"Could it be!" He suddenly thought of something and his face changed wildly.

"Eight-Winged Snake, I have something else to do, so I'm leaving now and we'll talk about it next time."

Before the words could be spoken, the handsome man had already disappeared into the sky.

The Eight-Winged Snake was puzzled and frowned slightly, wasn't he talking about the scriptures?

Why did you run away?

In fact, when the handsome man said that there was an incomplete ancient scripture for him, he was already moved. After all, no matter how incomplete it was, it was still an ancient scripture.

The reason why he didn't agree immediately was because he wanted to raise the price and gain a lot of benefits.

Unexpectedly, he turned around and ran away without leaving a word.

The handsome man left at an extremely fast speed. He suspected that something had happened to Prince Snow Wolf, otherwise the old Holy Master would not have been so anxious and desperate.

After all, this place is still under the control of the Great Xia Holy Kingdom. If Prince Snow Wolf encounters the Great Xia Holy Kingdom's army, no matter how powerful he is, he may be in danger. After all, he is only one person.

A journey of thousands of miles was only a short time for him.

Little did he know that Ji Chen was also heading towards the temple at this time.

Ji Chen was also fleeing, but he was not fleeing blindly. He was fleeing in the direction the handsome man had left, trying his luck to see if he could meet the handsome man.

The battle in the sky is vast and spans a hundred thousand miles. If the handsome man looks at it, he will definitely guess that something has happened to Prince Snow Wolf. If he returns the same way, he will probably be hit by him.

Of course, if he has other things to do, it doesn't matter if he doesn't come back.

Ji Chen planned to search again to see if he could find the eight-winged snake and the dragon from the East China Sea.

If you can find the best one, just kill it and leave, find a place to break through, this trip to the border wilderness will be perfect.

It doesn't matter if you can't find it, it's just a waste of two days.

At this moment, a stream of light shot out from the distant sky.

Ji Chen instantly recognized that this was the handsome man.

"It's really lucky that I met him."

Ji Chen was unambiguous and took action directly.

The Tianxuan Sword turned into a sword light and shot towards the handsome man in the sky.

"call out!"

The sword shines brightly in the world, illuminating the mountains and forests.

"Who dares to sneak attack!" The handsome man roared, stopped, held a halberd, and slashed towards the sword light.


The heaven and earth trembled slightly, the sound of the Tao shook the universe, and a bright divine light bloomed.

The sword light collided with the divine light, and a stunning aura erupted.

The sword light was knocked away and turned into a stream of light, returning to Ji Chen's hand.

Ji Chen holds Tianxuan in his hand and ascends to the sky.

"It's you, Demon King Ji!"

The handsome man was shocked. The person who attacked him turned out to be Ji Chen.

He suddenly thought of something and said, "Could it be that you are the person who wiped out hundreds of thousands of miles of borderland with blood during this period?"

"Yes, it's me!" Ji Chen admitted generously.

"Then Prince Snow Wolf..." His voice was trembling. Although he didn't believe that Ji Chen would be Prince Snow Wolf's opponent, he still asked.

"That wolf cub was killed by me and then roasted and eaten. Don't tell me, it tastes really good!"


He couldn't believe that Prince Snow Wolf was actually killed by Ji Chen.

How could Prince Snow Wolf die?

How could Demon King Ji grow up so fast? Even Prince Snow Wolf was no match for him.

"Don't believe it? It doesn't matter. You can go down and ask him yourself right away."

Ji Chen held the knife and killed him with one strike. The blade cut through the void, bursting out with the most dazzling killing energy. The astonishing demonic light shone in the world and struck in the direction of the handsome man.

This is an extremely powerful king-level creature, no worse than the Snow Wolf Prince.

This time it was a head-on confrontation, and Ji Chen had to be careful.


The sword flashed close to him in an instant, and the bright demonic light shone in front of the handsome man.

The handsome man swung his halberd up to block Ji Chen's attack.


The extremely terrifying sword light slashed down, and emitted bunches of magic light. The sword intention flowed, forming a forbidden area.

With one strike, the field becomes its own.

The demons danced wildly, and all the demons returned to their clan. Ji Chen had used these two swords to perfection.

This blow caused the whole sky to shake, the magic light bloomed, and the sword intention turned into substance. One after another, a sound like a mountain roaring and a tsunami broke out, which was deafening.

The handsome man's arms shook violently and his body trembled. He struck forward with a big halberd and blocked the sword, but his hands were numb and in severe pain.

He was very shocked. Ji Chen's strength shocked him, and his growth rate gave him fear.

At this moment, he finally understood why Prince Snow Wolf insisted on killing Demon King Ji, and the sooner the better. For this reason, he even risked coming to the edge of Dandong.

Demon King Ji's potential is too terrifying. This is definitely the most powerful enemy he has encountered since he was born. Even Prince Snow Wolf has never put such great pressure on him.

Not to mention anything else, it is extremely terrifying just in the physical body. It is like being cast from divine gold and contains very terrifying power.

After a moment of collision, without any pause, Ji Chen slashed with his second sword.

All demons return to their clan!

The hazy mist surged, the demonic energy surged, and the dazzling sword light illuminated the entire sky, blooming like a sad fairy light.


The handsome man also exploded at this moment, and the extremely terrifying halberd came down, the divine light bloomed, and the red spurt was thin, like blood mist, misty and miserable.

The miserable red light burst out, and the bright mist flowed, which was thrilling.

The halberd in the hand of the handsome man actually turned into a divine phoenix, with a bright fairy light, and it rushed forward.


The divine voice was deafening, and the sky seemed to explode. The glow continued to rise, accompanied by a terrifying mist.

The two of them fought like this, with incomparable violence and shocking violence.

The handsome man knew very well that Ji Chen came prepared and specifically to intercept and kill him. If Ji Chen was not killed today, he would not be able to leave.

At this moment, he let go of his fear, let go of everything, and fought with his last resort.

This was a very fierce collision, and in an instant, the two of them fought more than a dozen times.

Ji Chen was very frightened. He could not imagine how powerful the handsome man was.

Little did he know, the handsome man was even more frightened. His arms were numb and in pain. It was hard to imagine how strong Ji Chen's body was.

Among the demon clan, he is on par with Prince Snow Wolf in terms of strength and talent. He can look down on his contemporaries. Only the descendants of the Holy Land from the human clan and the geniuses from the returning sea clan can stand up to them. .

Ji Chen's physical body was too powerful and his divine power was unparalleled. Although his physical body was not weaker than others, he was at a disadvantage in the close combat with Ji Chen.


It was another amazing confrontation, the divine voice trembled, the divine light was bright, bunches of red clouds shot out, and the void burst into blazing light, and then disappeared.


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