This demon monkey overwhelmed the entire audience with just its breath.

"Who dares to cause trouble at the Great Sage's birthday banquet?"

When he spoke, his voice was like thunder, making everyone's eardrums hurt.

"Your Majesty, this is the Taoist Priest. He despises the Great Sage, is arrogant, ignores the majesty of the Great Sage, disrupts birthday banquets, and hurts people. I beg Your Majesty to take action and kill him."

A genius spoke quickly and put all the responsibility on Ji Chen.

"That is, this person is extremely arrogant. He teases His Highness Tianhu, thinks he is invincible, and humiliates us. We came up to argue, but he directly injured one of us. Such crazy people appeared at the Great Sage's birthday banquet. , is a blasphemy against the majesty of the Great Sage, and I suggest that His Holiness kill him immediately.”

The demon monkey's eyes fell on Ji Chen and said coldly: "Why do you do this?"

Ji Chen spread his hands and expressed his innocence, "I didn't mean to do it, he begged me to hit him. No, he begged me to kill him. If you don't believe me, ask the people around you. They all heard it. I just It just fulfilled his wish."

"He may have wanted to kill himself to add to the fun of the Great Sage's birthday party! I am also here to celebrate the Great Sage's birthday, so I can only fulfill his wish without any difficulty."

"He lied!" The faces of those demon clan geniuses were very ugly, and they were so angry that they almost vomited blood.

"I'm not lying. If you don't believe me, you can ask the people around you," Ji Chen said.

Lord Demon Monkey looked around, and everyone nodded quickly. What Ji Chen said was indeed true. It was indeed the guy who asked the other party to hit him. There was no way to hide this.

After all, on such an occasion today, there must be countless powerful people coming, and they must have noticed this place long ago.

"Fighting is strictly prohibited at the Great Sage's birthday banquet. If there is any hatred, you can go to the Tribulation Platform outside to resolve it!" Lord Demon Monkey said coldly.

He knew that this Taoist Priest was a friend of Demon Monkey Huntian and was invited by the Great Sage Huntian. He was not at fault. He could not be too harsh and could only let them go to the tribulation platform to solve the problem themselves.

The Great Sage Huntian holds a birthday party every hundred years. Every time there are many people who come, and there are also many people who have hatred towards each other. Many of the hatreds are irresolvable. When the two sides meet, it is life and death, and the Tribulation Platform is used to resolve the hatred. place, it can also be regarded as a kind of entertainment.

The formations on the Tribulation Platform are powerful. Once on the Tribulation Platform, you cannot escape, and the outside world cannot interfere in the battle on the Tribulation Platform.

Ji Chen was a little surprised, "Is there really a place where we can fight? Does the Great Sage allow casualties at his birthday party?"

The people around him were immediately speechless. This person was really just here to kill people. They were asking about the casualties before they even started fighting.

You are a monk, okay? Why don't you have the charity and kindness of a monk at all?

The Demon Monkey Lord nodded expressionlessly, "Going up to the tribulation platform, life or death is your fate. This is a way to resolve grievances, and it is also a disguised form of entertainment! The Great Sage won't mind."

"In that case, let's go to the Tribulation Platform. Anyone who wants to challenge me can come over. I will take over them all, Master Dao." Ji Chen was straightforward.

The Tribulation Platform is right next to the outside of the main hall, which is quite unusual, but when you think about the fact that this place was once an ancient palace, and it was also the palace of the demon clan, the folk customs are also relatively strong. Some people are going through the tribulation, and some are watching. It can also provide valuable experience to the onlookers, so it is reasonable to build the tribulation platform here.

Under the arrangement of Lord Demon Monkey, the Tribulation Platform has been opened.

Many people were attracted, all with glittering eyes, wanting to watch this battle.

The huge tribulation platform can accommodate dozens of people to fight on it. The powerful formation can withstand even heavenly tribulations, and it is difficult for ordinary people's attacks to break the formation pattern.

Seeing that the battle on the Tribulation Platform was about to begin, more and more people gathered around.

At this moment, a gray-haired young man appeared on the tribulation platform in a flash. He looked down at Ji Chen and said in a cold voice: "You are killing the Master Qinglang of our clan. Come up if you have the ability. Today I happen to be Qinglang." Lord Wolf takes revenge.”

The gray-haired young man has an extremely majestic body and is dressed in a gray battle suit. He stands on the platform and blends in with the entire platform.

Ji Chen was about to go up, but was stopped by Chierbula, "The other party dares to go up even though they know you have the strength to kill the Sun God. They are obviously confident. You should be careful."

Chi Erbu suspected that the other party did it on purpose. From entering the birthday banquet hall to irritating Ji Chen, and then to the tribulation stage, he kept taking one step at a time. At this moment, with everyone watching, the gray wolf took the lead in provoking the stage. , in this case, Ji Chen had to go up and fight

"I know!" Ji Chen nodded. Chi Erbu could see it, so how could he not see it, but he didn't care.

At this moment, Hu Ling'er's message rang in Ji Chen's ears, "You have to be careful. I told them they would eat you. If you agree to be my bodyguard now, before it's too late, I will protect you." of."

Ji Chen turned around and saw Hu Ling'er blinking her big, watery and fiery eyes at him.

Bai Xian'er didn't know when she appeared, standing next to Hu Ling'er.

Ji Chen turned around and took one step forward. Like a ray of light, he suddenly appeared on the tribulation platform.


The light rose, and the formations on the Tribulation Platform were activated. They were just simple defensive formations, not all revived.

At this moment, the gray wolf young man took action, and a ball of bright light burst out, and extremely shocking fluctuations were emitted. It was colorful, like a piece of fireworks blooming, magnificent and gorgeous.

Behind this splendor lies an extremely powerful danger. Unparalleled fluctuations filled the entire Tribulation Platform. The astonishing pressure even emanated through the formations, frightening many people and creating an ominous premonition in their hearts.

"Forbidden weapon!"

Some people exclaimed that they saw something moving in the gray wolf's hand. It turned out to be a forbidden weapon.

The so-called forbidden weapon is a one-time killer weapon with incredible power and extremely powerful lethality.

Gray Wolf took the lead when Ji Chen came on stage. He knew how powerful Ji Chen was and had the ability to kill the Sun God, so he was not prepared to fight him at all, but was preparing to use the forbidden weapon to directly obliterate Ji Chen.

The brilliance was as brilliant as fireworks, turning into a huge tribulation cloud, overwhelming the sky and covering the entire sky above the tribulation platform.

"Oh my God! Calamity Cloud!"

The people around the Tribulation Platform looked horrified. As expected, the forbidden weapon in Gray Wolf's hand evolved into a calamity cloud.

"Is this going to kill Taoist Wutian with a catastrophe?"

"Using forbidden weapons to create catastrophes to kill people is indeed a cruel method. This is not a fair fight at all, but a unilateral obliteration."

Many people watching the battle thought it was too much. This was not for fighting at all, but was obviously targeted.


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