I have a knife, I can kill monsters when I take it out of its sheath

Chapter 457 One versus six, the ultimate decisive battle

The cold wind blows, and the blood mist flies. Ji Chen stands in the void, his white clothes are dusty, not stained with a trace of blood, like an immortal king flying in the sky, looking in all directions, and his heart is filled with emotion.

A king was blown to pieces by him in the void, and his body and soul disappeared. This scene is frightening.


Ji Chen's cold voice echoed through both camps.

However, this sound was like a steel knife, piercing the hearts of all the demon clan.

The Black Dragon Great Sage was really angry, his eyes were cold, and his murderous intent was revealed.


A murderous intention attacked Ji Chen.

The space was distorted, and the thought of killing came like a ray of gun light.

At this moment, everyone was shocked. They did not expect that the Black Dragon Great Sage would take action against Ji Chen.

At this moment, General Luo shot out a divine light from his eyes, piercing the sky and flying past Ji Chen, defeating the Black Dragon Great Sage's murderous thoughts. Then he attacked and killed a young hero in front of the Black Dragon Monarch.


The Black Dragon Great Sage snorted coldly, and the divine light exploded directly.

He looked at General Luo with cold eyes, filled with murderous intent. He was obviously very dissatisfied with General Luo for taking action against a junior of his clan.

Ji Chen opened his mouth and said in a cold voice: "Animals are just animals. Even if they become enlightened and become saints, they still cannot change their habits."


On the other side of his demon clan's camp, all the demon clan were collectively furious, and the surging murderous intent swept through the nine days. The divine power shattered the surrounding void, and the aura of chaos filled the air.

Ji Chen's words directly offended the entire demon clan.

There has never been a moment when the hatred and murderous intent of all monster creatures were unprecedentedly unified, and they wanted to kill someone at the same time.

Ji Chen has no fear at all. You are going to kill me and you can't even let me say a few words.

You can take action against me, but General Luo cannot take action against your juniors.

Ji Chen was not used to this at all, he continued to sarcastically say, "To say you are animals is an insult to animals. Even animals know that in a fair fight, if you die, you will die. If you are not as strong as others, you can't blame anyone."


The demon clan was filled with rage and murderous intent, and the sky seemed to be about to collapse.

"Demon King Ji, do you dare to fight!"

Two talented people suddenly stood up over there.

Seeing this, Holy Son Tianji also stood up, wanting to fight side by side with Ji Chen and share the burden, but was stopped by Ji Chen with a wave of his hand.

"It doesn't matter, just two."

"Then be careful!" Holy Son Tianji didn't insist and retreated. He believed that Ji Chen was fine. He stood up because he just didn't want Ji Chen to receive an unfair duel.

When the genius from the demon tribe saw that Ji Chen actually wanted to fight two, his murderous intention became even stronger.

This is obviously looking down on them.

Without any unnecessary words, the battle broke out immediately. The two demon clan members used their strongest killing moves, killing each other step by step.


With a collision, the world trembled slightly, and a demon clan genius was knocked back.

Another man came forward and said, "You are very powerful and arrogant, but you will pay the price for your arrogance."


The battle began. With one against two, Ji Chen still had the absolute upper hand. His divine light soared into the sky and his divine light was boundless. After dozens of moves, the two geniuses of the demon clan began to vomit blood.

Ji Chen was so powerful and his combat power was so amazing that even one against two could overwhelm them.

After dozens of more strikes, the two men were even more seriously injured, vomiting blood and cracks appearing on their bodies.

Ji Chen didn't beat the two to death directly. He measured his strength and showed just enough fighting power to outshine them.

After dozens of more moves, Ji Chen defeated the two of them, turning them into two balls of blood rain, floating in the air.

"Next person!"

Ji Chen's voice sounded in the void again.

The geniuses on the demon side were heartbroken. Many geniuses wanted to rush out and fight Ji Chen, but sadly found that they seemed to be inferior to the two people just now.

At this moment, another person stood up from the demon camp.

Ji Chen showed an appreciative look. It was indeed impressive that he dared to stand up at this time. If he had been on another side, he was not sure whether he would stand up.

However, the next moment, Ji Chen's admiring gaze disappeared.

Because a second one stood up over there, then a third one, and then a fourth one.

A figure stood up slowly. It was extremely tall and majestic, like a mountain wall, and its imposing momentum seemed to crush the world.


A total of six demon clan members stood up!

The powerful aura caused everyone to change color, and all kinds of divine power filled their bodies, and the place was directly submerged in light.

"You still want to be shameless! If two of you can't win, six of you will stand up. In the end, the entire demon clan's geniuses will have to stand up to surround and kill Demon King Ji."

On the Daxia camp side, someone spoke up and expressed indignation.

"You can also come with six, but I think that Ji Mo Wang is so powerful, six should be no problem for him! Isn't he known as Ji Wudi? If Ji Mo Wang can admit in public that the nickname Ji Wudi is his If you brag and flatter yourself, it doesn’t matter if there are six of you over there.”

The genius from the demon tribe spoke with ridicule and disdain.

However, the Great Xia camp did not pay attention to the method of provoking generals. Holy Son Tianji stood up directly, followed closely by Holy Girl Tianquan, Holy Son Yuheng, Holy Son Kaiyang, and an extremely powerful Tianjiao also stood up. Coming out was the senior brother of Holy Son Kaiyang.

"You said it, we also have six here!" Holy Son Tianji said with a sneer.

This lineup directly changed the color of the demon clan. This is already the ceiling for the young generation here in Daxia.

Saintess Tianquan stood beside Ji Chen and said to Ji Chen: "Ignore their taunts. He is irritating you. You are too much of a threat to them and they want to strangle you here."

Ji Chen chuckled lightly, "I like the method of provoking generals. What I dislike most is the method of provoking generals. Just follow them and I will challenge six."

Saintess Tianquan changed her expression slightly, "There's no need for this. There's no need to tell so many rules to the demon clan. They were the ones who didn't follow the rules in the first place."

"That's right, just blow them up!" Holy Son Tianji also said.

Ji Chen said calmly: "It doesn't matter, I can do it alone. You guys stand beside me. If I am defeated, you can go up again."

Seeing Ji Chen's insistence, they didn't know what to say and could only retreat. However, they did not retreat to the Daxia camp, but retreated to the side of the battlefield.

"You all come together!" Ji Chen looked at the six demon clan geniuses and said.

"I'm about to learn a lesson!" A genius rushed forward first.

He revealed his true form as a demon, with three pairs of wings on his back, shining with divine light, like six divine knives slashing down at Ji Chen.

Although weapons are not allowed to be used by default, the special parts of these monsters are no longer different from weapons. They have been refining these parts since the day of their cultivation. These will also be their destiny artifacts after they attain enlightenment in the future.

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