However, he still responded with a smile, "We sit here and discuss the truth, which is to confirm each other. If you can understand something, it is also your chance. Congratulations!"

Ji Chen was a little depressed. He just talked about a theory, but someone could understand it.

Sure enough, there is a reason why the people in this pavilion can be called geniuses. This qualification is rare, and even a little inspiration can make them realize.

He finally understood why some people liked to discuss Tao. It was not only to confirm what they had learned, but also to learn from the other person's Tao what was useful to him and enrich himself.

The people present here are all outstanding talents. After listening to Ji Chen's insights on swordsmanship, many people understood something and stood up one after another to thank Ji Chen.

For a time, everyone was chatting happily, discussing Taoism and confirming the truth and talking about the current trend. Everyone agreed that Daxia's promotion to the Kingdom of God was unstoppable, and that Tianshu Holy Land, as the state religion of Daxia, was also rising.

But Ye Wanru was not very happy, but rather worried.

After Daxia is promoted to the Kingdom of God, Tianshu will be completely controlled by Daxia and will never be able to get rid of it.

Tianshu Holy Land itself has been attacked by the Holy Emperor and killed several Holy Lords. Its strength has declined compared to other Holy Lands.

Once the Holy Kingdom of Great Xia is successfully promoted, Tianshu Holy Land will never have a chance to stand up and will completely become a vassal of Great Xia, or it will be directly annexed by Great Xia and become an institution of Great Xia.

At this time, Yan Zun from the Southern Territory said with emotion: "Great Xia's national destiny is prosperous, and the Northern Territory is also full of talents. Not only are there such extraordinary heroes as Taoist Wutian, but also young supremes like Ji Chen."

"When I was in the Southern Territory, I heard the name of the Demon King of Great Summer. When I came to the Northern Territory, in addition to exploring the demon clan's divine treasure, I also wanted to meet this Great Summer Youth Supreme. I wonder if there is any I have a chance to meet him in the Demon Clan’s Shenzang.”

"I'm afraid it will be difficult!" Holy Son Tianji spoke and explained: "He went to the depths of the Northern Territory and took away the mining area of ​​the Shenhuo Sect. Now the depths of the Northern Territory have been blocked, and the Shenhuo Sect has united more than a dozen The forces are searching for him, and it is estimated that he will not be able to escape in a short time, and he is afraid that the demon clan Shenzang will miss him."

Ye Wanru suddenly looked strange. In fact, Ji Chen had not only escaped, but was even sitting here talking to you.

But she was also a little confused as to how this guy escaped. The Shenhuo Cult is located deep in the Northern Territory, on the other side of the Arctic Sea, trillions of miles away from here. How did this guy escape across trillions of miles in such a short time?

"Take the mining area away?" Yan Zun was immediately curious. He had just arrived in the Northern Territory and didn't know about this matter.

Chi Erbu has heard some.

So, one genius briefly told Ji Chen's masterpiece in the Shenhuo Cult.

Yan Zun was dumbfounded and couldn't believe it.

"This Ji Chen is really a sweetheart!" He said with a smile, and he was also very curious in his heart, how did this guy get rid of such a large mining area? You must know that it was not just a few buildings, but a thousand miles of mining area.

Then, Yan Zun turned to look at Ji Chen, "Is Taoist Priest Wutian also going to join the Demon Clan God Cang?"

Ji Chen smiled and said: "Shenzang, even you, the Yanzun of the Southern Region, have been attracted, so it's natural for Pindao to participate."

"It's just right. We can go together. It is said that the demon clan and the gods are very dangerous this time. We can also have someone to take care of us." Yan Zun invited Ji Chen.

"This is very good. This is exactly what Pindao means."

Ye Wanru chuckled. She was used to Ji Chen's overbearing behavior, but now it felt strange to see him acting like a poor man.

"I heard that a divine treasure appeared in the Holy Kingdom of Great Xia half a year ago. Unfortunately, it only appeared for a short time. I regret not being able to participate in it." Yan Zun said, regret flashing in his eyes.

"It is true that a divine treasure appeared in the Holy Kingdom of Daxia, but it was just a flash in the pan. However, I seem to have heard that Demon King Ji was involved and Saintess Ye was also involved. Can Saintess tell me whether any divine treasures were produced in that divine treasure in Daxia." A genius asked.

The time that the sacred treasure in the Northern Wilderness of Great Xia appeared was too short, and it was over before many forces had time to participate. No one knows what was in that sacred place, and no one knows who got it.

Ye Wanru became a little angry when she thought of that sacred place. She was captured by Ji Chen there, desecrated by him, touched all over her body, and forced him to take off her underwear and pants, using it as a handle to blackmail her. That thing is still there. Ji Chen's place.

"A god once descended to that sacred place. No one who participated was willing to mention it, but I didn't go deep into it. I encountered the Ji Demon King on the outside and had a conflict."

Ye Wanru opened his mouth, said a few words briefly and then said no more.

Later, she was caught by Ji Chen, and it basically became a known matter.

Speaking of this, she also glanced at Ji Chen.

At this time, another Tianjiao said: "But it is said that a small bronze tower appeared in that sacred place. It was suspected to be an artifact and contained divine blood. Many powerful Holy Lords went after the small bronze tower. But no one knows who got it in the end.”

Everyone did not talk too much about this matter, and they also talked about some things about the demon clan and the gods.

Perhaps because they knew why Ye Wanru was arrested by Ji Chen, the two of them had some scandals, such as Ye Wanru's pregnancy and childbirth.

And today's host happened to be Ye Wanru, so everyone chose to change the topic.

Seeing that everyone was unwilling to talk too much about this topic, Yan Zun and Chierbu did not continue to ask. But as everyone talks about some issues about the demon clan and the gods.

In the end, everyone agreed to go to the Demon Clan together in a few days to explore the hidden treasure.

Late at night, everyone got up and dispersed.

Ji Chen stood up to say goodbye, but he returned to Huxin Pavilion not long after.

Ye Wanru did not leave, but kept waiting here. Before Ji Chen left, he sent a message saying that he would come back.

The entire island has been sealed and covered by a large formation, so no one will find them meeting in the lake pavilion, so Ji Chen has also restored his appearance.

He returned again to verify something.

However, neither of them spoke first.

After a moment of silence, Ye Wanru was the first to speak, "Do you want to ask if he hired someone from the Seven Kills God Dynasty to kill you?"

When she said this, Ji Chen already knew the answer.

Only Chierbu knew that he was being hunted by the Seven Killing Gods, and Chierbu did not tell anyone about it. How did Ye Wanru learn about it? The truth is self-evident.

Ji Chen's initial suspicion was that the demon clan was the target. Later, he calmed down and analyzed it, and felt that the possibility of the demon clan was very small. They had already taken out the phoenix magic medicine to reward him, so there was no need to waste time on that unjust accusation. money.

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