I have a knife, I can kill monsters when I take it out of its sheath

Chapter 434 Breakthrough, Enemies meet on a narrow road

Holy Lord Old Wolf did not bother, turned around and ran away, disappearing with one step.

The divine general did not pursue him. For a strong man at this level who wanted to escape, it would be difficult to kill him completely.

If he really wanted to use his hands and feet to kill him, he could do it, but the price he had to pay was a bit high.

When the war ended, the Great Xia God General also left.

This battle shook an area of ​​100,000 li, and soon spread, spreading throughout the Eastern and Northern Regions, making all the forces in the tribes fearful.

Many powerful people watched this battle from hundreds of thousands of miles away, estimating the battle strength of the Great Xia God General and their chances of winning against him.

Many Holy Lords found that if they were to face the Great Xia Divine General, they would have no chance of winning.

A battle that shocked the world!

Holy Lord Old Wolf was repulsed, and Ji Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

If the old guy really comes to kill him, he can only hide in the palm world.

Ji Chen has also left quickly. The killing points have exceeded 100 million. He wants to find a place to break through the current level and improve his strength.

His mission to the border wilderness was a success this time. He had bloodbathed hundreds of thousands of miles and harvested more than 100 million killing points.

Ji Chen slowed down and walked forward, looking for a suitable place to break through.

He wanted to find a place with abundant spiritual energy so that he could consume less spiritual stones.

As his cultivation level increased higher and higher, more and more spiritual stones were consumed, and now they are measured in units of kilograms.

Ordinary cultivators would not be as anxious about spiritual stones as he was. After all, ordinary cultivators would only break through once every few years, or even decades, and would have enough time to search for spiritual stones.

Every experience of ordinary cultivators is not only the accumulation of state of mind and experience, but also the search for various materials to prepare for the next breakthrough.

Ji Chen broke through so fast that he didn't have any extra time to look for materials and spirit stones, so he saved what he could.

Although he now has almost 90,000 kilograms of spiritual stones, according to his current breakthrough speed, it won't take long at all.

After traveling thousands of miles in half a day, I finally found a place full of spiritual energy.

It was already evening at this time, the setting sun was setting, the rays of rays were shining, the mountains and forests were filled with mist, and the rays of rays passed through the mist, making them colorful.

There are many birds and beasts in the mountains and forests, and generally in places with abundant spiritual energy, there are many birds and beasts.

"This place has spiritual veins!"

Based on the terrain and environment, Ji Chen judged that there was a spiritual vein growing here. He opened his Eyes of Deception and quickly located the spiritual vein in the deepest part of this mountain range.

Ji Chen walked in the mountains and forests, breathing the fresh air and bathing in the colorful rays of light. His spiritual power extended out and merged into the void. He needed to explore whether there were any powerful existences around him that would threaten his breakthrough.

The spiritual power extends for thousands of miles, and everything is within Li Chen's perception. There are many little demons in the foundation building stage, and some innate realm monsters, but they cannot pose a threat to him.

A thousand miles in radius is enough for safety, but Ji Chen's mental power is still extending. A radius of two thousand miles, three thousand miles, and three thousand five hundred miles has reached Ji Chen's limit.

At this moment, Li Chen sensed a very sinister and terrifying aura, 3,500 miles away.

There was Qiang dormant over there, and his fluctuating aura frightened even Ji Chen.

Because his mental power reached its limit, he couldn't feel it too clearly.


Ji Chen frowned, he felt that there was an extremely powerful demon there.

After thinking about it, he decided to break through first, and then go over there to see what was entrenched there.

It would be best if it were an eight-winged snake or that sea dragon.

Ji Chen found a cave, and there was a giant python in the innate realm entrenched inside.

After he entered, he stared at the giant python with big eyes and small eyes.


Ji Chen only said one sentence, and the giant python rolled out of the cave in an orderly manner.

It's not crawling, it's really rolling out. It coils its body together like a ball and rolls out all the way.

Ji Chen took out the Tianxuan Sword and dug all the way. He soon dug into the mountain and found the mineral vein.

This vein is not too small. Ji Chen estimated that it could dig up 20,000 kilograms of spiritual stone.

Rich spiritual energy surrounded Ji Chen. He arranged a formation to prevent the spiritual energy from leaking out, then blocked the cave and prepared to break through first.

After setting up the formation and calming down, he started to break through.

Fifty million killing points were consumed instantly.

At that moment, a familiar feeling came over him, and the surrounding spiritual energy entered his body crazily.

The sound of Tao in the body roared, like a flash flood, or like the vast sea bursting its banks. Ji Chen's body was like the oven of heaven and earth, refining everything.

As time passed, the roar of the Taoist sound became louder and louder. At a certain moment, the natural barrier in the body completely collapsed.

At that moment, Ji Chen's body was like an immortal river pouring in, and all kinds of bright holy light filled his body.

At this moment, he succeeded in breaking through. The colorful energy surged and roared in his body. His body also underwent qualitative changes, evolving and transforming.

The supreme divine body evolved again, and its body was crystal clear and dazzling. Astonishing divine power emanated from him, and the shocking fluctuations spread, extremely terrifying, but he was quickly restrained.

Even though it was fleeting, the creatures in the mountain were so frightened that they trembled on the ground and couldn't help but surrender.

In one night, Ji Chen broke through to the fifth level of feather formation.

He clearly felt the growth in strength.

Ji Chen stood up, stared at this spiritual vein, and started digging.

He was so fast that Tianxuan turned into a stream of light and flew out, cutting off a piece of spiritual stone weighing several hundred kilograms in one go.

After throwing it into the palm world, continue digging.

It didn't take long for him to dig out the entire vein.

Ji Chen smiled broadly, feeling the joy of harvest.

He came out of the mountain range. It was already early morning. The sun was rising. The entire mountain range was surrounded by white mist and illuminated by the morning glow. It was red and golden, just like a fairyland.

The breakthrough in cultivation and the gains in spiritual stones put Ji Chen in a good mood.

He stood on the top of the mountain and looked at this mountain range. If the spiritual stones in the mountains were not excavated by himself, this could be regarded as a place to establish a religion.

Of course, it can only be a small sect, such as the Dandong Seven Sects.

The Great Religion looks down upon this kind of place.

The golden clouds fell, dispersing the mist in the mountains and forests, and shining warmly on people. Ji Chen walked in the mountains and forests, bathed in the glow, and felt the nature of the world.

He was going to the place where the demon was found yesterday to see what it was.

In just a moment, Ji Chen approached that area, and an astonishing evil aura came from the front, making Ji Chen feel frightened.

"What a strong evil spirit!" Ji Chen was surprised. Such a strong evil spirit must be entrenched by a powerful demon.

Ji Chen's mental energy merged into the void and spread out, and he quickly discovered the situation.


Asking for a monthly ticket!

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