Ji Chen held a purple invitation card and was considered a distinguished guest.

Of course, this is also arranged by the Huntian Demon Monkey. Those who hold the purple invitation can see the Huntian Monkey in person. After all, there were too many people coming to celebrate his birthday, and it was impossible for everyone to see the Great Sage Huntian.

The towering building is grand and majestic, like a royal palace.

The great building complex towers under the sky, flowing with golden brilliance in the morning glow. It is vast and boundless, and looks like an ancient temple from a distance.

When I got closer, I realized that my body was too small compared to the building complex. This building was really huge and majestic, like a palace built for ancient gods, exuding the mottled atmosphere of time.

There are marks left by swords on it. Endless years have passed and they have still not been healed. It seems to tell the story of the huge battle that once broke out here.

Two huge ferocious beasts squatted at the gate of the city, exuding a terrifying and ferocious aura. The momentum alone was quite astonishing. Ji Chen even had a feeling that he might not be a match for these two ferocious beasts.

"This Great Sage Huntian is really extravagant. The ferocious beasts guarding the door are so powerful!" Ji Chen sighed in his heart.

With these two ferocious beasts guarding the place, anyone who wants to get in must think twice. Will it become the food for two ferocious beasts?

"This used to be an ancient palace!" someone next to him said.

They were several young men from the demon clan, walking together, and one of them was introducing them to several others.

"In the past years, there was a powerful man from the demon clan who ascended the throne, became a generation of demon emperors, created an ancient imperial tribe, and occupied a territory of hundreds of millions of miles. After endless years, the emperor passed away, these magnificent And the majestic buildings remain, recording the glory of the past."

"Every divine city in the Northern Territory had a demon emperor before those endless years. Even if the demon emperor is gone, his imperial heritage is still there. This is why the Holy Kingdom of Great Xia now dares not to completely defeat the two emperors even if they are in the sky. The reason for calling."

"The twelve ancestral demons among our demon clan are considered to be the most likely to ascend to the throne of the Holy Emperor. Once one of them becomes the emperor, the demon clan's crisis will be solved. This time the demon clan's divine treasure is an opportunity. , which may contain the opportunity to become an emperor."

Ji Chen didn't speak, he just followed quietly and listened.

An emperor has appeared in every divine city. There are so many divine cities in the Northern Territory. It is unimaginable how many emperors have appeared in the past years. Fortunately, they did not appear in the same era, otherwise the world would really be in chaos.

But where did these emperors go?

Even though they have passed through time, they cannot be erased by time. When they reach that state, they are basically immortal.

And all these questions point to one place, Guixu.

A steady stream of guests arrived, and more and more people came, as if they were on a pilgrimage.

As Ji Chen entered the city, he found many strong men emitting a heart-stopping aura.

After everyone stepped through the gate, they officially entered the inner forbidden area of ​​Black Dragon City and felt an ancient and vicissitudes of atmosphere.

This city is a testimony of the times and a magnificent crystallization of history.

All the buildings are huge, like mountains. Standing in front of them, a person looks too small.

An avenue leads directly to the deepest central building. On both sides of the avenue are two rivers, which run through the entire inner city. The water is gurgling and there are countless fountains. There are not only fish and shrimps in the river, but also dragons shuttled inside.

Many people were stunned by this scene. Other people's viewing ponds were filled with fish and shrimps, but this one was filled with dragons.

Some people even feel that their strength is not as good as the dragon in the river.

After walking along the long avenue, we arrived at the Central Palace. The extremely huge palace was like a square.

Ji Chen had never seen such a big palace.

The birthday of Great Sage Huntian will be held here.

A lot of people had come, gathering together to communicate with each other. They were originally arranged to rest in a special courtyard, but they didn't go. Instead, they chose to communicate with people they knew here.

For a time, the crowd was crowded, and many powerful people who knew each other gathered together to chat about some interesting topics.

Ji Chen was wandering around inside. He didn't know many people, but they knew Ji Chen.

A few days ago, Ji Chen became famous in a battle and attracted attention from all parties. Many people came up to say hello to him, and he responded to them one by one.

Ji Chen also felt several looks with murderous intent. He looked over and found that it was someone he didn't recognize, but the other person's cold eyes seemed to eat him.

He ignored it. This was the residence of the Great Sage Huntian. Even if someone really had a grudge against him, he would not dare to mess around.

At this moment, Ji Chen saw Chi Erbu, and Chi Erbu also saw Ji Chen and walked straight towards Ji Chen.

This guy has an upright personality and doesn't know many people, let alone talk to him. He and Ji Chen are quite familiar with each other and can talk to each other.

"That group of people are people from the Kingdom of the Moon God. The young man in the red suit is the younger brother of the Sun God, Mr. Golden Crow!" Chierbu said. He noticed Ji Chen's gaze just now and also noticed the group of people. people.

Ji Chen suddenly said, "Let me tell you, how could someone be hostile to me? It turns out he is the younger brother of that little sun. But how many younger brothers does this little sun have?"

When he was in the deserted city, he killed one person, and now another one appeared.

"Who knows, maybe he is more fertile!" Chierbu laughed and made a joke.

Ji Chen was surprised. This was the first time he saw Chi Erbu joking. Whether it was an illusion or not, he felt that Chi Erbu seemed to have a conflict with the group of people.

However, the next moment, Ji Chen walked towards the group of people.

The people around were very surprised, what was this Taoist going to do?

When the group of people saw Ji Chen coming, they were a little wary. After all, this was a ruthless man who could kill even the Sun God. Even the Demon Clan's Green Wolf would kill him as soon as he said so, and the Golden Lion. Go ahead and do it without any scruples.

"What are you going to do?" Young Master Jinwu said warily.

"Hey, isn't this the famous Mr. Golden Crow? I'm sorry to say that I beat your brother to death a few days ago, leaving his bones shattered and ashes scattered. I hope you won't take it to heart."

"You...!" Young Master Jinwu's face turned livid with anger.

He doesn't hit people in the face, he doesn't criticize people but doesn't expose their shortcomings. Ji Chen catches people in their sore spots and pinches them unscrupulously.

It can be seen from the looks in the eyes of Young Master Jinwu and this group of people who were about to eat people just now that they will kill him without hesitation once they have the opportunity.

This is an irresolvable hatred that has long been a life-and-death confrontation, and Ji Chen has no intention of giving in.

The purpose of his coming to the Monster Clan is to have a big one, so he doesn't mind filling up all the hatred and then killing them all at once. (End of chapter)

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