I have a knife, I can kill monsters when I take it out of its sheath

Chapter 468 Sun God Golden Cauldron Stewed Dragon Meat

When Ji Chen heard this, he casually put the dragon skin that was thrown aside into the space bracelet.

Since you can take it back to refine the battle suit, why don’t I take it back and refine it myself.

"Tsk, stingy!" Kaiyang Saintzi scolded with a smile, causing everyone to laugh.

While Ji Chen was processing the black dragon meat, he checked the killing point, which was 38.4 million. It is still half way to the seventh level of Huayu.

After cleaning up, Ji Chen took out the sun god's golden tripod and prepared to stew the meat.

When everyone saw this, they were all amazed. Using the golden cauldron of the sun god to stew meat was simply too extravagant.

You know, this is made of Sun God gold.

"Is this Sun God Gold given to you by Mr. Fang?" Holy Son Tianji asked curiously.

Ji Chen nodded. Now he could only blame Mr. Fang for all unreasonable things.

After all, Mr. Fang is the Holy Emperor. No matter what is unreasonable, it will be reasonable as long as it happens to Mr. Fang.

Kaiyang Holy Son shook his head, "Tsk tsk! If the Holy Emperor knew that you used the Sun God Golden Cauldron to stew meat, he would probably be furious."

Ji Chen said: "In ancient times, the tripod was originally used to stew meat, but later it became an artifact for suppressing the great road."

"An artifact that suppresses the avenue!"

The Holy Son Tianji was very shocked when he heard this. Ji Chen's unintentional words revealed his truth. The cauldron he refined was actually used to suppress the Great Dao. It can be seen how overbearing Ji Chenxiu's way is.

They thought of the Mountain and River Cauldron, the ultimate immortal weapon that Ji Chen had evolved before. It might be the divine weapon that suppressed the Dao. Ji Chen might have seen it before he could forge the exact same cauldron.

Ji Chen took out the split spear. For a moment, the evil spirit surged to the sky, and he almost broke free from Ji Chen's hand. He quickly sealed the war spear in the ring.

The evil aura at this moment startled the Holy Son Tianji and others.

"What a weapon!" Kaiyang Holy Son said, "You have made a profit this time."

The geniuses next to him were also envious. A weapon at the Holy Lord level, and baptized after endless years of killing, was a weapon they dreamed of owning.

After all, even the Holy Son of their Holy Land may not possess weapons of this level. It's not that the Holy Land can't provide them, but it's just that they don't want them to rely too much on weapons.

Of course, if you can do it yourself outside, the Holy Land will not care. After all, it was done by yourself.

At this time, the Holy Lady Tianquan took out a jade bottle.

"This is pure spiritual water. When cooking dragon meat, it would be a pity to use ordinary water. Only by cooking it with pure spiritual water can the full potential of dragon meat be brought out to the maximum extent."

Everyone was once again amazed that this Holy Lady of Heavenly Power was really willing to give up even pure spiritual water.

Although pure spiritual water is not as good as the peerless magic medicine, it is still a very precious sacred object. When you break through, using pure spiritual water can effectively purify the body, temper the body, and make the body reach a flawless state.

Stewing meat requires more pure spiritual water, which is very luxurious.

In this way, the other saints will feel a little embarrassed. If they bring out some good things, they won't be embarrassed to eat later.

"I still have good wine here!" Holy Son Tianji said, and then took out a jar of wine from the storage instrument.

"I have a sacred object here!"

"I have fruit juice!"

Everyone pieced together a sumptuous dinner.

Soon, the aroma of barbecue filled the mountain top, and the sun god's golden cauldron began to boil. The snow-white soup was rolling, and the dragon meat and bones were rising and falling with the rolling soup.

There are no other seasonings, and there is no seasoning that can match this pot of dragon meat stock.

The aroma is overflowing, the aroma of barbecued meat and stewed meat is intertwined, and the aroma of wine is elegant and very tempting.

There are also various spiritual fruits placed on the dining table.

The table was provided by the Holy Lady Tianquan, and snacks such as spiritual fruits were brought out by the other saints and the geniuses.

After all, it is a dinner party, and it would be too embarrassing to put it on the table unless we bring out something good.

Soon, the dragon meat was roasted and the broth was stewed, and all the prodigies began to feast. The rich aroma even spread to the battlefield.

For a moment, a breathtaking scene appeared on this battlefield, with people fighting life and death, the sky cracked, the space collapsed, the light of law flew away, and the atmosphere of chaos filled the air.

On the other side, a group of inconspicuous people were roasting dragon meat, enjoying the aroma and feasting on it.

The strong men in the Daxia camp looked funny and wanted to join in, but due to their status, they couldn't do so.

After all, they were a group of junior disciples, so it didn't matter even if they were out of tune. As for this group of people, at the lowest level they are all those who have ascended to the holy throne.

On the side of the demon clan camp, their lungs are about to burst with anger. Their talented junior, the Young Supreme, is being roasted and eaten. Right on the edge of the battlefield, barbecuing naked in front of them, this made them feel extremely uncomfortable.

The guy who was the key to the barbecue also compiled a gourmet list and brought the entire demon clan to the human table.

It can be said that every one of the monsters they are present is a dish on the dining table on the human side.


At this moment, all the demon clan felt a sense of shame.

The black dragon clan even let out a thunderous roar, and the sound shook the sky.

The other demon clans were also furious, but in the end they chose to endure it for the time being.

Now is not the time for a full-scale battle. They are still waiting for the last few strong men of the demon clan to appear and restrain the several divine generals from Daxia.

Especially the divine general holding the divine bow is very terrifying. He can suppress several people by himself.

Once the few god generals on Daxia's side are restrained, the rest of them can directly crush them and push everyone over there.

"Are those people not here yet?" A strong demon clan member spoke and asked in a low voice.

They chose this place as a breakthrough, so they were naturally fully prepared. They had already discussed it long ago. Once the war started, they would withdraw several Holy Lord-level experts from the central battlefield, participate in the battle here, and take down this side in one go. Break Daxia Xu Shuai's battle formation from the side.

"It should be soon. After all, it is not that easy to escape from the central battlefield without being discovered by Daxia. There is only one chance. Once discovered by Daxia, the success will be in vain, and they will make corresponding adjustments."

"Let those little brats be arrogant and complacent for a while. When those few come, I will kill those brats myself."

"I will crush that little demon king Ji Chen to death with my own hands and make his head into a chamber pot. I will use the golden tripod of the sun god to make a wine glass."

Several people from the Black Dragon clan gnashed their teeth, with murderous intent evident in their eyes.

Ji Chen seemed to sense something. He picked up the soup bowl and gave a distant toast to the demon clan camp. He also said: "The dragon meat broth is good. You must try it when you have time. I guarantee you will have a good appetite."

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