I have a knife, I can kill monsters when I take it out of its sheath

Chapter 516 The Showdown of the Most Powerful Magic

Ji Chen remained motionless, his eyes shot out with boundless murderous intent, his hands slid and he once again evolved the magic.

"One hundred and eight constellations sword formation."


The divine swords roared together, the sword light was vast, and one hundred and eight divine swords emerged, intertwined into a sword array, forming a terrifying sword rain, and slashed towards the Sun God.


The sword energy was like a waterfall, penetrating the sky and the earth, one after another, endless, and the sky was dazzling.

The Sun God Lord was directly overwhelmed by the sword energy. Facing such a powerful offensive, even though he was physically strong and comparable to a divine soldier, he still felt the pain of being torn apart.

The Sun God's body was filled with blazing golden light, like an immortal god of war, blasting the sky, and all the gods were destroyed by him.

Ji Chen waved his hand and pressed down, and one hundred and eight divine swords came out, slashing the sky, and the dense and formidable sword array fell towards him.


The Sun God was chopped off and flew out.

The sword formation arrived in an instant, following him like a shadow, and continued to kill.

"Bang bang bang!"

The Sun God struggled to shatter several incoming divine swords, then clenched his fist with his right hand and blasted forward. Golden lightning exploded, and endless runes collapsed, as if they had penetrated the sky. The sound was terrifying.

On top of his fist, a Suan Ni rushed out, the light was blazing and lifelike, and it crashed towards the divine sword.

He used his boxing skills to evolve the ancient ferocious beast Suanni, with unfathomable power.

Everyone around was shocked. The Sun God actually evolved into the ancient ferocious beast Suanni.

This ferocious beast was very ferocious in ancient times and was one of the nine sons of the dragon.

The ancient true dragon is not comparable to the dragons of the current demon clan. It is the most powerful beast in the world, and it is powerful in the nine heavens and ten places.

Compared with the ancient true dragons, the dragons of the current demon clan are like the difference between the emperor-level powerhouses and ordinary people.

Suanni, one of the ancient ferocious beasts, is extremely terrifying and cruel.

Suanni roared angrily and hit the divine sword formation.


The entire divine sword formation collapsed directly, and a blazing light burst out between the two. The void collapsed, and Suanni also emitted an extremely blazing light, exploding into the void.

The bright runes were scattered in the void, like a rain of light, and everyone watching the battle changed their colors. This was simply a divine battle, so amazing.

Thinking about it from their perspective, if any one of them faced these two young supremes, they would be wiped out in an instant.

Ji Chen's eyes were cold and he said in a cold voice: "Three hundred and six star sword formations in Zhoutian!"

As his cold voice sounded, his whole body was like gold, and bursts of divine light rushed out. The vast divine power boiled like the sea and condensed into one divine sword after another.

The terrifying killing intent was gathered together, and divine swords were displayed in the void. A total of three hundred and sixty swords were arranged in the void. Each one clanked and the swords vibrated, forming a desperate scene. There are three hundred and six star sword arrays in Zhoutian.

At this scene, everyone around him took a breath and felt cold all over.

"This Taoist Wutian has actually evolved the killing technique to such a terrifying level. The 360-week Great Sword Formation is in line with the 360 ​​stars in the surrounding sky. Without world-shattering attainments in the formation, it cannot evolve. Create such a shocking sword formation."

"The Zhoutian Star Sword Formation, why do I feel that this sword formation is somewhat similar to the Holy Sect of the Moon Worship Kingdom and the Thousand Swords of the Refining God Sect?"

Finally, someone discovered the clue, and there seemed to be some connection between the two.

"There are indeed some similarities, but they are completely different. I guess this Taoist Wutian is also from the Moon Worshiping Kingdom. He has seen the Thousand Blades and Thousands of Swords technique of the Refining God Sect before, and then evolved the sword formation based on this magic technique."

There were already huge crowds of people watching the battle in the distance. There were people everywhere in the sky and on the ground. The young geniuses from the entire Black Dragon City came to watch this unprecedented battle between the young supremes.

The Zhoutian Star Sword Formation evolved by Ji Chen made everyone change their minds. Faced with such a terrifying sword formation, anyone would have a headache.

"Isn't the Sun God a cultivator of the Golden Crow? Why don't you use such a powerful supreme magic? The Sun Fire of the Golden Crow should be able to restrain this kind of sword formation! Although they are all evolutionary magic, fire can also overcome it. Gold it!”

"Who said it was not used? When Taoist Wutian used the Tiangang Sword Formation for the first time, Sun God was ready to use the Golden Crow Technique to deal with it. However, he was unlucky and met Taoist Wutian, who also cultivated the sun. The divine magic has just offset the Sun God’s strongest means, so that his strongest strength has not been unleashed.”

"So this battle with the Sun God Lord was very frustrating!"

"Not necessarily. The Sun God Lord has not used weapons yet. His most powerful method is not only the sun magic, but also weapons. It's just that he is too arrogant and conceited. The other party has not used weapons, and he does not want to take advantage. He wants to Defeat the opponent physically."

The battle between the two was an eye-opener for those watching.

"Zhoutian Xingchen Sword Formation, kill!"

Ji Chen's voice was cold and cold. In an instant, three hundred and sixty divine swords vibrated. The sword energy was dazzling, piercing the void and intertwining into a terrifying sword network, directly suppressing the killing.

The Sun God's eyes were icy cold. He did not expect that this Taoist Priest could be so terrifying and evolve the sword formation to such a superb level, which even frightened him.

His body spreads out like a Kunpeng spreading its wings, his whole body is gorgeous, endless divine light spurts out, and it condenses into feathers.

He evolved into a Kunpeng, and merged with it, flying hundreds of feet across the sky, his body tumbling, and constantly impacting. His movements were as fast as lightning, and he pounced on those divine swords.

Kunpeng spreads its wings and soars up to one hundred thousand miles. Although the Kunpeng evolved from the Sun God cannot reach the point of soaring up to one hundred thousand miles, it can still reach hundreds of thousands of miles.

He crisscrossed the Zhoutian Sword Formation, fighting the Divine Sword. Brilliant light bloomed and runes flowed. Each rune was like a feather, as strong as divine iron, wrapping him inside. The divine sword slashed at it, making a clanging sound.

In the sword formation where endless divine swords intertwined, the Sun God fought hard, and a divine sword exploded due to his blow. Runes splashed, fairy light flew by, and light rain dropped.


There was a trace of blood on the corner of the Sun God Lord's mouth and a strange color on his face. He was struck by thirty-six of the divine swords, was injured, and was blown away.

The three hundred and sixty Zhouxingxing Sword Formation actually contained the Thirty-six Tiangang Sword Formation. This was something he did not expect and did not expect.

"The Sun God is injured!"

Everyone around was shocked that the Sun God was actually injured in the battle.

The entire battlefield was silent.

At this moment, Ji Chen evolved the sword formation again, not giving the Sun God the slightest chance.

His long hair was disheveled, and the roots were crystal clear. Under the influence of golden divine power, it turned into a light golden color. His whole body was extremely gorgeous, exuding an immortal aura. (End of chapter)

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