I have a knife, I can kill monsters when I take it out of its sheath

Chapter 480 The inheritance of the killing path

I was running for my life just now, trying my best, and had no time to pay attention to anything else.

But she felt that the demon saint was dead, and the pressure and aura belonging to the demon saint had completely disappeared, as if it had been wiped away in an instant and annihilated in the void.

Is this demonic energy coming for the Demon Saint?

"Daxia still has a back-up plan? Is there a strong person hiding in secret?"

Holy Son Tianji spoke, and Holy Lady Tianquan looked at each other, looking at each other.

If this is the case, then Daxia is too terrifying, and its background is deeper than they imagined.


In the palm world, Ji Chen was lying on the ground, breathing heavily. He held a spiritual stone in his hand and began to regain his divine power and strength.

This was the second time I used the Demon Lord's arm, and I still couldn't control it. After I punched it out, I could only wait for all the strength in my body to be drained.

After a while, when he regained some strength, he sat up and began to recover with all his strength.

He took out the spiritual stones one by one from the bracelet. The spiritual energy inside was drained out at a speed visible to the naked eye, and turned into ordinary jade stones, which he threw aside.

When the ordinary jade stones around Ji Chen piled up into a mountain, the divine power in his body finally returned to perfection.


Being chased by a demon saint and almost dying in the hands of the demon saint made Ji Chen a little irritable.

If he hadn't had the Demon Lord's arm, he would have been dead at this moment. There was a kind of irritation in his heart because he was still not strong enough.

Ji Chen had an urgent desire to improve his strength.

There are already 175 million killing points, and Ji Chen is going to find a place to improve his strength first.

He glanced at the tree crown in the distance. Master Tantai Xuan still showed no sign of waking up and was lying quietly there.

He stood up, took one step forward, and his body disappeared. The next moment, he was on top of the huge tree crown.

There is a nest on the canopy of the tree, and inside lies a beautiful woman, dressed in white, as holy as snow, in an empty valley with orchids, so beautiful that she has no flaws.

Before meeting Master Tantai Xuan, Ji Chen did not believe that there was a perfect woman in the world. Until he met her, it seemed that all the beautiful things in the world would be eclipsed in front of her.

As if sensing Ji Chen's irritability, Tantai Xuan exuded a tranquil temperament. Lying quietly in the nest at this moment, there was a kind of tranquil beauty to the extreme.

Ji Chen was attracted and suddenly lost consciousness for a short time.

She is like a fairy flower, extremely gorgeous, making the whole world lose its color, dreamlike and flawless.

At this moment, all Ji Chen's worries and worries disappeared without a trace.

He sat next to the nest and looked at her quietly. At this moment, he was very peaceful. I also instantly understood the reason for my irritability just now.

It's not that the strength is not enough, but that the strength has improved too quickly, which has affected my state of mind and made me a little impetuous.

In the final analysis, my mood still hasn't caught up.

In addition to the previous battles, with the convenience of the chariot, halberd, and armor given by Emperor Xia, he killed all directions and was invincible. He even provoked the Demon Saint and despised the Holy Lord with the support of a divine general. .

At that moment, he was so high-spirited that he dominated the world. As a youth supreme, he has a self-centered attitude.

These actions were taken as a matter of course by him as the honor brought by his own strength, creating a concept that he was invincible.

Little do they know that these are all obtained through external forces. Whether it is a chariot, armor, halberd, or the support of a divine general, they are all external forces. Once they lose these, or encounter a strong person at the saint level alone, they will be beaten into prototypes.

An extreme gap will cause psychological imbalance, forming a phenomenon of insufficient strength, and an urgent desire to improve strength at all costs.

This was also the first sign of being possessed. Fortunately, it was discovered in time.

It should have been discovered in time by Master Tantai Xuan.

Ji Chen just sat here quietly, looking at his master quietly, recalling every moment since he stepped out of Jijia Village.

It has only been a year since he stepped out of the Ji family.

To be able to achieve such an achievement in one year is not to say the best in the past and present, at least it is rare.

When his master refined Tianxuan for him, he suppressed Tianxuan, which could have transcended tribulations and became an immortal weapon, and turned it into a mortal weapon. What he was worried about was not only that Ji Chen could not control and control it, but also that he did not want him to Too much reliance on weapons.

After thinking about this, Ji Chen's state of mind gradually improved. He understood what his future path should be and what he should pursue.

Gradually, his mood calmed down, and his entire soul seemed to be sublimated.

In this way, Ji Chen sat next to the canopy nest, accompanying Tantai Xuan, watching her quietly, feeling the peaceful temperament on his body, and actually fell asleep.

He hadn't slept so peacefully for a long time.

The long eyelashes of Tantai Xuan, who was originally sleeping motionless, trembled, and she opened her misty eyes.

She sat up, stretched out a hand, and touched Ji Chen's forehead.

A faint radiance overflowed from her fingers and entered Ji Chen's body.

Ji Chen's body was glowing, crystal clear and flawless. His body seemed to be transparent. His bones, tendons, blood, and bone marrow had all become transparent and every detail was visible.

In both arms, the dark arms of the Demon Lord were clearly visible.

As the light flowed, the Demon Lord's arms actually fell out of Ji Chen's hands. With Tantai Xuan's gentle wave of his hand, the two Demon Lord's arms disappeared out of thin air and reappeared, already in the spring of life in a certain forbidden area. middle.

The two demon lord arms were soaked in it, greedily absorbing the vigorous vitality of the life spring.

The Dacheng Nirvana Skill in Ji Chen's body was slowly moving, and the Sutra of Immortality was also slowly moving.

A trace of magical power was pulled out of his body by Tantai Xuan.

"What are you doing with so many magic skills?" Tantai Xuan asked, his voice like the sound of nature. Very ethereal and beautiful.

"The skill lies in the essence, not the breadth. One skill can lead to all things."

She helped Ji Chen sort out his exercises and regulate his body, and soon discovered something strange inside Ji Chen's body.

In Ji Chen's sea of ​​consciousness, there is a mysterious inheritance that she cannot decipher.

This is a spiritual inheritance, and precedes her. This method of inheritance was only used in ancient times.

She could do it by forcing it open, but it would only hurt Ji Chen's soul.

The soft light enveloped Ji Chen's soul, and Tantai Xuan quietly realized it, then opened his eyes after a moment.

"The inheritance of the Lord of Killing has not disappeared after so many years. Since you found my disciple first, I will give you a step."

Tantai Xuan let go of this inheritance. The killing path has an extraordinary origin and has existed for a long time. It is a very domineering inheritance and is very suitable for Ji Chen. (End of chapter)

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