That shuddering and tragic aura came from the war spear, making many people's faces turn pale and their hearts tremble.

"Spear of Sky Splitting!"

Several god generals in the Daxia camp all changed their expressions when they saw this war spear.

The Sky Splitting Spear, a fierce weapon, is the weapon of the Black Dragon Holy Lord. It is said to be made of phoenix bones.

The phoenix is ​​one of the ferocious beasts in ancient times. It ranks among the top ten ferocious beasts in ancient times, on par with the divine dragon and the Suzaku.

The skeleton of this sky-splitting spear once awakened the ancient phoenix bloodline, and it has traveled a long way. Now it is refined into a weapon, and its ferocity can be imagined.

The spear was caught in the black dragon's hand, as if it was alive, exuding a sky-high evil spirit and a chilling killing intent.

The red light burned like a flame, with a fierceness rising to the sky, shining with a cold metallic luster, like an ancient ferocious beast, exuding an extremely cruel aura.

Even the geniuses in the Daxia camp were extremely shocked.

"It is indeed the Sky Splitting Spear. It is the weapon that the Black Dragon Holy Lord has used throughout his life."

"That was a ferocious weapon. It killed countless people, flowed like a river of blood, and devoured the lives of countless creatures."

"This is not fair at all. Didn't we agree not to use weapons?" A genius from the Daxia camp shouted.

"That's right, it's so shameless to use weapons after losing a move!"

The Sky Splitting Spear was a weapon that the Black Dragon Holy Lord had spent his whole life refining. It was so terrifying that most people couldn't even hold it, let alone use it. Only young supremes like Black Dragon could hold it in their hands and use it.

At this time, Holy Son Tianji Shen spoke and sneered, "Fairness, there is no fairness in this world. No matter who loses or wins in the battle between Ji Chen and Heilong, the final battle will break out."

Holy Son Tianji saw clearly that no matter who lost between Ji Chen and Heilong, they would directly ignite the final breaking point and start an unprecedented battle.

The reason why there has never been a final battle is that both sides are holding back their anger and want to kill as many of the other side's young heroes as possible.

Daxia will not let Ji Chen die on the battlefield, otherwise the Holy Emperor will not be able to explain it, and the demon clan will not let the black dragon die here. The self-esteem of the young generation of the demon clan, the genius who has been hidden, will die. , the demon clan will go crazy.

The black dragon grabbed the Sky Splitting Spear and stood in the void. Its majestic body was extremely gorgeous, exuding wild murderous intent. It complemented the Sky Splitting Spear. The two murderous intentions were combined together, like the waves of the vast ocean.

It can be seen that he has had this hollow hair for a long time, has successfully refined it, and is connected with his mind.

Ji Chen has three weapons on his body, the Tianxuan Sword, the Golden Cauldron of the Sun God, and the Green Dragon Halberd given by Emperor Xia.

After thinking about it, Ji Chen took out the Golden Cauldron of the Sun God.

It is still not advisable to expose the Tianxuan Sword. Although the weapon looks ordinary, it will become stronger when it is strong. If the Sky Splitting Spear is suppressed, it will definitely attract attention and expose its true nature.

Although the Azure Dragon Halberd is also a holy weapon, it is still somewhat inferior to the Sky Splitting Spear. After all, the Sky Splitting Spear has experienced endless years of killing and baptism, and has long been promoted to a Holy Lord-level weapon.

Although the Solar Nerve Cauldron is also made of divine gold, it was forged by himself. Although its power is not as powerful as the Sky Splitting Spear, the material is by no means weaker than the opponent, and is even stronger, which is enough to make up for the lack of power.


The Sun God Golden Cauldron was held in Ji Chen's hand.

This tripod was simple and natural, without any murderous aura. It shone with wisps of true sun fire, wrapping Ji Chen.

The black dragon held the war spear and pierced through the void, heading towards Ji Chen.


The void shook and collapsed directly. The war spear collapsed the void like a prehistoric and majestic mountain. It was like an ancient ferocious beast had awakened, exuding a chilling murderous aura and heading towards Ji Chen's hole.

Ji Chen held up the golden tripod of the sun god and went directly to greet him.

He stretched his body like a dragon, all the strength in his body was aroused, suddenly exploded, and gathered on the Sun God Cauldron.

The next moment, the war spear arrived and came directly through the void.


The sky and the earth trembled, and the void collapsed directly. A stunning divine rainbow bloomed, and sent out beams of killing light one after another.

The Sky Splitting Spear exudes a fierce evil spirit, like an ancient ferocious beast that traveled through endless time and space from ancient times.

This blow caused the entire sky to crack, the heaven and earth overturned, divine power blossomed, and a tsunami-like sound erupted, deafening.

Ji Chen's arm was sore and numb, and he was experiencing severe pain. This was the result of the hard fight with the Splitting Kong Spear.

That spear was indeed a Holy Lord-level weapon. It was very heavy, as if an ancient sacred mountain had been smashed down.

Seeing Ji Chen take the spear, Black Dragon was a little surprised.

Without any hesitation, the war spear danced again, and the second spear penetrated directly.


The war spear directly penetrated the space and reached Ji Chen's eyes. The killing aura surged and the tragic evil aura filled the air. The astonishing killing intent gathered into a divine phoenix, burning with flames and attacking towards Ji Chen.

The vast divine phoenix fire flooded the world, and the dazzling light made it difficult for everyone to open their eyes.

In the endless light, someone seemed to see the war spear stabbing Ji Chen's neck.

There is red cloud falling, as hazy as blood light, shocking people's hearts.

Is that blood light?

The people in the Daxia camp almost stopped breathing. If that spear hit Ji Chen's neck, his whole neck and head would explode.

The red glow is vigorous, like blood mist.

Some even exclaimed.

"Is Demon King Ji dead? Is that blood light?"

"He's not dead?" Holy Son Tianji asked.

He could see clearly that the black dragon's spear was blocked by Ji Chen.

The spear thrust into the Golden Cauldron of the Sun God, and the Golden Cauldron boiled directly. It seemed to be a world of its own, releasing extremely terrifying energy, as if it was trying to contain the Sky Splitting Spear.

The light gradually dispersed, and everyone finally saw clearly that the Sun God Golden Cauldron had swallowed up one third of the Sky-Splitting Spear. Incomparably terrifying divine power poured out from the Sun God Golden Cauldron. The sun's true fire was boiling, exuding terror. of heat.

The war spear also exudes a red glow, like blood, extremely bright red, and as hazy as blood mist.

The blood mist that everyone just saw was the glow emanating from the war spear.

At this moment, all the patterns on the golden tripod of the sun god came to life, as if they were about to step out of the tripod. Cranes spread their wings, auspicious beasts roared, the sun and moon competed for glory, real dragons soared into the sky, and divine phoenixes soared.

The battle situation suddenly reached a stalemate, and extremely terrifying power erupted from both of them. Ji Chen wanted to take away the black dragon's war spear. The black dragon wanted to pull out the war spear and shatter Ji Chen's golden tripod of the sun god.

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