The Flying Divine Tiger Lord fell and was forcibly killed by Ji Chen in the process of fighting one against two.

At this moment, everyone was shocked. Demon King Ji actually killed a venerable person.

What is this concept?

This means that his opponent is no longer the young prodigy, nor the Holy Son of the Holy Land, but the respected and powerful men of the older generation.

Ren Pei and several strong men in the army were also shocked.

"Ji Mowang is Ji Mowang. It's really amazing." Ren Pei sighed. He had not been in contact with Ji Chen for a long time, but in just this short contact, he witnessed Ji Chen's rise and cultivation. The rise is like riding a flying sword, thousands of miles a day.

Now it has grown enough to kill the Venerable.

"Although I know that Mr. Fang's disciples are not far behind, I was still amazed when I saw them today." A powerful man standing next to Ren Pei also said with emotion.

Cheng Xintang stood behind, saying nothing, but the shock in his heart was as if he had been overturned.

When he met Ji Chen for the first time, he could clearly feel Ji Chen's cultivation. At that time, he felt that Ji Chen could easily defeat him.

Every time they met in the future, Ji Chen would make extremely amazing progress, giving him a strong shock, and this time he had improved to the point where he could kill a powerful person.

Is this still a human being?

He even doubted whether Ji Chen was the reincarnation of a certain god.

The body of the Flying Divine Tiger was put in the ring by Ji Chen, and then slowly roasted and eaten. He carried the halberd and killed another venerable.

The venerable man's heart trembled. The death of his companion made him palpitate and gave birth to fear.

One of them was killed by Demon King Ji in a two-on-one fight, and now that he was the only one left, he was even less of a match.

Just as he was about to escape, Ji Chen's halberd came over to kill him.

The divine light reappeared, and the bright euphorbia was like a big sun, shooting out countless divine rays, turning into an eternal sun, suppressing and killing.

This green dragon halberd is extremely terrifying, its power bursts out, and the destructive power it causes is simply unparalleled.

The halberd blade burst out with immeasurable light, as if cutting through the void, and cracks appeared, which is unimaginable.

The venerable man was frightened, and a suit of armor also appeared on his body, and his spear flew through the air to block this shocking blow.


A huge explosion occurred between heaven and earth, and extremely terrifying power bloomed.

Everyone around him stayed away, for fear of being affected by this force.

Ren Pei in the distance shook his head, "If you are timid before fighting, he will be dead!"

The venerable person next to him said: "Ji Demon King has just killed a venerable man, with the power of great victory. Now he is full of momentum and fighting spirit. Anyone who confronts him now will be timid."

The outcome has been decided. No one thought that the demon clan leader could survive Li Chen's halberd.

A senior-level strongman shot from a distance, wanting to rescue him. Kaiyang Holy Son suddenly rose into the sky and intercepted the senior-level strongman.

"Your opponent is me!"

Although he couldn't kill a powerful person like Ji Chen, he could still do it by holding on for a while.


A huge explosion broke out between Ji Chen and the demon lord.

In the boundless light, a stunning fairy light penetrated the heaven and earth, like a blazing lightning explosion, cutting this place in half.

Lightning flashed into the sky, and golden colors danced wildly.

The broken spear fell from the void.

The venerable's body was split in half, and his true form emerged, a huge black wolf.

Blood was spilled, and the body that was split in half fell to the ground.

Another venerable person fell and was killed in the void by Ji Chen.

Ji Chen holds a halberd and stands in the void. His body is clear and pure, emitting immortal divine light and flowing with crystal clear treasure.

Everyone around him was calmed down by his wild attitude.

"Why is this Ji Demon King so powerful?" Many faces from the demon clan turned pale.

Killing two venerables in a row, this kind of fighting power is simply trembling, and it is simply invincible.

Ji Chen's eyes stared at the entire battlefield, like two cold rays of light.

He took out the chariot again and stood on the chariot.

Several saints were stunned, what is he going to do?

Ren Pei's eyes widened even more. The moment Ji Chen took out the chariot, he knew that things were not simple.

He knew very well how powerful Zhan was. After all, the defense of this chariot was difficult for even the Venerable to break through.

Ji Chen put away his chariot just now because he wanted to verify his strength.

Now that the strength has been tested, there is no need to take risks anymore. If you can easily and effortlessly crush the enemy, don't bother to level A.

Ji Chen drove the chariot and rushed out, crushing him.

In an instant, dozens of huge monsters were exploded, with flesh and blood flying everywhere.

Even when Ji Chen was driving the chariot, his speed did not slow down at all. The astonishing speed coupled with the terrifying lethality of the chariot, ignored the obstruction and defense of any creature, and directly charged and crushed them.

Suddenly, Ji Chen and the entire chariot disappeared.

Just when everyone was surprised, the chariot appeared out of thin air above the Venerable who was fighting the decisive battle with Holy Son Kaiyang.

The bronze chariot emerged and suppressed him.

A terrifying aura filled the air, and the fluctuations it exuded were frightening.


The chariot shook, releasing terrifying power. Ji Chen, like an immortal king, drove the chariot down into the sky.


The venerable man spurted blood and flew out, unable to withstand the suppression of the chariot.

This was because Ji Chen's strength was limited and he couldn't use the full power of the chariot. Otherwise, this blow would crush the venerable man to death.

But even if he didn't die, the blow was enough for him to bear, and he was seriously injured immediately.

The venerable man was frightened and turned into a stream of light and was about to run away.

Ji Chen directly drove the chariot and rushed over, "If you want to run away, I will hit you with my car and kill you."


The chariot also turned into a stream of light, passing through the sky and hitting the venerable man.

All the demons encountered along the way were hit and exploded to death.

The chariot suddenly hit a bloody path in the void.

Such an astonishing scene sent chills down the spine of everyone watching.

Those monsters turned pale with fright, and when they saw the chariot approaching, they evaded it in advance.

However, Ji Chen was too fast and they couldn't dodge. They were directly run over by the chariot and their bodies exploded.

Blood flowed down, along with the minced meat.

The sky was raining broken flesh and blood.

The venerable man wanted to avoid it, but he couldn't avoid it at all. He could only watch as the chariot rolled over him.


He burst out with an angry roar, opened up the realm, glowed with blazing light, and released the immortal aura.

He wants to give it a try!

"Even if you have a chariot, I will still kill you."


The chariot rushed forward in an instant and crashed directly into his territory.

In an instant, the realm collapsed, unable to bear the weight of the chariot.

Ji Chen waved his halberd, tearing the void apart and slashing forward.


Blood sputtered, and a head rose into the sky. The next moment, the chariot rolled over, and the venerable body exploded and turned into blood mist, floating in the air.

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