I have a knife, I can kill monsters when I take it out of its sheath

Chapter 420 Formation, the illusory spiritual world

Unparalleled vitality burst out from Ji Chen's body, and the power poured out was extremely powerful.


At a certain moment, a huge noise was made, like a sky drum being broken. Ji Chen's body was shaken violently, and huge changes took place in his body.

Finally a breakthrough!

Ji Chen opened his eyes, raised his head suddenly, and two electric lights shot out from his eyes, illuminating the dark night sky.

His body is crystal clear, like a gemstone carving, and like it is made of divine gold, it is crystal clear and dazzling.

A horrifying wave filled the whole person, spreading towards this mountain range. The astonishing aura made all the creatures in this mountain range tremble and couldn't help but surrender.

Ji Chen smiled. He clearly felt the surge in strength. He was stronger than before. Both his physical and mental energy had surged a lot.

The breakthrough in realm is all-round, especially his mental ability, which has skyrocketed again based on the previous one, and the sea of ​​consciousness can no longer be filled.

This gave Ji Chen a headache. Now his mental power had become a hidden danger, and it was time to resolve it.

The sudden surge in mental power was beyond Ji Chen's expectation. According to his previous calculations, it would take some time for hidden dangers to arise.

I took a look at the kill point, 4.62 million.

The fourth level of mental and spiritual swordsmanship requires eight million killing points, which is still more than three million short.

Ji Chen looked at the distant sky. A ray of sunlight shone out, and then, a red sun jumped out of the sky and cast sunlight.

This breakthrough took a whole night. Not only was there a breakthrough in the Mahayana Nirvana Kung Fu, but also in the Sutra of Life and Death.

There is a hurdle from the third realm to the fourth realm. Breaking through this hurdle is equivalent to reaching the realm of becoming a feather.

Then, Ji Chen took a step forward, and his body disappeared on the spot. One step was 100,000 meters, which was the limit of Ji Chen's current speed.

What kind of concept is this? In one breath, he can appear one hundred thousand meters away.

This is no different from teleportation. It's just that Ji Chen's teleportation cannot reach such a long distance.

His current teleportation is only a kilometer.

Back in Chengdu, Ji Chen arranged for the Great Elder to handle all matters related to the ASEAN Alliance. He always paid attention to the developments on the battlefield in the Northern Wilderness. If he needed support in terms of strength, he went directly to King Kong.

Then, Ji Chen plunged into the secret room and began to develop battle formations.

He took out all the hundreds of jade charms that King Kong gave him and prepared to study them one by one.

If you want to create, you must first learn. No one can build a car out of thin air.

It’s not like writing a novel. The protagonist has never been to Novice Village and has never been exposed to any martial arts. He started creating exercises, and then he created top-notch exercises that transcended this world.


When Ji Chen's spiritual power invaded a jade talisman, what appeared in front of him was a vast ancient battlefield, with steaming haze filling the air.

The two armies are confronting each other, erupting with unparalleled power. The seemingly chaotic battlefield is actually orderly.

One side formed a formation and was defending, and the other side was attacking.

"General, the opponent's formation is too powerful and we can't attack it."

The anxious voice sounded in Ji Chenwei's ears, so real.

Ji Chen seemed to be immersed in the situation, and he was the general, representing the party attacking the formation.

Looking down, he saw that he was wearing bright armor, holding a long knife in one hand and a battle flag in the other, astride a handsome beast.

A general is reporting the situation to himself.

Role taking?

At this moment, Ji Chen was a little confused!

He originally thought it would be a mark or brand such as the formation runes, which would allow him to directly comprehend it, but it turned out to be a role-playing, immersive experience.

At this moment, Ji Chen seemed to have some clarity. Nothing could be as profound as the experience of being there.

However, there are very few formations that he knows. They are all sect formations, which are more defensive. He doesn't know any battlefield killing formations.

But now, he can only bite the bullet.

"Form a long snake formation and charge in!"

Ji Chen's voice was so loud that it spread throughout the battlefield. He could only recall the names of some ancient formations in his previous life, and shouted out in desperation.

The subordinate soldiers seemed to understand this formation and quickly formed a formation of spiritual snakes, and Ji Chen was the head of this formation.

Ji Chen looked at the spirit snake formation behind him. It was exactly the same as the formation he had in mind. It was a perfect reproduction of the formation he had in mind.

Does the mind reflect reality?

It's not reality, but this illusory world now.

What you want in your heart can be perfectly reproduced and entered into this world!

At this moment, Ji Chen understood that this was to let him be immersed in the scene, experience it for himself, create as he pleased, and perfectly display what he wanted.

Ji Chen didn't know what the real one-word long snake formation looked like, but this was what he had in mind.


Ji Chen roared loudly, resounding through the sky, and shot out like a wind arrow.

No matter how fast he is, the troops behind him can keep up. At this moment, he seems to be transformed into a spiritual snake and can clearly control all parts of the spiritual snake.

As the battle flag in his hand changes, the body of the spirit snake behind him will also change.

Ji Chen rose into the air, and the snake body behind him also rose into the air, soaring in the air and assuming various postures.


Ji Chen led the spirit snake formation to kill towards the battle formation ahead.

The war broke out, and the bright divine light illuminated the battlefield.

At this moment, all the power of the entire snake body behind him was concentrated on Ji Chen.

Ji Chen felt like he could open up the world at this moment, raising his hands seemed like he could hold up the sky, and stamping his feet could crush mountains and rivers.

At this moment, his combat power surged, becoming extremely powerful, and he was not afraid of the battle ahead.

He is integrated with the entire Spirit Snake, and even has divine power connected with everyone in the Spirit Snake Formation. Everyone's power can flow to every part of the Spirit Snake's body at any time.

Ji Chen slashed down with his sword, as if he had created the world, and he tore a hole in the battle formation in front of him.


He led the Spirit Snake Battle Formation and charged inside, taking straight to the core of the entire formation.

At this moment, the enemy's battle formation changed, directly cutting off the Spirit Snake battle formation and encircling them separately.

Soon, everyone in the entire Spirit Snake Battle Formation was slaughtered, and Ji Chen was overwhelmed by the endless enemy generals and was directly torn apart.

When Ji Chen opened his eyes, he found that he had withdrawn from the jade talisman, and only a few breaths had passed. This may have something to do with the strength of his mental power.

The spiritual world inside the jade talisman has experienced such a huge battle and even died once. If it were an ordinary cultivator, he would have suffered a mental breakdown or excessive mental consumption, but Ji Chen's energy was almost not consumed at all.

Staring at the jade talisman in his hand, Ji Chen realized at this moment that the existence of this jade talisman was not only for people to understand the formations, but also to understand the formations during the fight, or to create the formations.

The battlefield is ever-changing, and formations also change randomly and are not static.


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