In Jingyuezhai, several geniuses came here directly after coming out of Tianshu Immortal Island.

Jingyuezhai is a monastery, full of female disciples, the kind who do very good work, all of them are ancient and enthusiastic, and it opens the door to convenience for practitioners.

This place is also a place where practitioners often come. Of course, the consumption of spiritual stones is not low.

Several geniuses were chatting and laughing, drinking freely, accompanied by a female cultivator.

"What is the origin of that Taoist named Wu Tian? Why haven't you heard of him before?"

Some people wonder that it is impossible for such a supreme genius to not be famous at all. For example, Yan Zun of the Southern Region, and Fire Lord of the Fire Clan, even though they rarely come out to practice and walk, their reputations are spread.

And this Wutian seemed to appear out of thin air.

"He may be the genius of some hidden force, or the youth supreme who has been hidden in the snow. He probably only came out recently."

"Yes! The great times are approaching, and all kinds of hidden geniuses have come out one after another. Heroes have joined together and the era of competition has come. In this life, someone may ascend to the throne of God and rule the world."

"If there is a chance of ascending to the throne, I think Yan Zun of the Southern Territory may have the qualifications."

At this moment, a genius suddenly fell on the table without any warning.

This sudden change shocked everyone.

A genius sitting next to him quickly checked and found that he was dead and his soul had been killed.

"Dead, dead, the soul has been cut off...!"

At this moment, everyone was shocked. They stood up from their chairs in a flash, and released their spiritual consciousness to explore the surroundings.

This was simply too horrifying. Someone could kill the people around them silently, which made An and the others risk their lives.

"Who! Come out!"

One genius scolded him with a cold voice.

The next moment, his eyes revealed a hint of panic, and he fell directly to the ground, his soul being cut off.

For a moment, the people around him felt chilly and had the urge to escape from this place.

Everyone's eyes showed a trace of fear, and the hairs all over their bodies stood on end.

It was so weird that while they were on guard, another person was killed silently.

This horrifying sight made their souls feel like they were leaving their bodies.

Under the dark night in the distance, Ji Chen slowly put away his knife, stepped forward, disappeared directly into the void, and rushed towards the next target.

The two people he killed just now were killed by his mind-cutting technique. He didn't kill more than one person, only those who had a grudge against him.

Under the cover of the power of the world in his palm, no spiritual consciousness can detect him, and even the Holy Lord cannot detect his existence, because he is in this world, but stands in another world.

That night, Ji Chen traveled across the deserted city, and several geniuses were killed. All of them were killed silently, causing countless panics.

The news about a mysterious strong man who specializes in hunting down the geniuses spread in the deserted city. Some people suspected that the strong men of the older generation were taking action to kill some of the geniuses who had grown up.

Some people also suspected that it was the killers of the Seven Killers Dynasty who did it.

In short, there are many speculations, and the entire deserted city is talking about this matter.

There are still a few days before the meeting to go to the Monster Clan, and some geniuses need to make some preparations. After all, this trip is to explore the divine treasure, and there will be dangers.

And Ji Chen has not been idle these days. He is looking for a way to contact the Seven Killers Shen Chao.

Ye Wanru probably knew that Ji Chen could have asked Ye Wanru, but in the end he did not ask. Once he opened his mouth, Ye Wanru would definitely guess that he wanted to kill the Holy Son Tianshu.

On this day, he met Yan Zichang on the street.

"Taoist priest is quite free and in the mood to go shopping!" Yan Zichang said with a smile.

"That day when I left Tianshu Immortal Island, I was very interested in the Taoist Master's Dugu Nine Swords. I was about to sit down with the Taoist Master again to discuss the Tao and ask for his advice."

"I don't dare to ask for advice. It's a good thing to discuss Tao together and confirm each other. It's an honor for me to discuss Tao with Nanyu Yan Zun. But I don't have time now. I'm looking for an organization. I don't know where to look. .”

Ji Chen suddenly thought that Yan Zichang, as Yan Zun of the Southern Territory, must know how to contact the Seven Kills God Dynasty, so he directly asked his question.

Sure enough, Yan Zichang suddenly became curious, "Really? What kind of organization does the Taoist want to find? You might as well tell me and listen. Maybe I can know."

"Seven Killers of the Divine Dynasty, has Master Yan ever heard of this organization?"

Yan Zichang was immediately surprised. He did not expect that the organization Ji Chen was looking for was the Seven Kills God Dynasty. He did not ask Ji Chen what he was looking for in the Seven Kills God Dynasty, but pointed out a way for Ji Chen.

"Although I don't know how to contact the Seven Killers, I know there is a place where I can find them."

"Please give me your instructions, Venerable Yan!"

"Tianji Tower, the largest intelligence sales organization in the Northern Territory, they must have a way to contact the Seven Kills God Dynasty."

"Tianji Tower!" Ji Chen was surprised. This was the first time he had heard of such a place. There was actually a place specializing in selling intelligence information.

Yan Zichang said: "The power of Tianji Tower may not be the most powerful, but they must have the best information, but their fees are very expensive."

"Thank you for letting me know. I will definitely sit down and discuss things with Master Yan when I have time someday." Ji Chen said goodbye with his hands in hand.


Looking at Ji Chen's leaving figure, Yan Zichang was a little curious. He felt that the origin of this Taoist Priest was very mysterious. He was powerful, unparalleled in physical form, had unparalleled aptitudes, and had an understanding that was rare in the world. After all, he could understand such a grand plan as Dugu Nine Swords. Swordsmanship, how can the qualifications be average?

He guessed that the other party must have a lot of background, but what kind of powerful enemy he had encountered, he couldn't solve it even with his status, and he actually wanted to ask the Seven Killing Gods to come forward to solve it.

At night, the stars were like water, scattered between the sky and the earth. Ji Chen came to the Tianji Tower. He changed another identity and boarded the largest intelligence agency in the Northern Territory.

After separating from Yan Zichang, Ji Chen deliberately learned about the origin of the Tianji Building and found that the Tianji Building was very mysterious. There was no news that they didn't know. As long as you could afford the spirit stone, there was no news that they couldn't find.

Ji Chen boarded the Tianji Building, and at a glance, he found that the layout of the Tianji Building was similar to the pawn shop in his impression.

There is a row of counters made of mysterious jade, with a faint luster and complicated formation patterns imprinted on them. A very old man is sitting on a recliner behind the counter, flipping through an ancient book.

This layout is really different from what he imagined. To be honest, the quality is a bit low and it is not worthy of the high-quality title of Tianji Tower.

At the very least, you must have a strong defense formation, not a dark fortress with only a small hole exposed, and any message can only be transmitted through that small hole.

You have to protect your identity. After all, you are selling so much information. What if your enemies come knocking on your door and silence you?

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