Ji Chen looked down at Xiang Lin and said calmly: "With this little ability, you still dare to show off."

These words directly stimulated Xiang Lin, making his face look ugly and his body couldn't help but tremble. One of the two prides of the Moon God Kingdom, known as the Youth Supreme, had never been so humiliated.

Rays of light rose up from his body, and he let out a terrifying roar. His blood-stained hair started to dance, and a terrifying murderous intention bloomed from his whole body.

"I am going to kill you!"

Xiang Lin roared, and the blood flowing out of his pores was directly evaporated.

He used secret techniques to forcibly increase his strength and recover from his injuries in an instant.


He came over with a terrifying momentum and a power that could destroy the world. The fist was glittering and translucent, as powerful as a sun, and it struck forward.

"You have been defeated!"

Ji Chen's voice was cold, and his golden fist was like the scorching sun rising in the east, illuminating the entire island with a majestic momentum and an astonishing vision.

As Ji Chen said, Xiang Lin was defeated. He was defeated before Ji Chen used his divine power and seal. Even if he was given a hundred more chances, he would not be Ji Chen's opponent.

If Ji Chen hadn't broken through yet, Xiang Lin might have had a chance, but now, Ji Chen and he were no longer on the same level.


A big collision broke out between the two, boundless divine light burst out in front of the two, and the void collapsed directly.


Xiang Lin was still defeated and flew out again, coughing up blood and falling towards the lake in the distance.

Ji Chen communicates with the bright moon in his body and evolves into the rising moon in the sea.

His whole body was shrouded in light, which was extremely soft but cold.

A wave of cold air spread out around Ji Chen, with Ji Chen as the center. Everything that the cold air passed through was frozen.

In an instant, the cold air spread to the lake, and the entire lake quickly froze.

Xiang Lin fell and hit the hard ice.

Just as he was about to get up, he found that the area where his body was in contact with the ice began to freeze, and the biting cold began to spread to him.

The cold air was eroding and seemed to freeze his soul.

Xiang Lin was horrified. He didn't expect the ice to be so terrifying, and he quickly used his divine power to drive away the cold air.

At this moment, a bright moon slowly rose from Ji Chen's body, illuminating the island, and a vision emerged, making Ji Chen look like a moon god.

The cold air spread all over Xiang Lin's body in an instant, freezing his entire body into an ice sculpture.

As Ji Chen stamped his feet.


The ice beneath his feet began to crack, and the ground seemed to collapse, spreading in all directions. Almost instantly, all the ice on the lake exploded, and Xiang Lin's body was shattered into countless small ice cubes, and his soul was directly moved. Cracked to pieces.

This scene was so shocking that the scalps of the surrounding Tianjiao were numb and they were feeling cold.

Fortunately, they hid quickly and were not contaminated by the cold air, otherwise they would have ended up like Xiang Lin.

Everyone was extremely shocked. Where did this Taoist priest come from?

They originally thought that this Taoist priest named Wu Tian was taking the path of physical sanctification, which was individual cultivation.

It's not like there are no Taoists who take this path of physical sanctification. They appear to be wearing Taoist robes and possess immortal style. They can fight fiercely and can knock out their opponents with one punch.

Who would have thought that this Taoist priest named Wu Tian would be so perverted in magic.

Chu Zhongsheng was horrified when he saw it. He never thought that even Xiang Lin, who was as young as a supreme being, was no match for this Taoist priest.

"Do you know who he is? He is the younger brother of the Sun God Xiang Hewen. If you kill him, the Sun God will not let you go."

Ji Chen walked towards Chu Zhongsheng step by step, "I almost forgot about you if you didn't speak."

He remembered that it was this guy's instigation that led to this fight.

"You, what are you going to do?"

Chu Zhongsheng was frightened, his soul was trembling, and he kept retreating.

"Last time in Chengdu, you were lucky enough to escape with your life. Why don't you have fun secretly? You have to jump out and jump around."

Ji Chen raised his hand and slapped Chu Zhongsheng with a big golden slap.

"you dare···!"

Chu Zhongsheng was furious, with a fierce light in his eyes, but the big slap came down instantly, knocking him away and knocking back all his words.

He spurted blood and all his teeth fell out. Before he hit the ground, Ji Chen caught up with him and punched him. His body exploded and turned into a rain of blood.

The scene was silent for a moment, and the cool wind blew by, making people feel chilly.

Isn't it said that all Taoist cultivators should be pure-hearted and celibate? Why do I feel that this Taoist priest is a bit murderous, and he will kill people if he disagrees with him.

"The Northern Territory is really a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger. The Taoist priest's strength is really amazing!"

Across the lake, a clear voice came, and a man in white came stepping on the moon. His white clothes were spotless under the moonlight.

"This is Yan Zun from the Southern Territory, Yan Zichang!" Someone recognized the person and was very shocked. Unexpectedly, he came to the Northern Territory and appeared here.

The visitor was very handsome and had a peaceful demeanor. When he stepped onto the island, he smiled and nodded to everyone. He was very easy-going and gave people a feeling of spring breeze.

"Yan Zichang from the Southern Territory!" Ye Wanru was very surprised, her beautiful eyes glowing. She had heard of this man, the supreme figure of the young generation in the Southern Territory. He had very big hair and was very famous throughout the Southern Territory.

"Yan Zi of the Southern Territory has often seen Saint Ye!" Yan Zi often smiled and nodded.

Ji Chen knew from the expressions of Ye Wanru and others that this person had a great background. He is called Yan Zun and dares to use Zun as his title, which shows how strong his confidence and strength are.

Yan Zichang's eyes fell on Ji Chen and he said with a smile: "Taoist Master Wutian's strength is awe-inspiring. Without using divine power, he can kill a powerful person in the third realm of the Venerable with his physical strength. It is really awesome!"

"Brother Yan is overly praised. I'm just lucky." Ji Chen said, very politely.

Because of Yan Zichang's arrival, the originally quiet atmosphere relaxed a bit.

"Unexpectedly, even the famous Yan Zun from the Southern Territory came to the deserted city in the Northern Territory." With a loud laugh, a burly young man came out of the air.

"Chi'erbu of the Fire Clan, Fire Lord!" Yan Zichang was dumbfounded, "This deserted city is really hiding dragons and crouching tigers. I didn't expect that even the Fire Lord came."

"I was also passing by here and saw a battle here, so I came over to take a look. I never expected to run into Yan Zun of the Southern Territory." Chi Erbu came to the island and nodded to everyone as a greeting.

Yan Zichang smiled and said: "Beihuang was banned from the void due to the battle between the Great Xia Holy Kingdom and the Northern Territory Monster Clan. I could only detour through the deserted city and was passing by this place. I saw someone fighting here and came over to take a look."

It was obvious that he and Chi Erbu were familiar with each other.

"Me too!" Chierbu smiled.

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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