, but was more thinking of ways to attack him.

Sure enough, the next moment she saw her say: "Why don't you just be my bodyguard! With me protecting them, they don't dare to do anything to you."

Ji Chen looked at Hu Ling'er, looking up and down, making Hu Ling'er feel a little hairy.

"What are you going to do? I'm warning you not to mess around! I don't care about what you slapped my butt just now. If you dare to do it again, you will be dead." (End of Chapter)

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