"How could Dao Zun Wutian conflict with the Sun God Zun?"

Everyone was curious.

"I heard that Taoist Wutian killed the younger brother of the Sun God Lord in Huangcheng. The Sun God Lord had come to Black Dragon City a long time ago and was waiting for him here."

"He even dared to kill the younger brother of the Sun God Lord. This Taoist Lord is also a ruthless person."

"There will probably be a bloody battle!"

"A bloody battle, haha, I don't think so. I'm afraid that Wutian Taoist Lord will die here. After all, he is the Sun God Lord, the invincible youth supreme of the younger generation of the Moon God Kingdom."

Sun God Lord and Wutian Dao Lord met on the city wall, and the news that a war was about to break out soon spread, causing a sensation.

Many people don't recognize Wutian Dao Zun, but Sun God Zun's name is very familiar to them. He is the supreme genius of the Moon Worshiping Kingdom and an invincible presence among the younger generation.

"Why did these two people conflict? What happened?"

"It seems that Taoist Wutian killed the younger brother of Sun God!"

After Yan Zichang and others heard the news, they were extremely surprised and hurried to the city wall.

After all, Taoist Wutian came with them. Although they were cheated, they still sat and talked about the aisle together. Especially Yan Zichang, who was inspired and owed a favor.

On the city wall, Ji Chen stared at the Sun God. Ji Chen said calmly: "You are the Sun God, Xiang Lin's brother. If you want to avenge him, come here."

The Sun God was bathed in golden divine light, like an immortal war god reborn from the fire. His momentum was terrifying, and his blade-like gaze was fixed on Ji Chen. His eyes were like the light of a knife, trying to penetrate into the depths of Ji Chen's soul, with murderous intent. Like a tsunami.

The war spear in his hand was filled with extreme killing intent, and its sharp edge was several meters long.

Ji Chen stood on the city wall, unusually calm, his black hair dancing lightly, his eyes as bright as stars, looking at the Sun God calmly.

Invisible thoughts of murder surged between the two of them, and swept out in an instant, making everyone around them feel as if they had fallen into an ice cellar, feeling cold both physically and mentally.

The duel between the two began instantly, and the invisible battle began unknowingly.

Powerful murderous intent and terrifying killing aura filled the air, and the two began a murderous duel.


There were people around who couldn't bear the killing intent and spurted out blood, their bodies were torn apart, and some were even crushed into a pulp.

This is caused by the powerful killing intention. The invisible killing intention confrontation is also the most terrifying battle, and the body and shape will be destroyed at every turn.

The murderous thoughts occurred so fast that the people around him could not escape. They were completely destroyed on the spot. Blood flowers bloomed one after another, forming a mist of blood that lingered in the air.

The killing intent is like a tide, killing both visible and invisible creatures. Any creature that steps into this area will be directly destroyed in form and spirit, and nothing will be left.

This kind of confrontation with killing intent cannot be avoided at all, and it is even more impossible to stop. Even if Ji Chen doesn't want to hurt innocent people, he can't do it. Once he relaxes in the slightest, he will be directly crushed by the killing intent of the Sun God.

Countless people were shocked, freezing, and frantically escaping from that area.

This kind of confrontation was really terrifying, causing their souls to jump out of their bodies.

It's too terrifying. Countless people died just from the confrontation with murderous intent. It's hard to imagine how far their cultivation has reached. They can kill the enemy with just murderous intent.

"These two people are so terrifying. They can kill their enemies with just their killing intent. It's hard to imagine what level of cultivation they have reached."

At this moment, the two men moved, almost at the same time, and rushed towards each other.

The war started like this. This was a blood feud and there was no room for maneuver.

The Sun God did not use the war spear and punched Ji Chen directly.

He heard that this Taoist priest was physically invincible and killed his brother without using his divine power. He wants to use the same method to kill the other party and avenge his brother.

Ji Chen responded with his boxing skills and punched out.


Two golden fists clashed together, with a huge sound like thunder that shocked the world. The space collapsed directly, and the astonishing divine light flooded the place.

The space within a radius of dozens of miles shook. People who were relatively close to the battlefield were shocked and spit out blood. Their faces changed wildly and they quickly retreated.

The powerful force formed a strong wind, sweeping in all directions like a tsunami. Some people who were slow to react were instantly blown away and blown high into the sky.

The onlookers in the distance turned pale in shock, their souls trembled, and they quickly retreated.

Just one blow frightened everyone. It was just a physical collision, but it had such terrifying combat power. However, the battle had just begun.

Ji Chen also felt awe-struck in his heart. This Sun God Lord was very powerful, but he was afraid that he had already gone very far in the realm of the Lord.

The Sun God took action again, took a step forward, and reigned over the nine heavens like an immortal king. His body was wrapped in black and yellow aura, and he stretched out a big hand to grab Ji Chen's head.

The palm of his hand covered the sky, covering the whole world and imprisoning the world.

Such a terrifying sight shocked everyone and made them all extremely nervous.

Under the moonlight, Ji Chen was dressed in a green shirt, with bright eyes and flying hair. He seemed to be standing in a pure land. He punched the giant hand that looked like the sky above.


Huge vibrations resounded in this world, and the heaven and earth collapsed. This world seemed to have fallen into doomsday, and the space completely collapsed.

A thunderous sound came out, and with the infinite murderous intention surging, Ji Chen's whole body burst into dazzling light, the murderous intention filled the air, destroying everything and blasting through the void.


The palm that covered the world was directly exploded, and the golden storm flooded everything, pushing upward and destroying everything.

The Sun God turned into a stream of light and rushed forward. The divine light behind him was like a sea, vast and undulating, and a golden crow rushed out, like a big sun across the sky, exuding an astonishing power, and rushed towards Ji Chenzhen.

The Sun God takes the sun as his nickname, so the way of cultivation is naturally related to the sun, but he did not expect that the god he cultivated was actually the Golden Crow.

"The Golden Crow God is nourished in the body, and the Sun God is so generous!"

Yan Zi often stared at the battlefield in the distance and sighed.

Ji Chen let out a soft cry, and his hair flew up. Beside him, weapons trembled and clanged, and countless runes manifested into a divine light sword formation, with golden light, slashing forward.

This is a forest of swords, arranged according to rules, with exactly thirty-six swords, forming a thirty-six Tiangang Sword formation, slashing towards the Sun God.

Ji Chen is now the Taoist Priest of Wutian. Many methods cannot be used. Once used, the secret will be revealed. He combines the formation and the thousands of swords that have been evolved before, and re-evolves the Thirty-six Tiangang Sword Formation, slashing at them intensively. .


With a roar, the world was turned upside down, and the huge golden crow turned over, shed light, emitted terrifying flames, and refined the divine sword.

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