The Sun God stood in the void, looking for Ji Chen's figure.

He couldn't feel Ji Chen's breath at all, which made him frown slightly.

At this moment, a cold voice sounded from above his head.

"Three hundred and sixty thousand swords from Zhou Tian!"

In an instant, the entire sky was rendered golden, and 360,000 divine swords stood in a row, covering the entire sky. The sky and the earth were filled with sword light, and the entire sky was shrouded in sword light, forming a sword field.

At this moment, everyone was horrified. The terrifying murderous intent made their scalps explode and their souls about to burst.

The Sun God Lord had no time to react and was overwhelmed by the sword formation.

Just when everyone thought Ji Chen was going to directly kill the Sun God, Ji Chen let the 360,000 divine swords merge into one.

In an instant, 360,000 divine swords vibrated together, forming a peerless divine sword. The 360,000 murderous intentions gathered together to form a terrifying killing intention.


The Thousand-Zhang Divine Sword slashed down, splitting the entire night sky in half, and terrifying murderous intent bloomed, covering the world.

Under this world, everyone felt the boundless killing intent, and their faces turned pale.


The Sun God was thrown away, his arms burst open, blood spilled, his body was covered with blood marks, his bones creaked, blood spurted out of his mouth, and his hair was stained red.

Such an astonishing turn of events shocked everyone. No one expected that the situation of the battle would turn around and the Sun God would spurt out blood and be injured.

"Ho! I want you to die!"

The Sun God Lord, who had stabilized his body, roared and went crazy. He was stunned by the sword. After reacting, his eyes bloomed with blazing divine light, endless killing intent was focused on the war spear, and his whole body exuded a divine light like golden flames.

He transformed into a Kunpeng again, his body burning with flames, his wings spreading, shattering the void, and his whole body emitting light.

The Golden Crow Divine Technique was just one of the magical techniques he practiced. After being restrained by Ji Chen, he simply gave up. Now he is using the Kunpeng Technique to achieve the greatest speed in the world.


He took action, using Kunpeng's extreme speed, the war spear penetrated the void directly, turned into a beam of light, and made a trembling sound like tearing the soul.

The Sun God's entire body was burning with blazing light, and divine splendor danced in his eyes.

Ji Chen moved his hands to form the seal of mountains and rivers.

In an instant, a sacred mountain emerged, with an ethereal fairy palace above, mythical beasts running around, cranes spreading their wings, ancient wood and wolf forest, and fairy mist filling the air, just like a fairy mountain, filled with threads of Taoist charm.

This is a real fairy mountain, evolved by Ji Chen.

After the Heavenly Dragon Tribulation, Ji Chen came into contact with the Law of Daoyun, and his understanding of sealing reached a new height.

The fairy mountain suddenly appeared with great momentum, towering into the night sky, filling the entire sky, and headed towards the Sun God to suppress it.


The world collapsed, and it seemed that it could not bear this fairy mountain at all.

At this moment, everyone in the distance changed their colors. Some of them could evolve mountain and river seals, but they could not directly evolve into a real fairy mountain like Ji Chen.

The Sun God was submerged by the fairy mountain. He went crazy, howling and roaring, his hair standing on end, vibrating the war spear, collapsing the void, and blasting towards the fairy mountain.

The huge vibration spread hundreds of miles, and the roar shook the sky.

The people watching the battle were so shaken that they almost fell from the sky.


The fairy mountain collapsed and disintegrated in the void. The violent power swept for dozens of miles. The city wall below rose up with light. If it were not protected by the formation, it would have collapsed.

The Sun God's hair was disheveled. He relied on his powerful physique to resist and defeated the Immortal Mountain.

Ji Chen's expression remained unchanged, he transformed into a mountain and river seal again, and the fairy mountain appeared again, heading towards the Sun God to suppress it.


The vast fairy mountain seems to have penetrated through space, flying from outside the territory, and suppressing it with an unparalleled attitude.

The Sun God Lord's war spear vibrated and attacked the Immortal Mountain, defeating it once again.

He also changed color slightly, his hands were shaking, and blood was dripping from his fingers.

Even if his body is as powerful as his, it is still somewhat unbearable.

However, Ji Chen had no intention of stopping.

Using the Mountain and River Seal one after another, dozens of fairy mountains evolved, and they were continuously bombarded.

Such a terrifying sight stunned the people watching the battle in the distance, and countless people stared wide-eyed.

"This pervert, won't his divine power be exhausted? He uses such powerful seals one after another, and he doesn't even feel tired at all."

"Both of them are perverts. Their physical bodies are invincible. Damn it. If you fight with them in the future, you must not fight at close range."

"It's just you, fighting with them. Whether it's melee combat or spell duel, you'll be killed instantly!"

The Sun God's hair was disheveled and his body was stained with blood. Dozens of fairy mountains came down one after another, which made him unable to bear it and his body was injured.


Another fairy mountain crashed down, causing the void to collapse.

This fairy mountain was actually filled with Taoist charm and enveloped him, forming a field that the Sun God could not avoid at all. Even using Kunpeng's extreme speed would not work, so he could only regret it.


After he knocked down a fairy mountain, another fairy mountain came down, and the opponent's magical power seemed to be endless.


The Sun God roared angrily, with blazing golden light all over his body and endless killing intent. He shook the war spear again and exploded the fairy mountain.

Ji Chen made a hand seal with his hands, showing a posture of embracing the moon. A round of the divine moon gathered in the sky, filling the sky and covering the sun, moon and stars. Echoing the moon high in the sky.

The vast divine moon is as boundless as the sea, and its power is overwhelming. It is like a god resurrecting, and people can't help but kneel down to worship.

The moonlight filled the sky and shone on Ji Chen, making him look like a god of war.

Divine Moon Seal!

Ji Chen pressed his hands, and the huge Shenyue Zhen was killed.

As Shenyue moved downwards, the void collapsed inch by inch.

This horrific scene is truly heart-stopping and frightening.


The Sun God roared angrily, transformed into a golden crow, and his whole body burned like a raging flame, rising up against the sky and rushing towards the suppressing Shenyue.


The moonlight filled the air, the true fire of the lunar sky spread out, and the entire sky exploded, like two stars exploding, filling the air with endless divine light.

Two kinds of flames swept across the void, and the entire Black Dragon City was illuminated.

This is the collision of the true fire of the sun and the true fire of the lunar yin, a confrontation between two completely different divine powers.

Suddenly, a figure burning with flames fell from the sky and hit the city wall.


The entire city wall was trembling. If it weren't for the protection of the formation, the city wall would have collapsed.

The Sun God Lord was covered in blood, and his clothes and blood were on fire. It was the true fire of Taiyin that was burning like maggots attached to the bones and could not be dispelled.

He was seriously injured, frightened and angry. He suddenly raised his head and stared at Ji Chen with terrifyingly cold eyes.

Full of anger and boundless murderous intent, he could not accept this result or his defeat to Ji Chen. (End of chapter)

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