"I don't know whether those great emperors and emperors in ancient times could use the power of thunder tribulation to kill powerful enemies. Maybe I will create a feat and become the first young supreme to use thunder tribulation to kill powerful enemies. "

The gray wolf has a muscular body, its eyes are full of wild killing aura, and its body exudes a heart-stopping light.

His voice came out from the Tribulation Platform, shocking countless people.

"This gray wolf is really scary. I'm afraid he has the qualifications to become an emperor."

"Compared to the great emperors and emperors since ancient times, they have created a feat of using natural disasters to kill powerful enemies. It is so courageous."

In the sea of ​​thunder in the distance, Ji Chen was not as embarrassed as he imagined. The Sutra of Immortality was running wildly, and all the thunder and lightning that fell on him were swallowed up and refined.

At this time, a crazy idea suddenly came to Ji Chen's mind. Maybe he could try to use the Heavenly Tribulation to break through the realm to see if he could break through the second realm of the Venerable.

He is already at the peak of the first realm. The reason why he has not broken through is because the killing points are not enough.

The minimum threshold for breaking through the Venerable realm is 100 million killing points. Even if he cultivates each realm to its peak, he still needs 100 million killing points to break through.

His killing points have accumulated to 49.9 million, and he still has more than 50 million to reach 100 million.

Now, Ji Chen plans to use the power of this catastrophe to forcefully break through and save 100 million killing points.

He stood in the thunder and lightning, letting the thunder and lightning wash over his body, motionless as a pine, quietly comprehending the laws and rhythms contained in the thunder and lightning, trying hard to break through the barriers of the realm.

This time, he had to rely on himself to break through.

The gray wolf was also standing in the middle of the thunder sea in the distance. He was wearing a divine iron suit and allowed the thunder and calamity to dance wildly, but it had no effect on him at all.

He stared at the center of the thunder sea, looking down at Ji Chen who was drowned by thunder and lightning, with a sneer on his lips. Thunder and lightning intertwined, forming a cage that trapped him.

This world is very fair. If you go against the will of God, you will be tested by God. Although you will survive a narrow escape, once you survive, it will be a whole new world. And the fact that he can survive the Lord's Tribulation twice also proves his power from the side. With Feifan, once successful, the strength is much stronger than that of the same level.

When the time comes, he will become one with his external incarnation and be able to sweep across the same realm.

The gray wolf was well prepared and could easily survive this lightning disaster.

Ji Chen's place was flooded with lightning and he couldn't see clearly what was going on inside.

The gray wolf was sneering. In his opinion, the opponent was already struggling to hold on and would be chopped into ashes soon.

At this moment, the calamity cloud in the sky suddenly changed color, turning into five colors, and became extremely violent. The calamity cloud instantly expanded for dozens of miles, and the entire Black Dragon City was submerged, and everyone was enveloped by the calamity cloud. Down.

Such a terrifying scene scared everyone to death. Fortunately, Black Dragon City's formation was activated immediately to cover up the secrets, thus avoiding the fate of everyone in the city being taken care of by Jie Yun.

This is the advantage of the Tribulation Platform. You can watch and feel the Tribulation at close range without being implicated.

"Oh my god! What kind of calamity is this? How evil is that gray wolf? It actually caused such a terrifying calamity."

"This is, this is the legendary Five Elements Catastrophe."

"What, the legendary Five Elements Catastrophe? Oh my god, this gray wolf is so outrageous! It even caused the legendary Five Elements Catastrophe."

"This is not caused by the Heavenly Tribulation mutation. Only those who are evil enough can cause the Heavenly Tribulation mutation. This gray wolf must have practiced some heaven-defying technique or awakened some incredible bloodline."

"As expected of a monster, if he succeeds in overcoming the tribulation, he can almost sweep away his contemporaries. Who else can be his opponent?"

"This generation of the Gray Wolf clan has produced an incredible figure!"

Countless people exclaimed and lamented that even the legendary catastrophe was brought about. This gray wolf was so defiant that he already had his place as the supreme young man in the world.

"This is not a thunder disaster, this is simply a punishment from heaven!"

Everyone around them felt chills all over and their hairs stood on end.

On the tribulation platform, Gray Wolf was also stunned. He heard the conversation outside clearly, but this was not the tribulation caused by him at all, but the catastrophe caused by that bastard Taoist Priest.

At this moment, he was completely confused. He no longer had the calmness he had before. What kind of physique did that bastard Taoist Priest have? What kind of heaven-defying skills he had practiced, and he actually caused such a terrifying thunder disaster.

This thunder tribulation was more than ten times more powerful than the one he had just suffered. The suit he was wearing could not bear it at all. The originally bright suit had been hacked into darkness and began to be damaged. The skin and flesh inside the suit were torn and arcs were flowing.

"That gray wolf is too terrifying. I'm afraid it's true as he said. He will create a great feat and compare himself to the ancient emperors."

"Even the legendary Five Elements Catastrophe has been caused. I'm afraid this family really has an emperor's appearance."

The voices of people talking outside kept coming in, and no one was not frightened. It would lead to the Five Elements Catastrophe and kill powerful enemies. Who could resist.

"What the fuck, this is not the calamity caused by me, but that bastard Taoist Priest."

The gray wolf wanted to roar, but he couldn't open his mouth at all. He was in a sea of ​​thunder. As long as he opened his mouth, the thunder would strike from his mouth.

The thunderous light flooded the entire Tribulation Platform, and it was so blazing that the outside world could not see it at all.

"Priest Bastard, what kind of disaster have you caused? I was killed by you."

Gray Wolf was about to cry without tears and wanted to escape. He fled to the edge of the Tribulation Platform to ask for help. He knew that there must be a strong person from the Gray Wolf clan paying attention to this place.

At this moment, dozens of thunder and lightning fell from the sky, intertwined into a palace, shrouded it, and directly covered the gray wolf inside.

Ji Chen took action, using the power of thunder and lightning to evolve the heavenly prison and trap the gray wolf.

Ji Chen's catastrophe is coming. Before he has passed through the catastrophe, he can't let this guy ask for help, and he can't be allowed to die.

Such young heroes usually have soul lamps left in their clans. Once they die, the outside world will be aware of the problems on the Tribulation Platform.

Gray Wolf wanted to vomit blood. He never thought that the other party could artificially control the power of Thunder Tribulation.

The cage was like a heavenly prison, closing all directions and trapping him inside. Endless lightning poured down and fell towards the inside.

The green wolf was covered in hair, and all the hairs stood on end.

He suffered severe injuries, vomited blood, and his armor was in tatters.

Fortunately, the Thunder Tribulation Heavenly Prison was not stable and did not last long, so it quickly collapsed.

After all, Ji Chen also had to fight against the Heavenly Tribulation, and he also had to calm down to understand the laws and charm contained in the Heavenly Tribulation, and strive for breakthroughs, but he could not stabilize the Thunder Tribulation Heavenly Prison for a long time.

The gray wolf looked towards Ji Chen and saw that the lightning there was completely submerged and could not be seen clearly. It was dozens of times more terrifying than what he saw here.


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