The demon camp showed a chuckle, "The black dragon's strength is worthy of his confidence and dominance. The kid named Ji is really far behind him."

"That's just an arrogant guy from Ichiyoro. He doesn't even know how big the gap is between him and Black Dragon."

Ji Chen also got angry after hearing this, and said with cold eyes: "How can an animal understand the difference between us and humans? Even if you become a human, you are still an animal. You cannot escape the category of an animal. I don't know what your true body is like." , you haven’t evolved dragon horns. It doesn’t matter whether you use a rope or not when pulling a cart. Let me teach you how to be a qualified cart-pulling dragon.”

"Remember, humans will always be humans, and animals will always be animals. When humans are around, animals should stop barking."


The black dragon rushed over, turned into a divine rainbow, and punched directly.

The air exploded, the world trembled, and the unparalleled fist seal carried supreme power and hit Ji Chen in an instant.

The heaven and earth exploded, and the vigorous blood energy swept across like a vast ocean, as vast as smoke, forming an unparalleled force, as if it was carrying the entire sky and crushing it towards Ji Chen.

This invincible attitude shocked everyone.

The black dragon used all his strength as soon as he made a move. He wanted to beat Ji Chen to pieces with an absolute attitude and win a strong victory to declare his first battle since his birth and avenge Ji Chen's hatred for humiliating the demon clan.

Ji Chen didn't dodge at all, he evolved the Great Sun Fist and struck forward.

The air exploded, and the whole world was trembling. Ji Chen's whole body was exuding bright light, like a dazzling star, the divine light of his fist was bright, the terrifying heat wave was rolling, and the true fire of the sun was burning, like a Lun Da Ri smashed it directly.

The saints on both sides were very nervous and stared at the battlefield. Once something unusual happens, they may take action.

After all, the Black Dragon youth is the hidden youth supreme of the Black Dragon clan. If it weren't for Ji Chen's repeated provocations, he might not have come out. Perhaps he would have to wait until he became a venerable, or became a saint.

Therefore, the Black Dragon Great Sage will never allow him to have any accidents on the battlefield.

The same goes for the Daxia camp. General Luo Shen has been watching the battlefield to guard against any tricks played by the demon clan.

After all, Ji Chen was a disciple of the Holy Emperor. If he died here, he would not be able to explain to the Holy Emperor.


The sky and the earth exploded, the terrifying divine light exploded, like a star being exploded, the vast energy was released, the glow was endless, the divine light was bright, the terrifying heat wave rolled, as if the sun exploded, and the terrifying true sun fire was formed The beam shoots in all directions.

The ground was burned into magma, the void was twisted, and the terrifying light was so dazzling that everyone couldn't open their eyes.

The blazing light contains terrifying murderous intent, which can even directly invade the mind through the eyes and hurt the soul.

Both Ji Chen and Heilong burst out with extremely terrifying murderous thoughts, both wanting to kill each other. Their mental power was extremely strong, and their murderous thoughts seeped into the light.

Many people exclaimed and screamed, their souls hurt by the murderous thoughts in the light, their spirits stung.

At this moment, everyone was shocked and moved. This level of combat power has surpassed this realm and cannot be possessed by the Huayu realm.

After the blow, neither of them retreated, but launched an even more violent attack.

The terrifying light is released, and the vast divine power sweeps across, like the waves hitting the sky and the stormy waves hitting the shore.

The light flooded the entire world, where there was pure blazing light, mixed with fairy light flashes, and the power of thunder and lightning intertwined inside.

Except for the great sage and the divine general, no one in the two camps could see clearly what was going on inside. The world had been flooded by the blazing divine light.

Two shadows were fighting fiercely inside, starting a life-and-death battle.

The speed of the two of them was too fast, like two lightning bolts intertwining inside, criss-crossing. One black and one white collide with each other.

The black dragon's eyes glowed with terror, and murderous intent boiled. After dozens of moves, he failed to take down Ji Chen. This made the extremely conceited man full of anger and unable to accept it.

In his eyes, Ji Chen was not his opponent at all, and he had never regarded Ji Chen as an opponent.

"Kill the Demon King and sacrifice the fighting soul with blood!"

The black dragon roared loudly, and the terrifying power was released. Time seemed to stop, and the space seemed to freeze. A fist mark turned into a beam of light, and it rushed over. The red fist hit the space and collapsed, making a terrible sound.


Ji Chen struck out with a golden palm, like the palm of Tathagata, and struck directly towards the black dragon.

In fact, he is the evolved Tathagata Palm. Ji Chen's strength is not with bare hands. He is not good at fists and kicks. Fortunately, he has the Qi training concept taught to him by Mr. Fang.

The deeper the cultivation reaches, the more Ji Chen can feel the extraordinary power of this qi training technique. By practicing the innate qi, he can visualize everything and evolve all things.

This qi training method is very simple, with only one general outline. But the more it is, the more Ji Chen can feel the extraordinaryness of it. It is extremely malleable and can accommodate all things and evolve all things.

If he hadn't had the system in advance, Ji Chen might have found a completely different path by relying on this qi training technique.


The golden palm flew across the sky, shining brightly, and hit the beam fist mark hard.

The sky exploded, like a sky thunder exploding, and violent golden energy and red energy were released, rushing in all directions like a tsunami.

This collision was extremely astonishing, the force was unprecedentedly powerful, and it was unleashed in a devastating way.

Fortunately, the two of them were fighting in the void. If they were on the ground, everything would cease to exist and everything would be destroyed and turned into nothingness.

Everyone watching the battle from both camps was shocked. It was hard to imagine that this was the power of the Feather Realm.

At this moment, they understood what Tianjiao Supreme was and how big the gap was between them and Tianjiao Supreme.

Both Ji Chen and the black dragon can be called the supreme geniuses. This is a battle between the supreme geniuses.

The black dragon's eyes were blazing, and the red light enveloped him. His body seemed to be burning, and the divine light on his fist flickered, as if a ball of divine fire was beating. It was extremely dazzling, making it difficult to open one's eyes. It was difficult to imagine how powerful this punch was.

Ji Chen still evolved into the Tathagata Divine Palm. The golden palm seemed to have fallen from the nine heavens and filled the sky. The golden divine light illuminated the sky, making people extremely frightened.


The big golden palm fell down, causing the heaven and earth to tremble, and collided with the black dragon's fist seal, causing wind, fire, thunder and lightning to explode.

The golden and red energy swept across the sky, like a river rolling back, impacting the nine heavens.

This confrontation is like two gods colliding.

"The power of these two people is too strong, and their physical bodies are simply abnormal. I really don't know how they cultivate?"

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