The terrifying magic light flooded the world, shocking people's hearts.

Everyone stopped breathing and looked at the battlefield in horror.

Ji Chen's halberd was so fast and violent that it seemed to cut through the void and fell directly. Many people would not be able to react at all and would have their heads cut off.

Many people were thinking that if they were faced with Ji Chen's halberd, they would not be able to avoid it and would be killed directly.

Magic light spurted out, mixed with blood light.

"Are you dead?"

When Cheng Xintang saw this scene, he couldn't help but guess.

"It's not that easy. The other party is a Venerable after all. Ji Chen has not entered the realm of Venerable."

When Ren Pei opened his mouth, he could see clearly that the sword used by the Venerable just blocked the halberd.

It is not easy to kill someone across a large realm, not to mention that Ji Chen's cultivation level has not reached the limit of becoming a feather.

Holy Son Tianji and others also saw this scene, and their hearts trembled.

Ji Chen's growth rate is really amazing. A few months ago, he had not yet entered the realm of feathering, but now, he could fight against a powerful person at the venerable level.

"Oh my God!" The geniuses of the Holy Land couldn't help shouting.

Ji Chen was majestic and could kill his opponents with just one halberd. This invincible attitude made their hearts palpitate.

"No! That Venerable is not dead yet."

Someone discovered the situation. In the magic light, a blood-red sword resisted the halberd. The sword glowed with blood-red light, making people mistake it for blood.

The venerable man was holding a sword, standing erect on his neck, and blood-colored light bloomed, as if blood was flowing.

Ji Chen's halberd was so sudden that even the other Venerable had no time to rescue him. Anyone else would have been killed long ago.

It's not unreasonable for Demon King Ji to be ranked first on the monster clan's must-kill list.

He has surpassed several unparalleled geniuses in the world and has become a young supreme figure who can decide life and death in an instant and kill powerful enemies.


Another venerable man shook his spear and shot towards Ji Chen.

Ji Chen turned around and struck him with a halberd, like a bright bolt of lightning shining in the void.

The war breaks out like this!

Ji Chen fought against the two venerables alone, causing the void to tremble.

The surrounding fighting bypassed them, making enough room for them.

As strong men joined Daxia, the original balance of the battlefield was broken. Many strong men also appeared on the demon side, including hundreds of meters long demon dragons and demon dragon knights wearing armor, all as white as jade. unicorn.

There is even a demon fox girl with a hot and exposed figure. She simply covers the important parts of her body with a few pieces of armor, holding a dragon gun, which is extremely wild.

There are even strong men who are half human and half beast, including a snow-white werewolf.

These werewolves are also called the Snow Clan, a combination of humans and snow wolves. They are a race in the northern wilderness. They often plunder and massacre the deserted villages in the Great Xia.

Ji Chen's former Jijia Village was massacred by these Snow Clan werewolves.

The hearts of those border villages do not necessarily belong to Daxia. There are even some villages that have never left the village for generations. It was Daxia that included their place when it expanded its territory.

The Snow Clan in the wilderness repeatedly invaded the borderlands, looted and massacred them, and now they became the vanguard of the Demon Clan's attack on Daxia.

These Snow Clan werewolves also reproduce very quickly, and of course they become the cannon fodder used by the Monster Clan to consume Daxia.

Ji Chen once swore that sooner or later, he would exterminate the Snow Clan in the wilderness.

The Holy Maiden of Heaven came out of the dust in white clothes, her skin was as white and crystal clear as snow, and her beautiful eyes were filled with glowing light. She was staring at Ji Chen on the battlefield, with the folds between her brows shining brightly.

A Snow Clan werewolf wanted to sneak up on her and snatch him back.

Such a beautiful woman is like a fairy, and the werewolf born from her must be very powerful.

It was just that the werewolf was torn apart by her sword without even turning her head.

The group of Tianjiao fairies in the Tianquan Holy Land are all beautiful, just like other angels. They appear on the battlefield like a bright light, but if you underestimate them, you will pay the price with your life.

They moved their hands and became more ruthless.

The Holy Son of Kaiyang is golden in color, and the ancient scriptures of Kaiyang Holy Land are said to be pure Yang. He is indestructible, has extremely fierce fighting power, and his explosive power is even more domineering.

The Holy Son of Kaiyang holds a blood spear, like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, shattering the void, and no demon can get close to him.

Holy Son Yuheng was the most mysterious among the several saints. He held a jade sword and directly killed a strong man among the demon clan.

A scuffle breaks out.

The strong men from the demon clan came over and prepared to surround and kill this group of holy land geniuses. They wanted to kill them all and give Ren Pei a painful blow.

If all these holy land geniuses died here, the great saints might be afraid and consider cooperating with the Holy Kingdom of Great Xia.

In the mist, a knight riding a magic dragon came towards the Holy Lady of Tianquan. The dragon spear penetrated the void and instantly reached the Holy Lady of Tianquan.

"I can recognize the people of Cihang Cult even if you turn into ashes!"

The Holy Maiden of Tianquan gave a light scolding, and the sword light flew into the air, blooming with endless sword energy.


This blow actually erupted into a dazzling glow, like thunder, and the whole sky shook.

There seemed to be hatred between the two, and a life-and-death battle began in an instant.

"call out!"

A gigantic Scorpion charged towards Holy Son Yu Heng. The Scorpion's tail was upside down and sharp blue, like a sharp spear, piercing the void and killing directly in front of him.

The jade sword in the hand of Holy Son Yu Heng fell down and struck Scorpio.

One by one, the mysterious genius kings came out of the fog. They were also the geniuses of other great religions and holy places. They concealed their identities and cooperated with the demon clan.

These geniuses were originally waiting and watching.

They were unwilling to participate in the matter of rushing into battle and dying.

But at this moment, the Holy Land geniuses on Daxia's side joined the battle, and the military formation shrank back. They also came out of the fog and joined the battle.

All the great geniuses started a fierce battle, and the light was so fierce that it flooded the sky.

The great battle has escalated, which is somewhat beyond Ren Pei's expectation.

The original fighting method of the Monster Clan was to use monsters and Snow Clan werewolves to attack Daxia's formation. Once the formation was successfully charged, the strong men on Daxia's side would have no time to take care of them, and they could directly kill them.

The formation arranged by Ren Pei forbids the void and isolates the world. Although it is only a simple forbidden air formation, the strong men of the demon clan can break through the forbidden space and kill out with all their strength. However, this moment is enough for Daxia's side. The strong men suppressed them and killed them.

When the strong fight, life and death only take a moment.

When the strength of the two sides is almost the same, this simple formation becomes a life and death barrier.

The party that breaks the formation always suffers more losses than the one that sets up the formation, and the battle loss ratio is at least ten times more.

Even so, they can only pile up cannon fodder and slowly consume Ren Pei's effective military strength.

After all, there are no more soldiers on Ren Pei's side, but there are a lot of cannon fodder monsters on their side, and the Snow Clan can also afford to consume them.

The key is that these cannon fodders will not feel bad if they are lost, and they will not cause any losses to the demon clan.

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