I have a knife, I can kill monsters when I take it out of its sheath

Chapter 422 Heading to the Northern Wasteland Battlefield

The Great Elder continued: "It is speculated by the outside world that Mr. Fang has broken through the realm of Confucianism, Taoism and Saint Emperor that no one has been able to break through in all eternity. However, you only started practicing after going to Fenglin Town. You have reached this level in just one year." If you say this achievement is a coincidence, no one will believe it.”

"There are various signs that the miracle there was obtained by you and Mr. Fang."

Ji Chen looked at the great elder and said calmly: "You believe it too, right?"

The Great Elder smiled bitterly and said bluntly: "Actually, I really believed it at first, but after thinking about it carefully, someone should have deliberately released this news."

Ji Chen was speechless after hearing this. Even the great elder believed it, and more people would believe it.

After a pause, the Great Elder continued: "I have received news that many racial geniuses have gone to the edge of the Northern Wasteland battlefield and are preparing to cross over from there and enter Dandong."

"They are coming for you, and there is a dragon among them. He is shouting that he wants to kill you to avenge the heroes of the demon race who died in your hands."

"Isn't thirty-six kings in one night enough to scare them?" Ji Chen said.

The great elder could only smile, "There are always people who think they are exceptions!"

Ji Chen nodded, "I can fight back. I am the protagonist and he likes me. It turns out that the laws of the three major delusions in life can be applied everywhere."

The first time the great elder heard this law, he felt it was very novel and seemed to make sense.

"Dragon!" Ji Chen smacked his mouth, "It should taste good. I haven't hunted a dragon before! I just came here to have a taste."

The Great Elder was helpless. He still wanted to eat after all this time. Now the sky was shattered in the Northern Wasteland, and there was a big collision between the peerless experts.

Strong men from all walks of life gathered on the Northern Wilderness border, and they might step into Dandong at any time and bring the war here, but their alliance leader was still thinking about whether it would taste good or not.

"Don't worry, they're just clowns. None of them can escape. I'm going to kill them all."

Ji Chen was planning to find a place to set up some killing points and master the fourth level of mental and spiritual swordsmanship to see if he could solve the hidden danger of full energy, when someone happened to come to his door.

If you feel sleepy, someone will give you a pillow.

"Leader, are you going to the Northern Wilderness border?"

The elder was surprised. At this time, it was like a dragon's pond and a tiger's den. Why don't you just jump into it?

"Don't worry, it's not a big problem. If I don't meet these bastards, they won't know how the title Demon King Ji came from. You and King Kong should be careful and guard the East Alliance. They have almost rehearsed that formation. , when necessary, you can use the formation."

Today, King Kong is already a veritable deputy leader. Although he has no title, everyone treats him as a deputy leader.

As for Zhao Xinlan, after returning to Chengdu, she chose to stay in seclusion and no longer paid attention to everything in ASEAN.

Ji Chen took one step and disappeared into the sky. One hundred thousand meters in a step, he turned into a stream of light and headed towards the Beihuang battlefield.

Finally, when the sunset came, Ji Chen approached the edge of the Beihuang battlefield, and a tragic and murderous aura burst out.

In the sky tens of thousands of miles away, the divine light was shining brightly, the sky collapsed, and the infinite gods rushed into the sky.

Between Beihuang and Dandong, there was a large army guarding it, and the person guarding it was Ren Pei.

During this period, it is hard to tell how many geniuses and demon warriors came to the edge of the Northern Wilderness battlefield. A large number of racial creatures were wandering here.

Ren Pei's army is very tightly guarded, but it is only against a large number of monster legions. The sporadic monster warriors and holy land geniuses can seal their Qi machines through special methods and pass through the defensive barrier, making it difficult for ordinary soldiers to detect them.

A large number of monsters and holy land geniuses crossed the barrier through the edge of the Northern Wilderness battlefield and entered Dandong.

All of this is because of Ji Chen.

Ji Chen's power has made many hostile forces very afraid. His growth rate is too terrifying. If he continues at this rate, it won't be long before he becomes a serious problem for those hostile forces.

To solve the hidden danger, the only way is to destroy him before he fully grows up.

Especially the geniuses of the demon clan, most of whom were scattered demons. After entering Dandong, they were ready to seek revenge on Ji Chen.

The slogan is revenge, but in reality it is based on Ji Chen's inheritance.

Now Ji Chen was not only offered a bounty by the demon clan and increased his reward, but the strength he showed also proved that he had a peerless inheritance.

"Although we have crossed the defensive barrier now, we have not yet left the edge of the Northern Wilderness. We must be careful. The border troops of the Great Xia Holy Kingdom are not easy to mess with. Even the Holy Lord is afraid of us. If the border troops discover us, we will be doomed."

There are feather-level king creatures appearing in the mountain forest. They have just passed through the defensive line and they dare not be too presumptuous.

"That Ji Demon King has the record of killing thirty-six kings in one night. Isn't it wrong for us to go to him so rashly?"

"What are you afraid of? We have brought a big killer weapon this time, specifically to deal with him. Not to mention he is Demon King Ji, even a strong man in the realm of the Venerable can drink a pot of it."

A mountain eagle and a seven-color deer were passing through the mountains and forests. They had just passed through, so they did not dare to be too presumptuous.

The feathers of the mountain eagle are bright and shiny.

The seven-color deer is very strong, fat and strong, with shiny fur. Its body is like jade, with gleaming pleats and seven colors all over its body, flowing and shining, colorful.

They were casual cultivators from the demon clan, and they got an opportunity by chance, and they found a big killer weapon.

They used this weapon to kill many strong men in sneak attacks.

Although Demon King Ji had the record of killing thirty-six kings in one night, they were not afraid of him.

It's just that they seemed to be very unlucky. They met Ji Chen just after crossing the defense line.

Ji Chen stood on a distant mountain peak, staring at the two monsters. He heard their conversation clearly.

"I'm really lucky. I met two demon kings when I first came here. I haven't eaten meat for a long time. I can finally have a delicious meal today."

Ji Chen couldn't help but drool. Forget about the mountain eagle, the seven-color deer was definitely a rare delicacy.

The mountains and forests are filled with mist, and the sunset is about to set. The red sunlight shines into the mountains and forests, and the colors are colorful. The mountains and forests are beautiful, like a picture scroll.

But in this picture, a murderous intention has quietly arrived.

"I don't know if Demon King Ji is in Chengdu. If he is in Chengdu, we have to find a way to lure him out."

"It's not that troublesome. As long as we show up near Chengcheng and kill one or two human forces, he will naturally come out. Then we will lay an ambush and catch him off guard. After forcing him to reveal the inheritance, he will flee directly. Hundreds of people will be killed. If we come out after a thousand years, even the Holy Emperor will be unable to do anything to us."


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