Ji Chen discovered that the lake turned out to be a huge formation. Most people really couldn't break through this formation.

There are thresholds for Ye Wanru's banquet with Tian's proud heroes. Not everyone is eligible to participate, and the lake is the threshold. Only those who have crossed the lake array are eligible to participate.

There are only two ways to cross the lake.

First, break the formation.

Second, force your way through.

Most people would choose to force their way through. After all, this is the threshold to test their strength. Breaking the formation would seem a bit opportunistic.

At this moment, a man came through the air, forced himself across the lake, and entered the island. The man even looked at Ji Chen with disdain.

Ji Chen understood what he meant, and seemed to be saying that he couldn't even cross the lake, but he still wanted to attend the banquet hosted by Saint Tianshu.


Ji Chen laughed and stepped onto the lake. Vast pressure hit him, pressing down on Ji Chen like a mountain. But Ji Chen was still strolling in the courtyard. He used ancient Qi refining techniques, and in the Qi sea, a bright moon slowly rose.

Visions appeared, and the moon rose over the sea.

The lake at Ji Chen's feet began to freeze. As Ji Chen stepped forward, the ice on the lake began to spread forward, freezing step by step.

In this way, Ji Chen walked on the ice and arrived at the island. Behind him is a long ice road that runs through the shore of the island lake.

There were already disciples from Tianshu Holy Land waiting here, who were greatly shocked to see this. There are many geniuses who have landed on the island, and there are various methods, but Ji Chen is the first to use this method.

Ji Chen was wearing a Taoist robe and looked quite immortal, but a little younger.

However, practitioners are not ranked based on their age, and those who are mature are ranked first.

The disciple did not dare to neglect and hurriedly stepped forward to lead the way for Ji Chen.

The sound of the piano is sweet, the palace is gorgeous, shrouded in the hazy moonlight, and the white mist inside is misty, like a fairy palace.

The entire island was peaceful.

There are already more than twenty young heroes sitting in the main hall, including the young hero who just landed on the island before Ji Chen.

He was obviously a little surprised to see Ji Chen also coming to the island.

Ye is like green jade-like fingertips caressing the strings. She is as graceful as before, like a fairy from Guanghan, with ice-cold muscles and jade bones. She is incomparably beautiful. Her body is as crystal clear as white jade, and she has a smile on her face. The teeth are shining, the red lips are bright, the eyes are like autumn water, and the appearance is perfect without any flaws.

Ji Chen's appearance attracted the attention of many people. He did not disturb you, the second grader, and found a seat to sit down.

There was a person opposite who was particularly surprised after seeing Ji Chen. A strange color flashed in his eyes, and then he said something in the ear of the person next to him.

The man next to him was handsome and had arrogant eyes. He glanced at Ji Chen and stopped paying attention. Instead, he closed his eyes and listened to the sound of the piano.

Ji Chen saw a few acquaintances, Holy Son Kaiyang, Holy Son Tianji, Holy Son Yuheng, as well as some talented heroes from the Holy Land who had appeared on the battlefield.

After a few months, now I see these people again. They have all grown up. They are all talented people. I am growing up, and they are also growing up, but not as fast as me.

Ji Chen did not interrupt, but sat on the chair and listened to the sound of the piano like everyone else.

I have to say that Ye Wanru plays the piano very well. Anyway, Ji Chen has never heard such a beautiful piano sound. It makes people intoxicated, as if they are in a dream.

After a while, the sound of the piano stopped, and everyone opened their eyes in admiration.

Ye Wanru chuckled, looked around, and returned the greetings one by one. When he landed on Ji Chen, he was obviously surprised.

Although Ji Chen changed his appearance, the clothes on his body showed flaws. This Xuanwu armor once belonged to Ye Wanru. She disliked it because it was made from turtle shells, so she didn't use it. Later, Ji Chen snatched it away and kept wearing it.

Moreover, her underwear was still with Ji Chen. Thinking of this, she felt a sense of shame and anger in her heart. Especially when she thought about how Ji Chen had touched her all over her body, she felt crazy.

At this moment, Ji Chen appeared here, which surprised her. It was rumored that this bandit went to the depths of the Northern Territory, and even took away all the mineral veins of the Shenhuo Sect, causing a huge battle. The Shenhuo Sect united more than ten people. This force sealed off the entire depths of the Northern Territory, and they were searching for this guy on the run.

Can this guy escape from such a battle?

Ye Wanru's strange eyes naturally did not miss everyone's eyes. After all, she looked at everyone the same way, but Ji Chen's eyes showed surprise. Although it disappeared in a flash, no one present was not a talented person, so naturally they could not escape their eyes.

The arrogant-looking young man once again set his sights on Ji Chen, glanced at Ye Wanru, and said, "The saint knows this Taoist priest, can you introduce him to him?"

Everyone in the hall is a famous young hero. Not only do they know each other, but they have at least heard each other's names.

Only Ji Chen, the young Taoist Priest, was a little shy, but he was able to get to the island through the formation set up by Saint Tianshu. It was hard to think about it.

"It looks familiar, maybe I've seen it somewhere before!" Ye Wanru said with a chuckle.

Although she hated Ji Chen so much, she didn't expose him at this time.

However, as soon as she opened her mouth, Ji Chen knew that the other party recognized her. He was very calm and knew that the other party did not dare to expose him. After all, he still had her underwear.

"That's it!" The young man turned his attention to Ji Chen again, with a very indifferent expression, "The Taoist priest is very discerning, can I ask your name?"

As soon as he opened his mouth, everyone in the hall noticed Ji Chen.

"Immeasurable Heavenly Lord, the name of the poor Taoist is Wutian." Ji Chen performed a Taoist etiquette, and then asked: "Who is your Excellency?"

He felt the hostility on the other side, but he was sure he didn't know this person.

The arrogant young man had not yet spoken, but the young man next to him spoke first, very coldly: "This is one of the two supreme prides of the Moon Worshiping Kingdom, Xiang Lin."

"Moon Worshiping Country, what is the country of the Three Great Masters?" Ji Chen was surprised. People from Moon Worshiping Country have appeared quite frequently recently, and he didn't expect to meet them here again.

Daxia and the Moon Worshiping Kingdom are currently in a state of confrontation, their relationship has dropped to the extreme, and they can start a fight at any time.

There is no reason for the fight yet, but it is because the demon clan lost. If Xu Shuai did not gain the upper hand in the battle against the demon clan, the Moon Worshiping Kingdom would probably have started a war to add insult to injury.

When the young man heard Ji Chen mentioning the Three Moon Worshipers, his eyes sharpened, "You killed the Three Moon Worshipers from my Moon Worshiping Kingdom, and also killed the brothers of the Three Lords, and yet you dared to come to the deserted city without fear of encountering them. The young supreme king of the Moon Worshiping Kingdom will kill you."

This young man's name was Chu Zhongsheng. When Ji Chen fought against the Three Moon Worshipers, he was watching the battle. The three heroes were killed, and the three heroes' brother was killed. He didn't dare to stand up and say anything, but he didn't expect to be in Huangcheng again at this moment. I met this Taoist priest.

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